=VG= Calv
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Everything posted by =VG= Calv
Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... if it's possible i could the pilot job, too. would love this! if not, it'll be nice if i would be the command under lupago :) On the warmup map that we will be using to do some ACE training I'll be wanting everyone to slot into normal infantry teams for purposes of doing drills etc. However, there are several choppers nearby that will be available for people to test the blakes_pins FLIR cam in and also test the littlebird enhancement mod which allows shooting from the skids and flight controls to be passed from pilot to copilot. As for your mission which I'm assuming will be ready for saturday? It's upto you to choose where people are placed. yeah you're right. but some help for my mission would be nice. is it possible that you help me the the briefing stuff? Yeah just send me a PM with whatever you need help with.
Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... if it's possible i could the pilot job, too. would love this! if not, it'll be nice if i would be the command under lupago :) On the warmup map that we will be using to do some ACE training I'll be wanting everyone to slot into normal infantry teams for purposes of doing drills etc. However, there are several choppers nearby that will be available for people to test the blakes_pins FLIR cam in and also test the littlebird enhancement mod which allows shooting from the skids and flight controls to be passed from pilot to copilot. As for your mission which I'm assuming will be ready for saturday? It's upto you to choose where people are placed.
SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ^ What the 'sneak up and butt end your squad mates' skills?? !lolol Luckily there is a module to remove the knockdown "feature" :)
Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... because what it feels like, what it sounds like.. besides, do we have to go US all the time? how about czech, Brits, french, german, russian etc? just a bit wondering here :) instead of being a marine we could set up a team of fallschirmj?gers or Royal marines! gah.. dont mind me, most of you guys are cool with playing as any country + all that matters is that we are playing together :) copy, I understand the medic matter now! Well we will likely be some of robert hammer's weapon packs, so the M4 should look a bit better, the JSRS sound mod improves the sound some too. And no, there isn't any reason to stick with US all the time. Personally I prefer BAF but I assumed most of our players would prefer US, plus didn't want to use units that require an addon that some may not have. Already started on the campaign for next week and onwards as US army and special forces and would be a pain to switch stuff at this point. Will do a Brit one next though.
lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... FTL, and whenever you have a moment i ll like to know the uses of some of those mods. Added basic descriptions.
Ok, this week's session will mainly be an ACE training session so get everyone on the same page regarding how it works. There will of course also be time for people who are still a bit unfamiliar with ACRE and the 3 main radios to ask questions and such. During the training I also want to get all the people who want to be FTLs together and go through some basic drills and then have them return to their teams and pass the training along. After the training I believe charry has a mission that we will be running. If there is still time I would like to try some properly organised insurgency. So, signup as usual, and note whether you want to be a FTL so I can get a rough list of who to drag to one side during the training. Roster: Calv speirs murderface charry (maybe) savage poffadder outlanders gaz wooz (maybe) ingo eclipse cold iffn stein (maybe) semler pirate Server Mod List: @ace @acex @acex_ru @acex_sm (Sound Mod Optional) @acex_usnavy @acre @asr_rh_m4_ace (These three make the weapon packs ACE compatible) @asr_rh_mgs_ace (As Above) @asr_rh_mk18_ace @asr_rh_pistol_ace @asr_rh_smg_ace @blakes_pins (Optional: Allows use of FLIR cam and laser while piloting aircraft.) @blastcore_visuals (Optional) @cba @cba_a2 @cba_oa @eod (Allows Ambient IED and Suicide Bombers, plus adds Thor III jamming backpack) @jayarma2lib_new @jsrs (Sound Mod Optional) @rangers @rh_mk18 @rh_pistol @rh_smg @RH_M4 (Weapon Pack) @RH_MGS (Weapon Pack) @rq-11_raven @sthud (Adds team member location hud element - essential for good teamwork) @st_lb_enhance (Allows weapons to be fired from Little Bird skids) @stmovement (Reduces likelihood of weapons getting "caught" in doorways/on obstacles.) @yup_uh60 (Better Blackhawk models)
What is wrong with the M4? Honestly don't understand the problem, it uses the same sights as other weapons and same ammo. I'm using that because it's the weapon that would actually be used by the US army. On any missions were we are special forces rather than regular army we'll be using the Mk17/mk17 sniper in place of the M4/DMR. No medics because I don't like the magic "first aid" ability. Bandaging, epi, and morphine in the field are all fine, but being able to repair major injuries in the field with a medkit just seems off to me.
Support elements will be available depending on the mission, they don't really fall under the main platoon structure so didn't include them. Current thinking is to have an AH-6 and medical blackhawk available to the pilot so they can provide recon and light support, and the switch to the BH for extraction of causalities if needed. A-10 may be available if the missions warrants it.
