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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Dragon Valley or Daqing Oil Fields are my first choice, dude that would be so epic.
  2. Ok, we need some testers, below is the info: TEST SERVER READY FOR TESTERS! (pw: VGTesters) Ok guys, Fastjack has finished a version of Karbala for our Test Server. The installation directions are critical! Make sure you follow them or else you might have issues, please read below. Installation of the testmap Karbala: 1. Unzip the new Karbala map folder to your desktop 2. In the pr\levels folder you need to create 2 new folders named ORIGINAL & TESTMAP. 3. Drag & drop the original Karbala map folder into the ORIGINAL folder. 4. Install the unzipped Karbala map folder into the bf2\mods\pr\levels folder. IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE THE TEST MAP AND REPLACE IT WITH THE ORIGINAL BEFORE GOING BACK INTO ANY OTHER SERVERS! If anybody joins another server with the VG test map installed you will CTD, or even worse you could get banned by PUNKBUSTER! Its important to know and remember which map version you currently have installed. There is a README in the Karbala ESAI map. The original doesn't have a readme, so it is easy to identify which karbala map is the testmap and the original. PRIORITY BETA TEST RULEZ: AFTER TESTING THIS ESAI VERSION OF KARBALA THE MAP MUST BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH THE ORIGINAL KARBALA MAP OR THE TESTER RISK 'S CTD'S AND OR PUNBUSTER BANS ! ! ! KARBALA MAP: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d0gj6yjxdscx60t/karbala.zip
  3. Thanks Bones. I have to reinstall this, I'll get it done this weekend. Thanks for the post bro!
  4. Welcome to the site man. I would get FF5, F4AF, PR and Arma2 OA We can help you install any of them and then you can come get some with us. As for online gaming, you should reconsider. It's brings an entire new level to your game! if you need anything let us know. s/f
  5. Hi guys, I installed a new TS3 icon pack to replace the defaults and it's pretty cool so I thought I'd share it. To install: 1. Unzip to desktop 2. Copy and Paste the Icons here: C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\gfx\default (OVERWRITE ALL!) 3. Open the Emoticons folder and Copy and Paste them into the default Emoticon folder 4. Restart your TS3 (5. To Activate Country Flags, go to Settings>Options>Design and check the Box "Display Country Flag on Clients") If you want to revert back make sure you back up your original files! (I don't think you'll be going back after you see these tho, they're pretty friggin sick!) modified_icon_pack_v4.rar
  6. Hey guys I have all and I'm game, I'm just boot noobish to both so you'll have to train me a bit, but I'm a fast learner...Yup. Just send me a msg via this fancy new chat system when you guys are ready, hehe.
  7. Very nice man, you're making me wanna fly this again.
  8. Sup guys, Just FYI I installed CometChat onto the site. It's like a FB type chat function the allows members to play games together, play game by yourself, chat, start chat rooms, share, etc.. It's a pretty cool gimmick. To use it just add people to your friends list and then when they come online you will see them in the "Whos Online" The Translate Page feature is not working, but I'll get it fixed. Hope you guys have fun with it!
  9. Ya that was a stressful ordeal holy crap! Thanks to Solar for the help getting the nameservers to resolve.
  10. Awesome man! I hope to catch one with you soon! It's all down hill from here.
  11. The site just started working for me 10 minutes ago....very weird. Solar send me the nameservers and IP info you used via PM Thanks for the help man!
  12. WOW! Sorry for the downtime everyone. I upgraded the server to a VPS and it took forever for the nameservers to change. They got screwed up at the Registrar and then had to be reset, so it took longer than usual for this to get sorted. s/f
  13. Well gawd damn, I hope the world doesn't end on the Dec 21st 2012 or this was for nothing. Delivery estimate: January 4, 2012 1 "Battlefield 3" DVD-ROM; $49.99 Here's a list of all the things thus far that have been guaranteed for Battlefield 3 by DICE/EA or reputable representatives. We'll be expanding this list as time goes on. The following items are in Battlefield 3! Quote: * Prone * Jets * 64 Players for PC * 24 Players for consoles * Modern/Urban combat across the globe including Tehran, Paris, and New York * Vehicle warfare (including sea) * Destruction * Drag fallen teammates to safety * Single player campaign * USMC, EU, Russian, and MEC (or variant) factions * No Windows XP support * PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 * Battlefield 3 Limited edition copy announced at GDC '11
  14. Yuppers, great stuff, we need to get on there!
  15. I like all those ideas. It seems we have sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control, breath control, natural point of aim..............slow steady squeeze..................FIRE! I look forward to becoming more involved in this, but keep it fun or it will seem like a chore. Thanks for the team work guys things are looking good!
  16. Ummm if we could redo some maps from BF2 into PR like Kubra, Dragon Valley, etc... That would be my first choice. Whatever can get done in the shortest amount of time is what I support. I would just like to see something going and then branch out from there. I haven't tried the ESAI, I've been really busy building the new site and it's taking all my time. Once we get the new site launched I will be all over this with you though. Until then I was hoping you could lead this project Fastjack like you've been doing.
  17. It was never populated and we've tried it more than once. We'll just declare certain days of the month RF Days and put it on the Calendar. If nobody joins then it's getting shit canned just as fast. s/f
  18. Sup man, welcome to the site. Just replace the sound folder with the other ones. You don't need both, so choose one you like and use it. Inside the VG Skin file was a read me on how to install the skin into AF As for the AF Skin I don't know what file you're referring too.
  19. AF and FF5 are not the same just install the 3 FF5 parts and thats it.
  20. The parameters are posted in the admin section please use them as posted. Thanks.
  21. I agree with Dman too, But it's you guys that make it great! Hopefully we'll have many more years left, or it could all end in 2012, but in the end, we'll go down gaming.
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