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=VG= Calv

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel". A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it. Completely agree with this, I don't think any of the guys in my squad did this, but it definitely needs to be stopped. Everyone should be able to read Grid Refs to a minimum of 6 digits, and preferably 8 digits. FTLs have the GPS to give them their grid ref, takes only a second to hit M and read the numbers. (Once we're running ACE I will likely swap the GPS for DAGRs as I don't really like the "magic map" GPS devices.) In terms of map marker usage, my opinion is that the only global markers that should be placed on the map are ones by SL/FTLs at the start of the mission when discussing the general plan. After that you may place markers for your group members if necessary but no global markers. In future missions I am likely to delete any markers I see like that. I'm considering setting up a training session just for the people who want to be FTLs at some point (probably after we start using ACE) where I can cover lots of basic stuff at once. Things like basic map reading including working out the 8 digit grid ref, moving in formations, bounding overwatch, contact drills, and whatever else comes to mind. Training everyone together is just too many people to be effective, so by just training the FTLs it will then be down to them to pass the info on and train their teams in the warmup time before missions.
  2. Final Mission of this campaign and likely final non-ace mission. Start time: 19:00 GMT We will have access to air support and fire support for this mission, but I can't stress enough that they will not be weapons free. I don't intend to start doing qualifications for these roles yet so whoever is chosen to do them will be trusted to do so correctly, and if they engage without orders they will be banned from that role in future missions. Talon SL will be responsible for locating targets and directing fire missions from both air and mortar positions. So I will need someone who feels upto the task and knows how to use the laser designator. As seen in the radio net list below, both squad leaders will be carrying three radios and I will cover the basic functions of the PRC117f before the mission starts. The Harrier has a built-in PRC117f that is accessible by using Shift-Alt-Q. I will cover that in training too. PRC117f usage video: http://youtu.be/BkJPGTnfK6A If you have a preference for a specific role, please indicate in your post. Situation: We have pushed the General's forces back to stronghold and it is now time for the final assault. We are throwing everything we have at the General in this mission including air and fire support. We have no room for failure, so make those shoots count. Mission: Charlie is tasked with securing Solnichniy and destroying the AA camp located there. They will then assault the General's camp with the assistance of Talon Squad, securing the area and neutralising the General and his men. Talon is tasked with destroying the AA camp to the north and then providing recon on the General's camp and directing fire of support elements. (Map of area attached) Roster: Calv lupago charry Gaz semler ingo coldnfreezin murder sam wooz iffn eclipse castor poffadder sam jager Slots: Charlie Squad Leader: jager Rifleman: Charlie-1 Team Leader: lupago 2: Sam 3: coldnfreezin 4: Charlie-2 Team Leader: castor 2: semler 3: wooz 4: charry Talon-1 Squad Leader/FAC: Gaz Machinegunner: ingo Corpsman: eclipse Marksman (DMR): iffn Talon-2 Team Leader: Grenadier: Corpsman: Marksman (DMR): Eagle-1 Pilot (Harrier): murder Fire Support 81mm Mortar: poffadder Radio Nets: PRC343: Ch1: Charlie-1 Ch2: Charlie-2 Ch3: Charlie SL Ch4: Talon-1 Ch5: Talon-2 PRC148: Ch1: Charlie (Charlie SL, Charlie-1 FTL, Charlie-2 FTL) Ch2: Talon (Talon-1, Talon-2) PRC117F: Ch3: Command Net (Charlie SL, Talon SL, Eagle-1, Fire Support) Mission Area:
  3. Yeah, I wasn't kidding about it taking 8 hours.
  4. Video Uploaded. http://youtu.be/_AMtWMcdAIg
  5. Will post my helmet cam vid once it's uploaded. Overall everyone seemed to do a good job, need people to have everything working and be on time in future though. Too much waiting around for people to sort mods and such.
  6. Yeah, the tunguska were a little more robust than expected.
  7. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... WOW! the FTs are filled now! btw. Calv I edited your post in my enthusiasm by adding ColdNfreeziN :) I bet we are going to need some reserves, for more may come and/or some might not come. Yeah, if everyone who signs up turns up and then extra people arrive who didn't sign up, they will likely be turned away as it's a bit late to be adding more slots to the mission. Next week I will increase the number of slots available. ColdNfreeziN LAN_WROTE ... Also, since I missed all the ACRE stuff last week anyway I can get some training before the game? Just turn up a little bit before the start time and should be able to cover it all.