For the time being the structure is going to be similar to the one in the last mission. Charlie Squad Leader Rifleman/Weapons Specialist (Javelin/SMAW/M240L/M109 basically "Heavy" weapons that the teams won't carry by default) Charlie-1 FT Charlie-2 FT Delta Squad Leader Rifleman/Weapons Spec Delta-1 FT Delta-2 FT Fireteam Weapons: M4 x4 M14 DMR x1 M249 SAW x1 M1014 Holo (Shotgun) x1 M136 AT x2 M9 SD x4 Due to the ACE feature of being able to place a weapon on your back while also carrying a backpack teams should aim to carry all those weapons. Something like this seems a decent balance: M4 ACOG + M1014 Holo + Ruck M249 + M136 + Ruck M4 Holo + DMR + Ruck M4 Holo/ACOG + M136 + Ruck Will also have access to most grenade types (Frag/Flash/Smoke/CN) and most other pieces of kit that are relevant. Sticking to two teams per squad as it's a bit more manageable and is most similar to what is employed by US and UK armies. Not having a HQ element at the moment as it feels a bit unnecessary and sitting at base being Platoon leader is probably a bit boring. Happy to add it though if there is demand and if/when we fill a third squad. There will be no medics at all. So major injuries like being shot in the legs will require a medevac back to base to be healed at the Field Hospital. In terms of command Charlie SL is technically above Delta SL but I'd expect that consensus of a plan should be possible in most cases.
OK, as we are now moving into full Ace/Acre sessions and over the past few weeks everyone has had some exposure to basic tactical gameplay it is time to start firming up the basic tactics used as teams and squads and for everyone to have a good grasp of what is expected of them, how to communicate on the radios, report contacts, etc etc. There is of course going to be in-game training to help people get the grasp of all this, but it will make mine and everyone elses tasks much, much easier if everyone reads the following guide: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/ It is very large and does contain a lot of information that is not directly relevant to our missions, so I will highlight the parts that I believe are most essential. Basic Rifleman: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/basic_rifleman.html At the very minimum EVERYONE should read this section. It contains a huge amount of information that will keep you and your team alive. Communication: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/communication.html Ignore the parts about using ingame VON and teamspeak, not relevant as we use ACRE. Pay close attention to the parts about brevity and clarity and the various radio keywords. Aswell as how to give contact reports: Alert, Orient, Describe, Expound. Battle Drills: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/battle_drills.html Everyone should read, very helpful for knowing what to do in combat situations without having to rely on your FTL or Squad Leader to hold your hand. Tactics: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/tactics.html All FTLs and SLs should read this. Essential knowledge for moving and surviving. Would recommend that everyone at least give it a once through to have some idea of what you are needed to do in each situation. Combined Arms: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/combined_arms.html Everyone should read the first few sections dealing with general vehicle usage and humvees. Later parts about heavy armour are not that essential. ShackTac Platoon: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/st_platoon.html Not hugely important to read through as we use a different platoon, squad and team layout so a lot of it is incorrect. Does contain some useful info on the various duties of team members and how to utilise weapons like AT. Leadership: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/leadership.html If you want to be a SL or FTL, I'd advise reading this. Vehicle Usage: http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/veh_usage.html Not very important, if you expect to be a pilot may be worth checking the relevant parts.
PanamanianDevil LAN_WROTE ... LAN_WROTE ... Same time every week, next week we will be using the ACE mod aswell. The signup thread for that will probably be up between Mon-Wed. Thanks for the info. I'll have to do some research on how to install the ACE mod with the Steam version of Arma 2. Believe it or not, I've never installed a mod. I've always been extremely critical of any kind of modification. I always worry it'll mess up my game or worse. But I've got some friends of mine encouraging me to do so as well. I just may give in. I'm the kind of guy who won't even install a demo because the thought of having it leave registry entries or folders behind after uninstall bothers me. LOL I'd advise you download a program called SixUpdater that is used to download, update and organise Arma 2 mods. Makes everything much easier and doesn't mess with the basic game installation. Works perfectly fine with the Steam version too (though I believe you have to do some fiddling to get the steam in-game chat thing working when running the game through sixupdater). There are various threads on the forum that explain how to use SixUpdater. As for registry entries, get a program called CCleaner, really handy for cleaning out various temp files and cookies etc, also gives the registry a good clean.
Jager LAN_WROTE ... Had a quick chat with Ch1 & Ch2 FTL's and came up with a plan to assault from the south using bounding fireteams. While they sorted their gear I did some recon on the town, spotted 2 patrols of 3 pax each and the AA site on the north-west side of town. All targets within fire range but didn't like those odds so I relayed the information to Ch1 & Ch2 and waited for them to breach the town. Had one small firefight that I took part in and Ch1 I believe took one casualty during that, had to move down and heal. After that I followed the teams close. I'd blame teamspeak tbh, spam protection screwed up for some of us. Could not hear Gaz at all and pretty sure quite a few others as well, after restarting ts I still got error messages but eventually it worked sorta. Another problem was the grid cords, for some reason my cords was different from everyone else in Charlie. Sort that out with markers but it's not ideal. Muting Teamspeak error notifications stops the constant Error spam in your ear. No idea about the grid coords, I would expect that to be fixed by the map and it's a stock map so everyone is using same version. Only thing I can think that might affect it is if you were running ACE, its possible that might use a different map.
