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Everything posted by dman248

  1. And only a select few will play it, i dont like arma that much as i like pr.
  2. North Korea will not have any allies, china won't support them in this.
  3. Never shall there be peace without war.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11850821 North might outnumber the south but the south has Nato + UN on there side. Thoughts?
  5. Mastiff LAN_WROTE ... umm I cant find the power box and tried for 2 hours any help? Its behind the stage curtains
  6. If you beat the game you get the JFK base one, that one is epic.
  7. Wait, those are the max players? Thats fucked, Cod 4 on comp had 40-50 people.
  8. [yt=400,400]ME99BuDmY8I&feature=player_embedded#![/yt]
  9. Watch em all (These are not up to date) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzvRbKQpV2o&feature=related
  10. Got a convoy being ambush in the city, Insert by helo into the city.
  11. If you voted you could have said yes and on a side note tell blud what the latest version is.
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