  8. Off top of my head the starting weapons are: TL - M16holo gl 2,3,4 - M16 cco In the crate there is: M16 Acog M16 Acog GL M249 - no attachment, ironsights only. M136
  9. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... looks good! can you add the gear or role of the FT members? Everyone has basic M16A4s, should be M249 and M136s and I think one or two M16 attachment variants in each team's ammo crate. Upto FTLs to decide who gets what.
  10. Murderface LAN_WROTE ... looking good to me buddy, do you mind filling me in on the previous missions that have gone by? what happened during the start of the campaign n stuff lol. btw im amped for this.. :P Initial Mission Brief: Intel received regarding rogue Russian General's presence in Chernarus. Overall mission to locate and remove Russian presence and to avoid contact with CDF forces. First Day: Talon Squad inserts onto island at night, tasked with removing AA capabilities around airfield, then securing the airfield itself. Outcome: AA capabilities destroyed, Talon squad KIA before reaching airfield. With the AA removes marines with air support were able to land and secure airfield. Second Day: Simultaneous attacks on coastal towns leading towards General's camp, artillery camp on SE island, and barracks at Tulga. Part One: Talon squad (reserves) are to secure artillery camp and barracks. Outcome: Successful. Several casualties but objectives secured. Part Two: Charlie Squad to secure coastal towns and destroy any AA encountered. Outcome: ??
  11. First post updated with likely teams.
  12. As I mentioned ingame, your teamspeak acre plugin was not connecting to ARMA. I think Gaz had the same issue, I believe a restart of his system sorted it out.
  13. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Sign me up as well. I can be a FTL again, as I am trained/experienced but would just as well enjoy being the Corpsman and rolling with you, Calv, as I would also like to learn the SQ Lead role in order to play as it when you desire not to. (Also makes it so you can be surprised, as being Mission Maker AND Squad Leader can be a bit predictable at times). Savage: add keys for @STMovement as well, pretty sure is clientside, just need to allow like sound mods. (makes rifle barrels not get snagged on walls in tight quarters) Daylight savings in US and lack of in GMT is messing me up. I believe, according to your time calculator link, I am GMT-7. QUESTION: Clav - do you have scripting knowledge? Or are you an Editor wiz? Or a little of both? I am looking for someone who is good at or can learn scripting, as I get overwhelmed too often, and need to teach someone so they can get to my level and help make some killer scripts, and would like to help you/LAMBS players with making these campaigns/missions. Too many ideas, not enough time or personelle on one project.... Anyone want to learn some intermediate/advance scripting, please contact me (but don't post here - keep this ON TOPIC!) At the top of the page for that timezone converter it shows the current GMT time. (About 15:50 now), so you should be able to work out how far behind you are from that. I'm more than happy to step back from the SL role if you want to give it a try, I can go as 2IC/Corpsman so I'm still there to help with some of the radio chatter burden. As for scripting/editing. I've only really started taking an interest in it a couple weeks back. So all my stuff is based on learning as I go and finding/modify scripts to do what I want em to. I wouldn't be able to really write a script from scratch as I lack the syntax knowledge.
  14. Wooz2770 LAN_WROTE ... i?m afraid i won?t be able to join, will there be an event next week? Same time every week. =VG= Eclipse002 LAN_WROTE ... Im in...and someone give me an Apache :-) hehe I wouldn't hold your breath. The Apache is too powerful to have in a mission without a ton of AA to counter it. Thinking of having a light chopper in the next campaign for recon and light support, most likely an AH-6.
  15. It's very unobstrusive, just a small circle at the bottom centre of the screen, lists who is in your team and gives their location relative to your position. Removes the need to constantly be looking around to check that your team are with you. It only shows up when you're in a group, so if you test it make sure to put a few AI units in your group so that it'll show up.
