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=VG= Calv

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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... I'm just pointing out that all your recent posts are about you not liking Rroject Reality. The problem is that Project Reality is the only military game which allows our group to play together and to fight for one objective, and in this co-operation, everyone is able to fly, drive or walk what ever he is good at to fit into one team and to make the final strategy possible. Except for ARMA that is miles ahead of PR especially when playing with ACE and ACRE. :p
  2. =VG= Suomi LAN_WROTE ... guys guys.. have you seen the PR tutorial videos? it quite simply makes the communication more ''Realistic'' you see you dont have to start kicking your keyboards ass to find the correct key, the commo rose make the thing A LOT easier. + there is still stuff like 3rd person (not sure if they are gonna keep it) the weapons are accurate right away when you just prone, no waiting just lay down and shoot right away.. there is still stuff that needs to be corrected, you just gotta find 'em. btw try ARMA II free first, makes your job easier :D While the comm rose thing is fine, practically anyone who wants any level of tactical realism in their game uses voice comms anyway, so while it is a neat feature it doesn't really add much. ARMA already has 3rd person, and too many people use and exploit it, should be removed completely with the possible exception of when using vehicles. Weapons shouldn't be accurate right away when going prone. If you dive on the floor with a rifle, it will take you a second or so to stabilise your position and if the weapon has a tripod it'll take another second or so to deploy it. This seems to be the issue with the mod. BF2 wasn't realistic in any true sense, so PR added a lot of things and improved the mechanics already there. But instead of looking at what ARMA has, and building on that, they have instead just transplanted the BF2 PR style directly into ARMA. They could have achieved so much more by getting the ACE/ACRE guys onboard and combining all their efforts. PR + ACE + ACRE would be close to perfection.
  3. Spears LAN_WROTE ... I'm skeptical. Is PR for Arma2 really necessary? !dntknw Let's look back what happened so far. Battlefield 2 is a pure "run and gun" game. By the PR mod it has more tactical depth, the team play made sense now. Back to topic. Arma2 is good as it is. Those who want realism playing with the ACE & ACRE Mod. Before I can make my judgmental about PR I have to try it out first. Yeah, I'm feeling the same. Looking at the manual it seems to only be adding the kit system and bases that can be built up. Would've preferred to see some features similar to ace, more authentic ballistics, weapon resting, acre style radio system etc
  4. Bossgator LAN_WROTE ... Wow. that map is HUGE the jet is flying in. Had no idea they were making maps that big. Love the underwater aspect. Downside, I doubt I can run that thing, seeing I had issues running the ARMA demo. The ARMA demo was massively unoptimised. I can run ARMA 2 with full settings but I still get stuttering in the ARMA demo.
  5. I can see the pic if I right-click and open in new tab, but I get a warning from Chrome that the site isn't to be trusted.
  6. suomikeizari LAN_WROTE ... is this a free game or..? About ?15 on steam, often drops a fair bit during sales.
  7. Sounds like someone piping out Half-Life 2 sounds on a powerful speaker or something similar.
  8. Just an FYI. I'll usually setup a FARP at the Rasman airfield so if you see a supply truck icon there on the map the FARP should be close by, sometimes quicker/easier than flying back to base. I will place the farp on the NE central crossover (bit of taxiway that connects the runway to the main taxiway). There is a small one story building there aswell so it is easy to spot. If you're wanting to use it with the A-10, easiest way I've found is to taxi so that your wingtip is almost touching the FARP structure (no need for the cockpit to be facing it), then switch to the gun and 3rd person view. Then, as you look left and right you can place the gun crosshair over the FARP building and use the scroll menu to repair/refuel/rearm. Rearming can take 10 seconds or more to fully complete so make sure it is done before attempting to refuel/repair otherwise it can interrupt it.
  9. Did a bit of searching and found new versions of the training missions available on the DCS website for patch onwards. Fixed the problem I was having though still seems a bit slow at times, I'd touched down before the instructor got around to telling me how to contact the tower to ask permission to land.
  10. Going through the training missions and got as far as the landing mission. I've followed the instructions as far as setting the ILS freq but the lesson but it won't progress any further than that. Tells me to set the first dial to 110, then it pauses for a long time after I do that, then says to set the other dial to .30. After I do that nothing happens, just continues to highlight the dial. Tried setting and resetting the dials to try and trigger it but no dice. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
  11. Cool, like I say, if I'm online (which is practically 9am-11pm GMT at moment) I'll be idling in TS, either in the arma comms channel or the afk channel. Just poke me or send me a msg (don't always have my headset on so may not hear if you are talking) and I'll be happy to jump ingame for some training stuff.
  12. We don't need to use the workaround with ACRE anymore, server seems to be all updated. So can grab the latest version of TS and update your ace/acre via sixupdater. Biggest annoyance I've had with the server is when there are large numbers of people who aren't in TS. I can understand people playing on regular servers not wanting to join voice comms but when you are playing on a server specifically designed for TS comms it seems stupid to not join. Though it would probably help to have the VG TS info stamped on the map like I believe it is on the standard server.
  13. I have noticed that there has been a bit less VG presence on the ACE server over the past week or so, I think the Steam sale is partly to blame for that, too many other games to play for some people. As for different missions, there are some of the stock ACE missions available in the map list that could be loaded but I haven't really tried any of them so no idea if they're any good for small teams. Second issue with the missions is that they're usually designed for everyone to start at the same time, any late joiners are likely to start miles away with no way to catch up. Also, they're often one life games, so if communication is a problem in insurgency it is going to be an even greater problem here. That said I'd happily let you guys try them if you poke me on TS, will usually be idling in the ARMA all comms. As a sidenote, if there are areas of ACE/ACRE that you feel inexperienced in I'm always happy to go through stuff with people if ya give me a shout.
  14. =VG= Calv

