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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. I'm sorry for not paying much attention to this problem before now. Do you get a similar error every time? I checked your coordinates in-game, seems like it's just outside my base, but I can't find anything suspicious. If it really is the crickets that makes you crash it should be safe to disable them on the server if it's possible through the configs, but I'd like to see some more crash logs to make sure it really is the cause.
  2. I agree with Robot, if we don't lose our inventory when we die there's very little risk. If you have trouble getting away from where you spawn because of mobs you should use a bed to set your spawn point somewhere safe and keep some backup equipment as Robot said.
  3. I set up a document on Google, anyone should be able to edit it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_mqdoMdJmWoSs8nOx5ezvcVffjkgPTWCbw_WvbKR09c/edit
  4. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... we tried that, but it was definitely something with the world safe. So it's still not working? If you want to, you can send the world to me and I'll take a look
  5. If you look in the world folder on the server, there should be a file named railcraft.dat. Deleting that should fix the problem :)
  6. If you have a sound mod installed, that's probably it. PB will kick anyone who has different files than the server
  7. Sounds good. Probably a stupid question, but will there be any downtime?
  8. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... does that work for the current version 0.973 and mumble? i had to change some directories and filenames for it to work: It works with all PR versions since it is a BF2 feature, you need PR Mumble 1.0, though
  9. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... very interested in the PVE part, also isnt cryengine3 very modifiable?
  10. Started converting some of the worlds to the new "Anvil" world format that was added in 1.2 and i thought some of you might wanted to see some world renders. So here's the flatlands and the adventure build: (1632x3920 pixels) Some blocks like stonebrick is shown as blue because i really need to find an updated world renderer -.- Here's render using an updated renderer and not top-down: (10602x5874 pixels) Link
  11. Welcome to the site, man! I don't fly myself, but there are a good number of people in TS3 flying almost every day. Also, just out of curiosity, on what forum did you hear about us? ;)
  12. Fastjack =VG= LAN_WROTE ... WTF is StumbleUpon ??? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=StumbleUpon
  13. We're updating to 1.2 once all the normal plugins and Bukkit updates. (Probably Sunday) The mods take a long time to update, and they will take even longer this time cause of the new world format.
  14. You don't need FRAPS in Minecraft, just press F2 and they get saved to %appdata%/.minecraft/screenshots
  15. Terremer =VG= LAN_WROTE ... A few hours into the new server started on the Industrial craft as well as some other mods...this is what i get from a full battery pack and drill's worth... And robot and i thought the screenshot was of us... :( lol
  16. The damage values are in the projectile scripts in pr/objects/weapons_server.zip as far as i know. I'll have at it look later when i get home
  17. xI_Yoda_Ix LAN_WROTE ... We have a password for TS. Why not introduce a password for the server? Create a page on the forums where the user has to read and agree to some basic rules before being given the password. In this way you know the users are aware of e rules and the punishment for doing the wrong thing. Increase the degree of punishment eg switches idea and I would expect the overall game play in the server would improve while keeping the fools out. Advise people of the password in the training server directing them to the forum. It may also be wise to advise people in the coop server for a period of say a month that the password is coming! Thoughts? That would stop probably around 30-50% of newcomers from joining the server, which is really bad. Why? Well, you'd have to alt-tab out of PR (which might even crash PR, I've had that several times before) and then go to our site and search for the password in the forum. When you don't know anything about two clan servers, why would you join one, and not the other? Because you don't want to waste your time searching for a password to join one when you can just double click the other server to join that. And why is this bad? We want as many people to visit our site and get involved as possible. PR is also where most of the people that stay with us come from. So... I think putting a password on the PR server is a really, really bad idea.
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