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=VG= Calv

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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I disagree with you both, also I'm wondering why do you make such a hassle over this and not for example how fast we pull security, respond to contact, or touch enemy corpses/use their equipment without proper need for it? enough derailing the topic, PM me if you want to know how I disagree. Well, it's certainly your right to choose to be incorrect. And we're making a "hassle" over it because it was relevant to the last op. There was clearly confusion on the general usage and procedure so we offered information to clear this up and allow for some practice to be done by people who feel they need it so next time there will be no problems. The only person being disagreeable and causing a fuss about it is you. As for the other stuff, they haven't been mentioned because they weren't raised as problems during the mission. And in honesty those things are down to FTLs to sort out with their teams, everyone knows how they should be done, it's just a matter of FTLs sorting it out. So no discussion is needed. Not sure what you mean by touching enemy corpses, but it should be standard procedure for every team to confirm every kill by using the interact key on enemy corpses.
  2. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... yes but a paradrop with T-10s is sure way to do it if we have a lot of new players, also if you drop us low in enough (500-300m) it wont take so long, unfortunately it sounds a bit dangerous. EDIT, did a couple tests on MSO reeshman: T-10 minimum safe jump elevation: 150m (guessed, actual jump was from 200m, took 20+ seconds to get down) MC-5 minimum safe jump elevation: 600m depending on the wind the usual distance from LZ is 100-50m. (depending what we are jumping from, test done from a stationary chopper) when jumped from 400m with a T-10, time of flight was about 1min 20secs. instead of HALO jumps I would suggest trying HAHO for its safety, depending on situation. takes a long time to come down and if made above enemy territory the forces are suspectible to HMG/GPMG fire, suggested time of execution is at night. But putting an entire helicopter at risk including everyone inside to fly that low isn't worth it. And dropping high with T-10s is also more hassle than it's worth. Due to the time/risk it would force us to drop further from the AO increasing the time taken even further. It's easy enough for everyone to just a couple jumps with the MC-5 to get used to the altimeter and when to open. It's a skill just like learning how to aim a weapon, how to use the radios, medic equipment. They all take a bit of practise but are easy enough once you get used to it.
  3. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... thanks for the info Sem :) so whats the final verdict on Para use? shall we continue by poffader's way meaning sight and feel or..? one possibility is to learn how to do proper para jumps with T-10s. The problem seems to be that the Altimeter apparently switches between ASL and ATL depending on what map it is used on (Takistan/Zargabad = ATL, Chernarus = ASL), which would be ok but it doesn't actually state which is being used. So the only real solution is for everyone to practice on their own and gain the ability to judge the minimum height themselves. It would also probably be a good idea for people to make it standard procedure to check the jump zone on the map during flight for the terrain height, and have the pilot report the flying altitude prior to jump. This would let people immediately figure out whether the altimeter is displaying ASL/ATL and if it is ASL knowing the terrain height from the map makes it easy to figure out when to open. Problem with the T-10s is that they open immediately, so a drop from a decent altitude would just result in us spending several minutes floating down. Easy way for people to practice parachuting: Open editor and load whatever map you want to practice on. Place a Blackhawk where you want to jump. In the blackhawk properties box change In Formation to Flying. Paste the following into the Init box: this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,1000] Hit ok, then click Preview. Should load with you sat in the pilot seat at 1000m ATL. Can check the HUD for ASL. Open the map and goto Units, select yourself and Gear. Put the parachute on. Jump.
  4. Jager LAN_WROTE ... Crazy idea incoming. For a long duration MSO session where db is active and the server not crashing we might run out of gear, awesome script people could make a menu where you could order gear. Then the pilots have to fly off the map 10-15 km into a hostile air zone where cas pilots have to clear a path before air vehicle gets loaded with the gear requested, return to base and unload gear and the base has resupplied. Crazy idea and very very very optional. If we were gonna do regular organised MSO sessions I'd probably suggest scaling down the amount of equipment available. Having tons of weapons/vehicles is fine for general public use but for more organised play I think it would be more fun to be operating with a more realistic amount of assets. A possible interesting option would be one of the maps with water and having the aircraft carrier setup as the starting area. The size would limit the max number of vehicles available, and would require us to actually secure and create our own FOB. Or starting out in a C130 and dropping in, then having to get equipment to setup the FOB dropped in. Would likely require some scripting so a bit more complicated to do.