    Slow movement

    What menu pops up when pressing A? Is it one of the ACE interaction menus? If so just try rebinding them to something else could be that for whatever reason its reading that input as the windows key/app menu.
  15. =VG= Calv

    Slow movement

    Tanker LAN_WROTE ... @lewi: Yes, I use Track IR. I do notice sometimes if I'm running and look behind me to one direction or another, I slow down. That's due to the lean, as you're turning your head you must be moving slightly to the side causing it to lean which slows you down. I turned off the X axis in the TrackIR program to prevent it from happening.
  16. =VG= Calv

    Slow movement

    Not experienced any of those issues, though I have noticed that when attempting to heal others, after clicking Examine it can take 15-30 seconds for the treatment menu to appear.
  17. SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... For me, ctrl+shft Q or E are NOT the ACRE Interaction menus. My guy just leans left or right as normal. Someone must know another default command. I cannot find the actual control listed under ACE Settings. The ingame text that lists Ctrl+shift+q/e is wrong, it is Shift+Alt+q/e. Shift/Alt/E will bring up a menu that just lets you lower your headset or access the radio list. The vehicle radio racks I mentioned were only added in the latest version so we won't have them on our server at moment. Haven't had chance to test whether being able to use a backpack radio someone else is wearing works in this version yet.
  18. BTW Semler, in your description of each of the radios you may want to add in that the 119 is the best radio for someone to use if they are going to be in a vehicle mostly e.g. the chopper pilot. As when set to PA (only possible when inside a vehicle) it goes upto 40,000w which is double what the 117f can achieve. Typical radio assignments I think would be: 343 - Everyone 148- Squad Leader 117f - Squad Radio Man/Mortar Crews 119 - Pilots
  19. Obvious question first: You have updated to the latest patch? What version of Arma is it? ARMA2, OA or Combined Ops? I assume you have tried adding and removing all the filters in the search settings? One possible thing you could try is downloading sixupdater http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html and using the server browser in there to see if that can find any. Would allow you to bypass the ingame server browser.
  20. Jager LAN_WROTE ... Suppose I will have to learn ACRE now Awesome, glad it is working. Any idea what the problem was? Learning the radios is pretty easy, I'm happy to go through them with ya if ya give me a shout ingame or send me a msg on steam if I'm not ingame.
  21. Are you getting any specific error messages? Couple things that may sort it. Go into your steam/oa folder and make sure the game is set to run in admin mode. If you have combined ops, make sure you have launched Arma2 and OA from steam without any mods to ensure correct register entries are present. Did you install ACRE via sixupdater?
  22. SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... The Right Windows button and Right App button on many keyboards (between right alt and right ctrl) will also act as the ACE Self Interaction and ACE Interaction menus. PUT THOSE EARPLUGS IN, PEOPLE!!! Yeah Ctrl-ALT-Q menu is only for ACRE, it isn't the ACE interaction menu.
  23. BTW Semler, I figured out how to use other people's radio packs (117/119). You target them and press CTRL-ALT-Q to bring up the ACRE interaction menu. (CTRL-ALT-E is the ACRE self interaction menu) Should then give the option to use their radio. Also, it seems that you can use this menu to mount upto 2 148 radios in a humvee and have them on speaker. Plus, all helicopters seem to have a 117 pre-mounted that is also accessed using that menu.
