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Everything posted by dman248

  1. Can open the page, maybe too many people trying ill try later.
  2. dman248


    UPDATE: Well, that was fast! Last night, I found out that apparently they are buried in donations right now, which is fantastic news. They have been overwhelmed with cash, clothes, furniture, appliances, supplies, everything ? so they don?t need anything more at this point. Thank you so much for your help and generosity! http://www.cassyfiano.com/2011/02/marine-returns-from-afghanistan-two-days-later-his-house-burns-down
  3. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f11-off-topic-discussion/94652-testers-needed-new-karbala.html When we trying theses maps out.
  4. You say its ready but weres the link you bastard, lol good work guys.
  5. Fastjack told me to put this up here after i told him my way. Copy your pr folder---->Now you have pr(original) and a pr_copy folder. rename your pr(original) folder to pr.95 and your copy to pr---->put everything you want into the pr copy now known as pr----> when you want to play pr just rename the folders, pr.95 to pr and your pr to pr_copy. you don't have to retake out the map every time.
  6. No worries, you just relax and have a cold one now.
  7. Know time for u to get drunk and fly the mig
  8. No, it never got popular. (24/7 fallujah west would.) I would arrange a night on a weekend to have the sever play as red forces instead of creating a whole new sever.
  9. Yea, u missed it. It was axis all last month. And i dont want to play axis for another month because i play it last month. Taken from the calendar "Friday 14 January 2011 at 0000 - FH2 Server Side Switch - Allied"
  10. This was the very first trailer from Vixus for Veterans-gaming [yt=400,400]-gC7I-jSKk0[/yt] In 3 weeks it will have been a year since the verterans-gaming website open. Over that time we have made many more friends that we game with, have had the # 1 coop server on the Project reality severs. Grown to have 830+ members and still continue to grow. We play 19 different games and we have 5 severs. Although i have been playing in the =VG= sever since .085 sp, i know that long before that blud, ingo, iffn etc where playing before me. My first time loading up the PR.85 sp and joining the coop game i join alot of different severs. But only the veterans-gaming one was good. We face long and hard battles as it was a 16 person sever. 5 of us almost every night playing. Blud, iffn, ingo, solarflame and me face 48 bots coming from every nook and cranny that they could come out of. We where lucky to just capture a flag. I only played on veterans-gaming because it was the only truly coop sever (humans vs bots) and it had the best peeps on it. Still is today. Now i can't join the sever without it being full, i have to wait lol. Heres some fun times [yt=400,400]LEm_x6FcEOo[/yt] [yt=400,400]lehwlqMmxlI&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/yt] My famous sq, with some nice music thanks. [yt=400,400]S4bUYYqdpHY[/yt] I just wanted to say thanks for all the good people i have met and thank you =VG= Bludklot for making/running this great commuinty that we have all come to love. =VG= dman248 Hoping to meet more good people and to see =VG= grow more in the coming years.
  11. Best crash landing i have seen. Flying into the sun Lead by blud. Iffn taking out the USA. Arty and mortars area of attack.
  12. A bomb i dropped just as the round ended. Sparky sniping while i was sniping. Fail Jdam last night by the usmc. Wining Jdam My mortar team before mortars where put in.
  13. Been a long time since i posted, but here is some Online, Sparky, ingo, illmatic etc. Had a ambush squad with ied, rockets and sparky shot down the heli with the 50 cal and crash land. I never seen one so great. Sniping with iffn.
  14. 4:29 Kicked for hitting marks mines which where marked on the map and everyone telling people that they have been there since the start on the map A minute later at 4:30 you start to spam message kicked again. Now the marked mine kicking thing i would not have done, but once you came back and started to spam message at me or argue about my call, that's it. I do not put with any of that shit. Nor will any other admin. Now you coming in here complaining about a good friend and person that has been playing coop on our severs with admin rights since the start. I have played with badploy for a year, he has never once made a bad judgment about someone. Btw over a 100 kills in armour doesnt mean shit to me, i can get that and sit by the main too. Were you transporting inf, following them, helping out? /Locked.
  15. asad khal and archer both crash the sever, so they were taken out.
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