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=VG= Batmeme

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Batmeme

  1. https://veterans-gaming.com/unban-requests/project-reality/?do=form&d=7 
    if you got banned on VG PR server please make your unban request here thank you 

  2. please put me in reserve i may or may not be coming to the event
  3. my dude's life had yet again screwed with my internet and electricity played the first part only sadge
  4. alpha 1-3 leader please if anyone need help with ace i'm happy to help out
  5. it's going to take me along time to download ready or not
  6. CAS please I do not promise your safety when i'm flying
  7. when people start asking about the next arma event
  8. at least you played for 20 minutes i forgot about it whole event was today and my team speak is not working right can't connect to VG TS
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