  16. ConfusedMaster LAN_WROTE ... i guess i will be able to participate. i would also agree to command a fireteam if necessary. a question i have is whether soundmods will be tolerated by the server. Yeah they should be fine, I'd also recommend everyone having STHUD as well. Is hugely useful for keeping organised as a team.
  17. Murderface LAN_WROTE ... I'm down, 2 FTL. we using ACRE/ACE on these now? Just ACRE
  18. Same as last week, start time 19:00 GMT (14:00 CDT). If you're unsure of what time this is for you, go here: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc click the Use Following Time/Date option. Type in 19:00 in the box. Then find your timezone/city in the bottom box and click convert. Required Mods: ACRE STHUD Optional Mods: JSRS Blastcore stmovement Schedule: 19:00: Training Start 19:30: Mission Start Mission Briefing: While Talon squad are focusing on the artillery camp and barracks at Tulga it is our job to clear Chernogorsk, Electrozavadosk and Kamyshovo of all hostiles while also locating and neutralising any AA threats along the route. We expect at least a platoon of infantry and expect to encounter light motorized and mechanized infantry presence. Roster: Calv Murder lupago confused iffn castor savage eclipse airborne pirate semler charry gaz terremer ingo sam coldnfreezin Squad: Squad Leader: Semler Corpsman/2IC: Calv Squad 1: Semler 1: FTL: Castor gaz eclipse ingo 2: FTL: Murderface confused charry pirate Squad 2: Calv 3: FTL: lupago iffn airborne oni 4: FTL: savage terremer sam coldnfreezin
  19. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... There's a trigger in the mission that adds basic items (earplugs, medical items) to everyone at the start. I'm assuming from your post that you lost the items when respawning? Did you have any of the items/weapons you were carrying when dying after respawning or was it back to the basic stuff? Yes at least I did.. no earplugs after respawn and I don't think there were any in the crates.. or at least they had been picked clean. I can't remember if it kept weapons on respawn or not.... I think with ACE if you use the weapon respawn editor module it respawns you with the weapons/items you had at your time of death, rather than what you originally started with. I'll test it out again today and let you know. Dunno if you've made changes to fix it, but tested it out and when dying you respawn with the same gear you had and earplugs will still be equipped. Also if you do somehow lose equipment like that which isn't in the crates, disconnect and reconnecting will reset you back to the starting equipment.
  20. Yeah the 152 was added awhile back, no idea what benefits it has over the 148 though. UHF version of the 148 was added awhile back too, far as I'm aware the only real benefit is a slightly stronger signal on some of the higher channels, which isn't usually a problem.
  21. While it's handy I'd prefer not to have people using it during missions otherwise we're just gonna end up with everyone running around with .50cal sniper rifles and MGs with thermal sights.
  22. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... Earplugs and batteries are only available in ACE which we haven't started using yet. Intend to keep the weapon selection quite limited partly for realism, but mainly to remove the distraction of picking what weapon to use. In future campaigns it will likely be a choice between the mk16/mk17. Once we're using ACE there is the possibility to carry two main weapons so I may add an m24 or m40 sniper rifle at that point. This will be even more of a problem once we start using ACE on a regular basis.... there are soooo many items. What about using a loadout editor like LEA or some other way of assigning a gear template to a player based on unit class? Or does ACE have a built-in way of doing this (like the weapon/ammo on respawn ACE module)? Obviously for training and so on having all items available in a crate is a must.. but for missions we do want to avoid the 20 minute "lock and load" scene if possible. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I was going to tell u that in the ACE training mission we need more stuff in the crates, we run out of earplugs and other usefull staff to train. There's a trigger in the mission that adds basic items (earplugs, medical items) to everyone at the start. I'm assuming from your post that you lost the items when respawning? Did you have any of the items/weapons you were carrying when dying after respawning or was it back to the basic stuff? As for items in actual missions, due to no respawn it shouldn't be an issue. Ammo, backpacks and such will be split for one crate per team as in the last mission. Simplest way to do it and there isn't going to be that much equipment in there so shouldn't keep people standing around too long. In the training area I only included weapons that are likely to be used in future campaigns. The M4 and MK16 are the main choices because they both have access to all the various attachments (UGL, RCO, Holo, CCO, Silencer) and are accurate in that those units would be likely to carry them. The explosives are unlikely to be used too much either but figured I'd put them in so people can get a feel for laying tripwires and such. The SLAMs do need some explanation though as the various settings are not clear ingame. They are great though as they can be used as magnetic mines for vehicles or stood on their side and used with an infra-red tripwire/sensor. I will be doing more focused training for things that are relevant to missions as and when it comes up. For example before this week's mission I will be going through: Moving in formation, contact drill/falling back, mounting/dismounting vehicles, urban clearing.
