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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. SO THATS HOW THE BOTS DO IT! We finally busted the suckers :D EDIT: Use [.url=*DIRECT LINK*][.img width=###]*DIRECT LINK*[/img][/url] without the dots or attach them :D
  2. So thats how he walked on the water! He used magic nikes! :D
  3. No it should not and thats why im working on removing the build asset button now.. same with the request kit button
  4. I've gotten Asad working properly now and will fix it up some more and give you all some nice screenshots soon :P EDIT: Here it is guys :D I'll change the kits to better fit this map later.
  5. Every one can test the beta Harry :P Shadow of Qinling: - Small map - Close quater combat - Dense fog New minimap and kits:
  6. Check list Humans: - 1-time-only sprint - Only 1 ammo bag - Small kits - Low ammo - Cheap weaponry - No dressings - No FOBs - No requestable kits (not done yet but will very soon) - No Grapple Zombies: - Infinte sprint - Knife only - Some are on fire - A lot of hitpoints (High health) - Only way to one shot them is shotgun headshot - Easily takes 1 or 2 frags in teir faces without caring much - Not afraid - Very agressive Maps: - Qinling (Pretty much done) - Asad Khal (Too early to say much about it) - Kozlesk (Not sure we gonna use it) - ??? Other: - Teamwork is the only tactic that works - No reason to teamswitch - Kits totaly redone - No vehicles (Dont know about Dman or Iffn but it would be better :D) Maybe a beta soon..? :P
  7. First of all i dont see the question markers :P Also if you want to know if its allowed to play on the red teams in the training server; the answer is yes.
  8. Yes, this is needed :D http://www.xfire.com/video/307665/ EDIT: Redone all GB kits now starting on the weapons...
  9. Great now i gotta make em more agressive.. Running zombies is a pain in the ass and thats good for this mod :D EDIT: Dont got much to say.. just wow... http://www.xfire.com/video/306e39/
  10. @Solar, we already got the zombies using knives and havent touched a single client file yet :P Also i've made sure you cant run this mod without having PR installed already.
  11. Sooo.... I'm finnishing off Qinling now and i need a good name for it, any ideas? :P
  12. Gonna try and make the brits spawn in the town of Qinling tomorrow.. but now i need some sleep its 3:30 am..
  13. Umm.. Dman to save you some work.. We just need 7 zombie kits as we can easily choose what kits should be in the maps and every zombie kits will be pretty much the same. Also need maybe like 12 or 14 kits for the humans. Back on the maps. I've found another location that is perfect for some zombie smashing in Barracuda. Its a little harbour in the far east of Barracuda witch is normally outside of the battlefield. I'm thinking of making the harbour part to a night map and the Supplies CP to a dawn map. I've also fixed up Asad Khal now so the rivers aint f.cked up so i'll try make the middle part with the 3 CPs the playing area. @Blud, ok :D
  14. Small update on Qinling :P Screenshots of what have been done so far: And Blud, no it wont be very much like PR but it will be focused on teamwork like PR is and the weapons will still be PR-ish.
  15. Iffn, nice idea but we need to make it coop compatible And Dman i actually got a better idea so i dont have to send you that anyway :P
  16. Now about those kits. I got a plan for using the kits so they fit every map we will use. So if the map got large open area we might use kits like MG and marksman (not sure about marksman cos everyone knows that long range weapons kills teamwork) and for more urban, tight, CQC like area we might go with shotguns, iron sighted weapons and other CQC weapons.. And the maps.. I will try modify Qinling as it is already a pretty small map and dont need much modifications. I also got a plan for Barracuda. Now Barracuda is quite a large map so i will try make the only playable area the orirginal CP "Supplies". I tought it would be a great place for killing some zombies as it got underground tunnels for some great CQC opportunities and on top its pretty flat and open, but still got some cover. The maps will have some huge atmosphereical changes and not just that normal PR feeling.
  17. Its a well knows problem Ingo.. Ive had this a lot of times, but is it missing the whole shaders_client or a shader file according to the error? If its just a shader file you could just try to make a new shortcut for FH2 (Dont ask me why this works but it does) and if its the whole shaders_client you need to reinstall FH2 or take the attached one here. shaders_client.zip
  18. Welcome :D Hope you have a nice time here :P
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