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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Awesome man, if you upload it I'll post it in the DL section. Awesome sig, dang I love that!
  2. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... Badploy] On a well managed server like VG's the locked squad rule is a true test of good team play management. It is very easy to either tell folks to leave or utilse them in different roles. It is important from time to time for there to be back up pilot for rescue missions of downed pilots and vehIcle crews. Security, medical and supply personnel can be members of these Specialist squads, adding additional direct action capabilities to their combat package. How many times has an APC been hit because there is no security team watching for AT units or traps?? Also it is antisocial and not in keeping with the spirit of how PR is to be played. New and inexperienced players need option to improve their team work and enjoy the community spirit. It may even get some of them to use TS3. I put some great Presentations that I either collected or created in the Member DL Section. they go into this further. But there should be an Assault, Security and Support Element modeled into PR with the proper equipment for these Elements to do their job. So instead of joining Squads, you should be joining into Elements. Then once in your Element (13 men), you should join into a Fire Team (4 men) The Squad Leader should be an independent Role, but he should be able to bounce thru or join into any Fire Team, or communicate with any of the squads/members/elements so he can control the fire and movement of his force. They're all in the same "Squad" but now they would be broke up into smaller more manageable teams that could actually perform duties like you're referring to BP. I too think this would make the game play so much better. For anyone wanting to get more insight into how this all works check out the PowerPoint's. It will give you a different perspective on your game play and how much better things could be if game designers had more "attention to detail" in mind. You could really make this something big if you were working with battalions of Infantry Marines and all of their supporting units. This sounds like a good Arma2 OA Mod Hmmmm? s/f
  3. Instead if turning this into a pissing contest, I suggest we move on before this gets ugly. It's an emotional thing, I know, but like Rodney King once said, can't we all just get along. Thanks for posting your concerns, I can assure you they were heard. If you have any further issues let me know so we can sort it out.
  4. That's not how we roll, lets wait for BP's side of things.
  5. Voting is on Maps Get rotated already Muttrah will remain the 1st map The only way to regulate the Mortars is to regulate the people using them
  6. Here is mine, I pay for 25/25 wtf!!
  7. Wow that's pretty sick. Although the Stick looks like it's sitting on an Ant Hill. No good vids out yet eh? Might be worth a Search to see if there is anything....poof.
  8. Atomic Games has just released the list of cool real world weapons that they are implementing into Breach which is set to be released multi-platform. Full List of Real-World Spy Gear in Breach Dragon Skin® Sticky Bomb Remote Motion Sensor Bionic Ear IR Sniper Detector Bomb Sniffer Sabotage Kit M2 SLAM Charge Medic Kit M79 Pirate Cannon Sonic Imager The elite forces that conduct black operations are often behind enemy lines, out-numbered and trying to accomplish clandestine missions. They need specialized equipment to even the odds, equipment like the IR Sniper Detector. It bounces IR beams off any scoped weapon, creating a flare that allows players to locate campers from across the map. The Sonic Imager can display high resolution live imagery of enemies on the other side of a wall. The M2 SLAM Charge is a sticky proximity mine that can be placed on any wall, ceiling, floor or vehicle surface to eliminate vehicles and enemy infantry. Breach also features Dragon Skin® armor, which is a flexible body armor system already credited with more than 392 confirmed saves during combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Do you think Activision has it right with their games? Check out Breach and tell everyone what you think. So far it appears to be one of the most realistic games out there. If you want more news about console related gaming come check out my articles at Examiner.com. I will be reporting all PC news exclusively here every day and I will be posting all console gaming news there. If you want to stay up to date subscribe to Examiner, send me an email (maverick8550@gmail.com), or follow me on Twitter @Mav8550 James Whim Examiner.com
  9. That will just make them start another of the same squad then we have 2, or even 3! Or people create 7 one man squads and then all the rest of us are screwed, don't think so. Sorry.
  10. I'm there just like the rest of VG will be, just say when/where and we'll get it done. Thanks.
  11. We didn't have the heart to tell you.
  12. If the Chopper can't Land, this is the only way in or out, that is the purpose of the training. It also keeps the riggers fresh so they don't forget their knots and procedures. (HRST Masters) !rockon
  13. Nice job with the wires man, looks nice. EDIT: Man that Wallpaper is ugly
  14. You're getting !senile that's what it is, lmao @ Gramps
  15. I'm sure Chaz will appreciate your mention, but this was a post made by Spaz !senile
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