=VG= Bones LAN_WROTE ... =VG= TortiaBoy LAN_WROTE ... but it had a hell of a lot more strategy then the piles that EA and Dice have been coming out with I would disagree with that, BFBC, BFBC2, and BFBC2: Vietnam were on par with stock BF2 IMO. Sure some changes were made here and there but the core gameplay remained the same. Also EA has released quite a few stellar games in the past few years other than the BF franchise. Dead Space for instance was a great game, it came out of nowhere and I think surprised the entire industry with how good it really was. The SP of the rebooted MOH was a step in the right direction as well, it may not have been an open world FPS but I did think that the story was fairly engaging. While the basic gameplay may have been similar, the scale affected the way it was played. BF2 battles always seemed more epic and "warlike" so encouraged tactics while BFBC2 always felt small, linear and very comparable to CoD, seemed to encourage solo play.