  24. Installing ACE using Six-Updater http://wreckingcrew.co.uk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=594 Youtube ACE tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCBC2EF50EABF9CE1 List of things everyone new to ACE should know, feel free to add anything I miss: * Two most important keys: The right windows key and the app menu - usually located to the right of the space bar, between ALT and CTRL. If you do not have those keys on your keyboard once ingame you will need to press Escape and go into ACE Settings to find what keys Interaction and Self Interaction are bound to - often they will be bound to 1 and 2. These keys allow you to interact with other people, vehicles, objects etc (Right windows key) and treat your own wounds, place explosives, put in earplugs etc (App key). * Items now have real weight - After selecting your loadout, press G and your current loadout weight will be displayed at the top. Anything over 35-40kg will cause you to pass out after a short run. * After selecting your loadout, the first thing you should do is press your self interaction key (App key) and select Goggles/earplugs option, and put in earplugs. - You only have to do this when you connect to the server, they will remain in when you respawn. * AT weapons have backblast. - This means that anyone standing within 30-60 metres of the rear of your AT weapon will die or be injured. Shout clear backblast and visually check your rear before firing. Also, if you have any walls/buildings etc within 30-60m you will likely kill yourself with the backblast. * You no longer have a crosshair, use numpad / to switch between scopes and ironsights. * There is no ammo count for your current magazine, use ' to check your current mag, you will get a coloured message in the top left of the screen to inform you of the status of your magazine. It takes a few seconds to carry out this check, so make sure you are in cover. - Best advice is to check before entering/leaving buildings/compounds. * You can bleed to death - whenever you believe you have been hit (blood splash on screen is a good indication) press your self interaction key (App key) and select treat wounds. Always bandage wounds first, you may need to apply several bandages if you were hit badly. It takes several seconds to bandage and you do so in a crouch. So ensure you are in cover or at minimum concealment. * If the edge of your screen is white, you are making noise, and your aim is shaky. You are in pain, apply morphine using method above. * Only Medics can fully heal you with a medkit - their supply is limited so try to avoid calling a medic if you are still able to move and shoot. * You always spawn with 2 bandages, 2 morphine and 2 epi - If possible it is wise to select 1 medkit during loadout (helps prevent medics running out during heavy engagements), spare bandages and morphine are also handy unless you need the space for grenade launcher rounds. * Weapon Quick Select - Shift + `, 1, 2, 3, 4 will select SAFE, Rifle, GL, Thrown weapon, Placed weapon. * You DO NOT have a parachute - wait for the chopper to land. * High calibre bullets can penetrate walls - use this to your advantage - the enemy will do the same. * Explosions are dangerous to be around, an exploding weapons cache will injure you even when behind obstacles/buildings unless you are laid down or completely clear of the blast. * Placing a satchel charge - Press self interaction (App key) and select explosives/place charge. Target satchel on ground and press interaction (Right windows key) and remove safety for manual detonation, or set timer and remove safety for timed detonation. To detonate manually use scroll menu to remove trigger safety, then scroll menu to detonate. * CROWS targeting - Press numpad + several times to access thermal optics. * AA - every second insurgent seems to have an AA missile - If you fly over an AO you WILL be shot down. * Insurgent AI - They are more aggressive and a little bit smarter. If you are providing overwatch - they will flank you. If you hide in a house or behind cover for too long, they will surround you. There are many, many more advanced things that could be mentioned but the best way to learn about them is to either ask when at the main base in-game or go into your single-player missions and load up ACE demo, it provides you with a magic box with all the ACE items inside, so you can try everything out.
  25. Yeah, the install process is extremely straight forward, I've probably made it seem more complicated due to trying to make the steps idiot proof. For most people it is: 1) Install sixupd 2) Find server 3) Click install, update and join. 4) ??? 5) Profit The only slightly complicated thing is the ACRE setup, which only has issues because the SixUpd version (1.2.10) doesn't work with the new TS3 version. And the new version (1.3.2) won't be added to SixUpd until it is stabilised.
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