  5. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Thanks to all the players that showed up I only was able to join at the end but even the one task we did was huge fun!! Big thanks to those that were involved in the last-minute planning and setup... considering we had less than 48 hours notice I think it went quite well. More advance notice means more time to work out technical or mod issues before the event. Some possible suggestions for next time: Faster startup time - assigned kits? Something like @LEA or @RSLO to allow players to select pre-done loadouts? Force 1st person view outside vehicles? More iron sights less TWS? Restrict the available weapons? Make sure all players have st_hud loaded to facilitate squad play Remove SMK key from server so players cannot join with it loaded (causes issues) Also please post any suggestions re: mission like faster respawn times on choppers? more tanks? get rid of CAS? What do you think of the wounded/death messages? They can be turned off. I know there are some good mission makers in LAMBS we should discuss working on this and future event missions together (for joint OP ones that is) OH I'm also working on a pre-event start deathmatch mission so we can kill each other before wanting to kill each other. Think minivans, missile launchers, and concrete jumps. !senile Startup time: Don't think assigned kits is necessary, far as I could see everyone was equipped and ready and just waiting to be given orders within 5-10mins. Issue seemed to be some tech/organisation stuff (which considering it was the first time and fairly last minute arrangement not that surprising), and waiting for everyone to get into the game. Obvious solution in future is just to send the teams out when they're ready. For example Fox1/2 were ready pretty quickly so could have gone ahead and done recon/clearance and called for support or pulled back when heavy resistance was met. 1st Person view: Lambs guys usually play mission on Veteran anyway which removes 3rd person altogether so wouldn't make much difference to us. Sights: Probably more effort than it's worth editing each of the weapon crates to remove all the TWS etc. Much easier for the commander to just give the order to not use TWS weapons, and have the FTLs enforce it. Wounded messages: While not exactly realistic, I would probably leave them on for the moment, if only to highlight friendly fire incidents.
  6. peppie1025 LAN_WROTE ... *Not sure what was the issue with the HALO jump was but might be wise to consider different altitudes (ASL/AGL) Lack of experience mainly, nobody was sure what the minimum safe altitude was. We had suggestions from 200m upto 500m. Seems people survived after opening at 450m, so would probably say that 500m should be the limit just to be on the safe side.
  7. Jager LAN_WROTE ... AAR from Sjaba * Personally i would have cut down on the available equipment so that gearing up becomes more easy..but this is a respawn map so who know how much stuff one might use It could be useful to have a "main" crate with just basic western weapons in: M4s, M27, Mk16/17. Could help newer players that become overwhelmed by the huge weapon choice. Though in all honesty I don't think there was that much delay caused by people gearing up. Other than the occasional confusion of finding which crate a specific item was in.
  8. Overall it was fun, would be nice for this to be a regular thing, think the rest of the Lambs guys would appreciate the extra training too. Couple points: * An hour to get moving = too long. Having equipment presets while handy wouldn't have reduced that time. Seemed to be mainly tech/mod issues so hopefully it was a one off thing. In future if similar happens I'd suggest just beginning basic ops or recon with whatever teams are ready to avoid having everyone hanging around. * Vehicles: Not sure what the situation was like for the other teams, but for Fox 1/2 having to retrieve our vehicles after clearing an AO was a pain in the arse. Also seems to be a waste of firepower having mounted guns parked up doing nothing. Ideally 6 man teams when using vehicles would be nice, which would allow a driver and gunner to remain in the vehicle while still having a team to clear buildings, however that would require the mission to be edited etc so probably more hassle than it's worth. Easier option would be to combine Fox 1/2 into one team/vehicle, and which would give us two 3xman teams for clearing, and allow the vehicle to stay in range for fire support. Overall though it went pretty smoothly, Fox comms were good, the two teams worked together clearing pretty well. Was minimal contact within the towns but the teams were generally parallel to each other so cover fire would have been quickly provided if heavier contact had occurred. Highlight of the night: Taking fire from Dahab as the lead vehicle, and taking a sharp left to cover just as an RPG is fired, resulting in a near miss and the vehicle behind taking it in our place. :D
  9. ColdNfreeziN LAN_WROTE ... OH sweet! :) well in that case my mission on TB is just about done working on finding out how i can disable or limit IR/Thermal views on the Bradley...oh and did i mention its now at night with no NVG we just have flares? :) I'm sure there is a module that limits the range of NV, haven't tested it with vehicles though. It's possible that it's an ACE module.
