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Private First Class

Private First Class (2/18)



  1. tank gunner plox, I need to make sure ted doesn't shoot vesely for driving into rocks I'll give up the position tho for someone else if I can't attend
  2. If by some miracle I make it and don't afk mid event, I might take 2nd IC, but for now reserve medic pls
  3. reserve ples thx, as always assume I either afk ingame for 2 hours or don't make it and announce it like 3 mins before event ends
  4. reserve my beloved (I will join and afk for 90% of the event)
  5. had great fun afk'ing for half the event, thanks for setting it up
  6. Team leader for 1-4, every time I join an event expect a 40% chance for me to not be able to attend so maybe keep someone notified to take it incase I don't attend.
  7. I'll leave EOD specialist for lonestar, need an experienced blufor APC destroyer for that role. give AT specialist plos
  8. May not be able to make it, will try to confirm.
  9. Gib transport pls I need to show off my epic flying
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