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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Everything posted by dman248

  1. Like father, like son. You both look so much alike. (ya ya its his son.)
  2. Shit, thought it was going to be you blud..............
  3. Im fine with it, leave it for 2 weeks. The only i ask of you is to change the ticket ratio as you just get into the level and it is done in 15mins.
  4. PITN, i called it the mortar sq. Sq Leader carries ammo, while everyone else is the m203.
  5. This a game? When its suppose to come out?
  6. Lol, but for the average player in pr. Can you spot the difference other than the garage around the mortar?
  7. Whats new here? http://imgur.com/1qe9D.jpg
  8. Why would you lie to me, and its working now.
  9. Have fun, blow off some steam or let someone blow it for u :p
  10. Its a catchy song but if you know the words to it, its awful
  11. nah restarting should work joey.
  12. I get log out and then it changes my graphics to high ( even when it says its on low) and i have to restart my computer. FYI EVERY SEVER IN PR DOES IT, after every game. Heres some fixes. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f10-pr-bf2-general-discussion/86386-fix-round-end-kick.html http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f10-pr-bf2-general-discussion/86336-pr-servers-bugged.html
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