  10. Murderface =VG= LAN_WROTE ... pfft it's totally the lag when that happens to me :P :D Best way to think of it is: You're firing towards a known enemy position and one of them suddenly stands up. How long would it take you to aim and fire on them? We're generally talking seconds so by the time you've stood and taken a couple steps you should really already be diving back to prone.
  11. PITN LAN_WROTE ... SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Might be more appropriate for a Mil-Sim Clan or gaming group....I've been following Poffadder through all hell on earth and would follow him some more. This ain't 7th Cav Just read through the ShacTac Arma 2 Players Guide and you're golden. 7th CAV is an excellent group but they are extremely strict in command structure. I've been there and I've done that and it eventually starts to feels like a second job. That was not what I was suggesting. I said pick a doctorine to use that vocabulary to quickly communicate intent and execute sound tactical movement. But there needs to be training. By completeing drills and repeating the task over and over the unit as a whole will benefit from it. I know that doing something over and over is monotonous and boring. To do well someone has to do the boring parts. i.e. siting on a hill looking at an empty valley, or walking the long and safe way around an objective, or waiting 15 minutes so the assault team can get into a better position. If no one is willing to drill then let the thread die and just continue the status quo. Let's do a test without google. How many of you know how to do these tasks. Just reply with the number you know how to do. Example: I know how to do 5 out of 8 of those tasks. What is Echelon left? What is a sector of fire? What is bounding overwatch? How long do you stand up during movement under fire? How do you cross a road using security? How do set up an ambush? How do you withdraw under fire? How do you do react to contact? How do you break contact? What is suppressive fire? All of them. But despite my limitless knowledge (and modesty) I'll be the first to acknowledge that I am at best an average leader. Because I know what a good leader is, I am well aware of my own shortcomings in that regard, the main one being that I suck at hanging back and ordering others to do stuff. So while I am not bad as an FTL where I can still be hands on, I struggle with any higher form of command. Murderface =VG= LAN_WROTE ... 9/10, i have no idea how long to stand up during movement under fire. If a bullet hits you in the face, it was too long.
  12. "slow down, slow down" "shit...stalling" "nooooooo" hahaha
  13. Seems to be working fine for me, I recently re-installed everything so will have had the updates at the same time. Ran Arma 2 to make sure .ini files were created and such. When I run OA in the bottom corner of the main menu it displays Arma 2 icon along with OA, BAF, PMC etc
  14. As for how to do the training, I think the quickest way will be to train the people who want to be FTLs as a group, then run another session with each of those FTLs training a team. Training Curriculum ACE basics: Weight limits, weapon stabilisation, medic system, interaction keys. Radio comms: Controls and 343/148 demo, comms terminology (over, out, copy, roger, break), comms virtues: brevity, clarity, accuracy. Infantry tactics: Buddy pairs, Moving as a team (360 coverage), formations (wedge, line, column), drills: bounding overwatch, fire and move - First as buddy pairs, then with multiple teams. Vehicles (Transport): Never enter or exit until order is given, when exiting get clear of vehicle as quickly as possible (preferably to some cover while maintaining awareness of direction enemy is likely to be), always confirm when entering/exiting vehicles (team confirms on 343 - "Calv in/out", FTL confirms on 148 "Team 1, in/out"). FTL training: Situational Awareness (knowing where the following are: your team, your squad, the objective, the enemy), formation type pros/cons, purpose of bounding/fire and move, importance of covering flanks (especially during firefights), maintaining momentum (always be moving forwards or backwards as a team - with obvious exceptions). Isn't really that much to cover in terms of knowledge, most of it just requires repetition so that it becomes second nature to people. If there is anything else that should be in mention it and I'll add it to list. How to use weapons, grenades, AT etc are things that people should be practicing and learning in their own time so don't really feel worthy of covering in any training sessions. If special weapons are being used in a mission like Javelins then short training/refresher session could be held before the mission.
  15. I'm available to advise and provide support to whoever wants to do the training. Also happy to discuss infantry tactics or team leader stuff with anyone that wants to know more about it via PM or whatever. Not really up for actually running the training though, don't think I'm all that good at teaching groups of people.
  16. I'd say the first thing is figuring out how in-depth people want the training to be. Are people wanting just casual training to show them the basics of ACE and some simple infantry team stuff. Or do people want to go all the way and learn more complicated infantry tactics like bounding/fire and move, formations, correct radio procedure, etc.
  17. It's not a big deal, I've noticed some of the standard ace weapons are zeroed at similar ranges, so in close range you have to aim low to score a hit. As long as you practice with the weapon beforehand it should be fine.