Gaz LAN_WROTE ... We moved east down hill towards the generals camp as overwatch was tuff from the top of the hill.. Got engaged several times We lost calv to a BMP just after he took aother one out. Comms were TERRIBLE. There was no way we would ever have done that mission without Murder relaying all orders between squads and Mortar. We really need to learn this stuff too stand any chance in ACE. Was a grenade that took me out, I hit the BMP then came under fire, ran south and just as I stopped to take another took was blown up again. As for comms, I'm pretty sure the problem was the trees but I wasn't on that radio net so hard to say really. Never had comms issues like that with the Lambs guys and we're usually operating over much greater distances. First post updated with video.
Terremer =VG= LAN_WROTE ... :( wish i couldve been there, i can abrely even play dota on this computer. at least fallout1 runs, lol! murder sounds cool man would be nice to have air support on call, id ont have much experience with harriers either, maybe i should mess around in the armory. Harrier was really a one-off. Next campaign will have a AH-6 for recon and light fire support and possibly an A-10 if the situation escalates. Considering having a blackhawk available for medevac duties but still in two minds as to whether it's worth having the little bird pilot return to base and return with the blackhawk to pick up the injured.
Will have my helmet cam vid sometime tomorrow. Still need to work on having ACRE and everything working for when we start, taking too long doing radio checks and such, should become quicker with practice though.
Major_Shepard LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... While it's handy I'd prefer not to have people using it during missions otherwise we're just gonna end up with everyone running around with .50cal sniper rifles and MGs with thermal sights. Just put instruction "enable_lea_addon=false;" into init.sqf and players won"t be able to use @LEA in the mission. This is auto added into /lea/loadout-init.sqf when you edit mission loadout with LEA. See also readme.txt into @LEA folder !bye Good to know. :) Hadn't really looked at mission loadout side of it, will give it a test for the next campaign.
SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... We need to re-order the squads based on current RSVP numbers. Also, if someone who is not signed up, perhaps someone such as BLuDKLoT or whoever, would like to be a streaming cameraman, I can make it possible. Basically, we make an independant slot, make independants neutral to all sides, give him 117 and 148, and full use of GCam (gigan's flying camera module). He will be able to record video, and transmissions over certain main command radio channels. Invincibility and neutrality will allow him to teleport on map click within range of radios, but also ensure that cameraman is ignored by battles. I don't relish the though of leading Charlie again with 2 fireteams I've never worked with/are extremely new to ACE and ACRE. Any chance Jager or any other LAMBS trained players would help us to round this out??? I've been updating the teams as people have confirmed whether they are gonna be here or not.
PanamanianDevil LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... PanamanianDevil LAN_WROTE ... I'd be interested in some organized gameplay. When are you guys running this mission? Saturday 26th, 19:00 GMT. (This post was made at 15:55 GMT if it helps with any timezone issues.) Thanks for the reply Calv. I'm afraid I've committed to a cook-out at my sisters house during that time. If I converted it right, that converts to 2pm EST. I'm usually available on Saturdays but this being Memorial Day weekend, I actually made plans for a change. I'll keep checking the forums because I'm really anxious to play some Arma 2 again. Same time every week, next week we will be using the ACE mod aswell. The signup thread for that will probably be up between Mon-Wed.
poffadder =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I'll be around. I'd love to use the mortar. I'll start practising some MRSI. If I cant be on the mortar I'd like to just be a rifleman in any squad. Cool, make sure to have ACRE downloaded and working before the event. Mortar depends on the numbers we get, looks like we have a lot of "maybes" so if we're short in the teams then may need you as infantry.
Couple things to try: Make sure TS and Sixupdater are run as admin. In SU ensure you have the mod jayarma2lib_new
Iffn LAN_WROTE ... I'm in with my regulair delay. I guess I'll join "that crazy welsh dude" as a Marksman DMR as discussed with Gaz Harriers are alowed but no armored support? Not even a tiny LAV-25? !resent Was a minimal force present on chernarus, just 2 harriers and an osprey full of troops
PanamanianDevil LAN_WROTE ... I'd be interested in some organized gameplay. When are you guys running this mission? Saturday 26th, 19:00 GMT. (This post was made at 15:55 GMT if it helps with any timezone issues.)
sixupdater is pretty easy to get the hang of. Once loaded you can right click in the window on the left hand side and select New Preset. Then click the Mods tab at the top of the right side window, find whichever mods you want, then Right Click > Add to Preset. Once you've added all the mods you want locate the large green icon at the Top left and click on the text underneath, a new menu should appear, select Install or Update mods, then let it do it's thing. I'd probably suggest creating two presets at the moment, one with ace and one without. Other Mods I'd suggest downloading are: STHUD STMovement Also consider these for improved sound and visual: JSRS Blastcore
SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Ooh! Let me implement a real artillery script (what am i thinking, I'm so busy with this Shooting Contest) - Remember the one from CLAfghan, tho? BEST NON-MOD ARTY EVER! Well I've got an AI arty fire mission setup using the Arty and SOM modules for the Charlie Squad Leader so I can call in some fire support even if nobody wants to do the mortar role.
Very basic vid of how to switch channel and increase power of selected channel on the PRC117f (PRC117 power level is specific to each channel, so select channel first, then increase power), and how to use the aircraft mounted radio added to first post.