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=VG= Calv

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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. Just in case anyone is still having issues installing the mods and such, figured I'd post a quick step by step guide. 1) Install Sixupdater - http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html 2) After launching SixUpd and allowing it to update itself, locate the tab labelled Server Browser. - It near the top alongside Homepage, Mods, and Apps. 3) Right Click the Server Browser tab and select sync gamespy server list. - This will take a minute or so and you won't be able to click anything in the mean time. A progress bar appears at the bottom left corner. 4) Once finished, inside the server browser tab on the right side there is a list of filters. Type 'Veterans' into the server name box and click search. This should bring up two servers. 5) Right Click the VG ACE Insurgency server and select New Preset with Server. 6) On the left side of the screen the server name should now appear. 7) Click on the server preset on the left side. The name should turn bold and a list of about 8 mods (ACE, ACEX, ACEX_SM, ACRE, CBA, CBA_A2, CBA_OA, JayArma2Lib) should appear underneath. These should have a blue or black coloured icon next to them. 8) Right Click the Bold server name and go down to Updater Actions and select Install and Update. - This may take awhile if you are installing everything from scratch, just let it run. 9) Once everything is downloaded and installed, Right Click the @ACE mod just below the bolded server name. Move down to Mod Tools and select clippi/aceclippi.exe - You may have a confirmation box appear, just click ok and a new window should open. 10) This new window should have your ARMA2 install location already entered. Click Change Manual Options. 11) In this new window there should be some profile paths and a drop down menu next to Select your identity. If your ingame character is in this list then select it, if not click Add OA Profile Path. The folder you are looking for is (by default W7) C:\Users\******\Documents\Arma 2 Other Profiles (for XP) C:\Documents and Setttings\*****\My Documents\Arma 2 Other Profiles ***** = Your windows username. After selecting this folder your ingame name should appear in the drop down box for you to select. - You can also change the tick boxes to alter other options ingame, their fairly self-explanatory and you can experiment with them as you like. Hit Save when done. 12) Switch back to SixUpdater. In the top left corner there is green button with a drop down menu below it. Open the menu and find Install, Update and Join Server. Select that. - This will check your mods are always up to date before launching the game. You will likely receive a message asking you to allow some DLLs to be installed in your TS3 directory, allow it. The ace clippi window will also open again, just leave it open. Finally, as ARMA starts to load, you may get a message saying an update for jayarma2lib is available, click OK and it will install a small update and then the game should load up and connect to the server. ACRE - We are now using ACRE version 1.2.10 on the server so you will need to be using TS3 RC1 to avoid receiving error messages. You can find the files you need in our Teamspeak channel. 1) If you have previously installed ACRE version 1.3.0 or above you will need to delete those files. Enter your ARMA2:OA directory and delete: * dsound.dll * @acre * @jayarma2lib Open the Expansion folder and delete the folder Beta if it is there. Open the Keys folder and delete: acre.bikey and jayarma2lib.bikey Navigate to your TS3 folder then open the Plugins folder (C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\plugins) and delete acre_win64.dll (or win32 if that's what you have). 2) Connect to the VG teamspeak and find the Insurgency ACE + ACRE channel. 3) Right Click the channel and select File Browser 4) In the window that appears, click the Detailed View button in the top right corner, this will allow you to see the full file names. 5) Double Click the TS version your require - 32/64. 6) Once downloaded, close TS and uninstall it, then install the file you just downloaded. If it asks you to update when you open TS select No. 7) Run SixUpdater, under your VG server preset you created earlier ACRE and Jayarma2lib should now have blue icons next to them. 8) Right Click @ACRE and select updater actions, Install and Update. Once this is done open TS and connect to the server, and then join the Insurgency server. You will know that everything is working once ingame if when you press Caps Lock a black and yellow Transmit box appears in the bottom right of the screen. You should also change your ingame PTT key away from Caps Lock to prevent transmitting twice. Edit: Made it more readable :) Edit: Updated the ACRE instructions
  2. Jager LAN_WROTE ... Getting the same error message as spears is, pops up a few times and then dc's me. But is dooacs on? According to gametracker there are two people with +2k score already with a steady incoming score of 122 per minute. The server was updated with the newest version of ACE last night. I've got everything updated via sixupdater and can connect fine now. Using ACE build 490.
  3. While things are being added, some silenced weapons would be nice.
  4. It seems to be an issue with ACRE, if you remove that mod (and jayarma2lib) you can connect and play but can't use voice comms. There looks to have been an update for jayarma and acre within the last 24 hours so I would guess that it is a version mismatch issue. A possible temporary fix would be to remove ACRE from the server so we can at least play ACE insurgency.
  5. =VG= Calv


    The normal insurgency server is pretty noob friendly and easy to get started on. When I first tried multiplayer the first server I tried was running Domination, and it was a pain because it tended to end up everyone doing their own thing and no communication. Luckily I stumbled upon the VG insurgency server and it was perfect for starting out. Due to starting out in a squad it was just a case of following the SL around and trying not to get hit, the basics of the mission are easy to pick up, and the spawn system helps you stick with the team.
  6. As of 13:30 4/6/11 [RGC]2ndLT Mattster was spawning at base and teamkilling and destroying vehicles. I switched to his squad so I could observe from the respawn screen and it was clearly intentional. Can see him firing on people in the attached screenshot.
  7. Ahh just checked. The SAW ammo in the backpack is m249 mags (100 rounds) as opposed to the belts (200 rounds) and the different icon for it made me think it was the wrong ammo. Nevermind.
  8. Insurgency 0.80 - It may be due to the new version not being yet being edited for the VG server like the previous one, but I noticed that some of the backpacks need tweaking. Main one I've noticed so far is the AmmoSAW one contains ammo for the other machinegun not the saw.
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