  18. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... @Savage, tried 'em myself, over half of the RH mod weapons shoot too high like they would be on a permanent +300 range setting. Ok, so the sighting system isn't "porked", some of them are just zeroed at 300m? Though I never noticed any issues with them.
  19. Aye, it's pretty handy. If my Zargabad training/warmup map is still on the server I'm pretty sure I had an EASA setup on the airfield there.
  20. Terremer =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Domi is getting extremely old, and I'm not sure it really contributes much playing it, honestly. Especially when someone always wants to take the A10 or arty and destroy the AO before the troops even get a parachute on their back. I think the best missions we would have would involve either light or no asset support, just straight up infantry squads that have to adapt to the situation with the tools they've got. Aye, agree about Domi, never been a huge fan of it myself as it always seemed to just be a large number of solo players that just happened to be operating in the same area. Insurgency was a bit better for encouraging teamwork. The missions I made were mainly infantry focused for the exact reasons you mentioned, I was trying to get people trained in fireteam combat and the basic infantry doctrine without complicating matters with combined arms and such, but everyone just wanted lots of weapons, and tanks and planes and such so they lost interest in them.
  21. =VG= Calv


    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... It's a shame most of us aren't interested in toning their skills of teamplay, leadership, and their combat effectiveness, I'd really want to see us doing Events with other community's later on. for example I've heard the sentence ''we don't need a leader because we are experienced ARMA players''. 1st of all we aren't, I've seen SO much better people out there that you wouldn't imagine, the ability to use some equipment doesn't make you an experienced player, the ability to use it together with a buttload of other assets like infantry and armor does. I mean C'mon we aren't even good at being Infantry! which is the most basic thing! 2nd of all a group is ALWAYS better with a leader, even with a bad one because for a multitude of reasons, like the fact that if there is no leader its basicly a democracy: everyone has their vote. ''well I guess we just sit down and vote here!''
  22. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ok, I think you voiced the other in the base matter but I still think we should have a stationary base. you can just fill it with so much more, multiple types of choppers, planes and armored vehicles, but since so many of you still are with the MHQ idea so it will probably be used. adding MSO features and ranger skins + the fallujah map in insurgency are both pretty neat things but this will cause huge problems with getting people to join our server. we need to keep it as simple as possible. so far that Ive noticed is that the more mods you have the harder it is to get people on your server. While I have no issue with the idea of a static base, having multiple assets including heavier ones such as aircraft, apaches, etc would be detrimental to insurgency gameplay. You only have to enter any Domi server to see what happens when random public players have access to every vehicle. Basically all the armour is largely ignored because it takes too long to drive them to the AO and they get destroyed en route usually, and there is rarely anyone willing to airlift them. You then have 70%+ of the players jumping in choppers/planes blowing the crap out of the AO so the few players actually trying to act as infantry basically just sit and watch. Having multiple vehicles like that also encourages infantry players to basically "rambo" because they don't need to rely on others to transport them, they can just drive/fly themselves. The MHQ with limited assets was a fantastic idea for insurgency as it required everyone to stick together as there was only one chopper for transport, it forced teamwork out of pure convenience which was great. This declined somewhat when choppers were made available to all team leaders via the radio but still kept each team together. The other problem with a static base with multiple heavy assets is that in domi the enemy has access to similar equipment, armour, choppers, aircraft, sams, etc so the things are kept relatively equal, whereas in insurgency the enemy has none of those things so basically one apache could essentially solo an entire insurgency mission without being in any danger. Final point is that heavier assets would not be used in a mission like insurgency due to the high civilian presence, we're not attacking military targets or bases so the focus is on infantry teams clearing their way to a target area rather than a chopper or plane blowing the crap out of every building in the city. That said a static base could be done on Fallujah at the northern FOB lcoation, the only downside would be that every mission would always start with clearing the same squares which could become monotonous over time.
  23. These kind of groups just move through phases. popular games like PR/Arma bring everyone together but after awhile people will get tired with playing the same thing over and over and new games are released so people move on to try other stuff. I've probably spent about as much time playing various co-op games like Dead Island, Terraria, Space Marine etc with guys from here as I have playing ARMA with them. I'm fairly confident that once another big mp game is released, like ARMA3, Planetside 2, etc people will drift back here. As for the ARMA ACE stuff, you can't complain too much about that as nothing was ever done to try get people interested in it until the arranged events several months back, and even then the people like you who were familiar with ACE/ACRE just sat back and took a back seat rather than helping to organise stuff.
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