  23. Murderface LAN_WROTE ... im down, will make an effort to get there. sorted my Arma problems, just need to re-download ACRE and get some basic training from someone (most likely TS3 one on one if i can catch someone online) i am unavailable to play every day except Sunday due to new work hours. if we could organise it to be on the weekend like the past two, that would be brilliant, but i understand we must cater for the needs of the greater numbers. suitable roles would be FTL, CAS and Transport helo pilot, failing that i'm just as happy being general infantry. and as said above, great to see this gathering momentum, i think it's what we've all wanted to get from OA.. Don't worry, the normal weekly session will be remaining at it's current time, which is Sunday morning for you I believe. They're just talking about doing additional sessions for training, which now I've finished the ACE training area map it can be added to the server once ACE is setup there and people can practice whenever they like. The map contains a shooting range, kill house, kill house located in an actual compound, contact drill area, and various target areas around zargabad with simple targets that teams can practice assaults on. Equipment consists of M4 and Mk16 rifles that can have the various attachments add/removed by using the ACE Self-interact key while at the weapon crate. When changing attachments it is technically removing and adding your weapon, so it will switch to you next available weapon, usually pistol or grenade. So check your weapon selection before firing. All main AT weapons are available and various respawning targets are on the range to practice on. Both the M249 and M240 are available, attachments can be added same as with rifles. M40A3 sniper rifle is available. There are additional weapon crates near the supply trucks one has ropes for fastrope and sling loading, the other has basic ordnance like claymores, bouncing bettys and M4 SLAMs for explosive practice. 4 humvees are included for vehicle formation and mounting/dismounting practice. Blackhawk and Littlebirds are also available for use. Vehicles are set to respawn so will vanish if left vacant. vg_training_ace.zargabad.rar
  24. AirborneAlways LAN_WROTE ... I am looking at taking the sniper/spotter slot. While at current size of operation it doesn't seem appropriate to move to that slot yet. For those who don't know, sniper/spotter fills to roles. 1) they take the enemy out if need be. 2) they provide visual intel to those one the ground. So if someone want to work together, we can hit the sniper range on the CLAfgan map to sharping shooting skills. Once we're using ACE I may introduce a sniper team but anyone wanting to play those roles would have to pass a qualification mission. Due to the close co-operation required in sniper pairs I would most likely expect people to find and train with a buddy beforehand and qualify together. Minimum skills I would be testing would be: * Knowledge of basic equipment: DAGR, prc117f radio, spotting scope (maybe), windometer (Kestrel). * Sniper would be expected to be able to reliably hit a stationary target at 600m with the first shot, and at 800m within 2 shots. (This is based on what I can do with minimal practice, the bar may be raised if candidates impress me) * Ability to reach a target area with minimal engagement of enemy patrols. * Accuracy of target reports - would be x number of reportable targets in an area, scored based on how many you report. * Able to provide an 8 digit grid ref for observed targets. Both with and without using the DAGR/Vector. I would most likely lump the burden of JTAC duties onto the spotter aswell so they'd need to know how to use the laser designator, and how to call for air/fire support. This would be trained and tested separately though and wouldn't be required to qual as a basic spotter.
  25. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If you could make an ACE/ACRE compatible map kinda like ARMAX at start (all weapons, lots of vehicles, firing range, maybe somekind of killhouse event) we'd be setup. OK, got a basic training area setup, still needs a fair bit of work but should give an idea, feel free to say if there is anything specific that it's missing. Ammo crate includes weapons that are likely to be used in campaigns, most main AT weapons and the M4 and mk16. Use the ACE self-interact key on the ammo crate while holding the M4/MK16 to add/remove weapon attachments. [EDIT] See later post for updated map.
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