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=VG= Connor

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Connor

  1. I think big birds having repair capabilities is cool, yeah maybe it makes some of the factions a little stronger when they have that capability if the other faction only have logis, but it’s not like having a Cobra/Apache against them is “balanced” (at least not when I and X0R are flying ). However air to air is a mad lad sort of idea, definitely would make CAS insanely strong so, maybe if we do some event where we have to defend hordes of zombies attacking one defend point (which we should totally do btw!!) then it would be cool! I really hope we can get some of your ideas and scripts in an event some day because they’re so damn fun
  2. Reading this makes me miss PR. I was really starting to enjoy infantry just before I went on vacation, can’t wait to come back to do some more!!
  3. Huh seems like an issue, would be nice for a way of it telling us the map is broken if you try to set it as next if the map is in some sort of list? Also what about starting maps? is it a separate list of maps or will adding a map to the rotation still give it a chance of being chosen after a server restart?
  4. It only happens when it is a starter map for when the server goes back online, otherwise it works fine. Very odd bug. Should’ve edited the post whoops! M8 has already removed it from the list of starter maps though!
  5. Muttrah Std seems to be broken again. Can't spawn but doesn't run next like last time and it seems as if bots spawn in okay.
  6. Give the bots in Muttrah their flags back at the start of the round!
  7. I definitely disagree with this, even though I mainly fly, playing as Inf and seeing an RPG pointing at you should be scary, it adds to the action. I’m sure in real life they wouldn’t flinch if they saw a full squad of enemies to blow up with an RPG.... I sure wouldn’t Just let em shoot both, maybe prioritise helicopters if possible?
  8. I would love to run infantry squads more. However it often feels we just play the same maps over and over and infantry gets boring, so I mainly do either TRANS because I can just chill out or CAS because it entertains me more. I agree that new players aren’t treated as fairly as they could be sometimes and recently there has been more newer players than there has been for a while. But very little of them seem to want to learn the game properly or they repeat the same wrong doing and unfortunately leads to actions that I’m sure no Admin wants to take. It sucks but it’s the reality, a lot of people that come to this game now aren't the same as 5 or more years ago. Back then it was people that wanted that hardcore milsim experience, but now it feels like a bunch of Call Of Duty/Fortnite players jumping into a mod they don’t understand in the slightest : (
  9. Yeah of course that would be nice but like you said, the Shilka still snipes you from 600alt... And melon never mentioned less accuracy :((( So shilka + Lazer Aim + Extra Range..... no no no no
  10. I like all of that except longer AA range, no thank veri much
  11. Take a break man. You have done a great job so far. Remember: Quality over Quantity!
  12. Wow, nice location man

    1. =VG= Sausag3

      =VG= Sausag3

      psssss it's actually fake news, I live in the andromeda galaxy.

    2. =VG= Connor
  13. Yeah that is true, but I’m not sure you will get away with doing no maths when it comes to these professions, at least a bit of it will definitely be needed for them.
  14. I would personally go for programming. Now I don’t know much about any 3 of these options so take what I say by a grain of salt but - I believe programming can most likely introduce a larger variety of things to do, which if you’re not looking to be bored then is probably a good idea and is probably not the hardest thing to do. And depending on what you do in programming you can definitely get something done within 2 years. As for a specific course I can’t recommend one unfortunately. Again I really know nothing so this could all be incorrect and make no sense but yeah, hope it helped!
  15. Wheres the group photo?!?! group photo or riot
  16. Already making more great memories: https://youtu.be/tXaSZiFWrkg Skiddles: “Im free! Im free!” 2 Seconds later: Im dead!
  17. wtf this map looks so good! Im sad i missed this man
  18. THIS!!! I despise the futuristic vanilla Arma 3, I love Arma 2 assets wayyyy more. I would also love a nice desert town, like Fallujah with little bird CAS and a blackhawk for transport. Or a convoy that you need to take through a town with little bird support above. This with all the Dynamic systems X0R mentioned would br so fun!!
  19. It's been an absolute pleasure playing with you since you have joined. I hope you stay for much longer for some more great memories to come!
  20. I don't think !unflip is a gimmick. I do believe it's a helpful feature that certainly doesn't take away from the realism, if used correctly. Plenty of other games use a similar command, and by other games I mean Arma! I won't budge anymore though.
  21. Thats a good point. But when bugs occur or a tank flips to a hedge, that isn't so real life, and can be frustrating. Sometimes a vehicle will touch something so small and just yoink upside down, kinda annoying but yeah, not super common. I don't see how having the command at hand is such a pain, but, yano...not my decision to make anyways!
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