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=VG= Calv

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. Aye, using em now and they seem fine. Not gonna be using the backpacks that come with the pack anyway as they don't seem ace compatible, so not a huge issue. Only "problem" I've had so far is the weapons not being available in LEA so having to do the loadouts, then go through the file and manually change the classnames. Only a minor annoyance though.
  2. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... also if we are going with some faction I recommend forcing the use of that faction's weapons for at least one mission, this will bring more experience with different weapon systems. for example I myself am not that impressed with L85A2 but I wouldn't go with any other while playing as a British soldier. I do that for all my missions, hence why you've all been using M4s.
  3. poffadder =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If you want to do BAF then please check out these mods: British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10898 UKF weapons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11513 L115A3 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10896 Aye was looking at them earlier, the weapon packs didn't seem worth it, though could be handy for night missions as they have NV/Thermal scopes available. Was considering that unit pack to alleviate the issues for people without BAF DLC. Also considering this unit pack too: SJB SAS: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9031&highlight=SJB%2BSAS
  4. Don't worry, you'll be too busy watching for suicide bombers and ambushes to notice the crappy weapon texture
  5. Wooz LAN_WROTE ... I really like the idea of a fallujah mission, so far i havent really had a mission with pure urban combat. Like outlander said, maybe a night raid or an extraction? I would like to see more CQC. It'll be a set of missions similar to what we've done so far. So around 4 missions that continue from each other. I'll likely have a fair bit of civilian interaction in the missions, either having to interrogate them for info, or having them approach you with information. Then the info can lead to either be truthful, an ambush, or nothing etc.
  6. Aye, I'm thinking a BAF campaign on Fallujah followed by a campaign on Isla, possibly with us as UN units.
  7. Thirk island has a a snow version, fairly sparse island with a few towns and lots of trees. Been considering having an armoured mission, been avoiding using heavy stuff along with infantry as the balance is difficult to get right, but with our numbers it wouldn't be that hard to have a full armoured mission with mix of tanks/IFVs and maybe an infantry team with an objective to complete.
  8. Going to be making a start on the next campaign soon and figured I'd ask for ideas/feedback. So far we've done a variety of stuff. Infantry assaults, special forces raids, "peacekeeping" patrol. I'm pretty set on having the next one being a BAF campaign but still undecided on location. Fallujah and Isla Duala are at the top of my list at present. Fallujah for the urban, infantry combat and the tactical problems that being in a city and potentially surrounded at all times bring with it. Isla Duala for a nice change of scenery and maybe some interesting potential for missions being in the middle of a conflict that we're not active participants in. One thing I'm going to be trying to do in the next campaign is increase the feeling that we're part of something larger, in the campaigns so far and in other stuff I've done with the Lambs guys it always tends to feel like we're the only friendly units in the region. As for mission types I'm planning to continue and build on making the missions develop with additional objectives and such being activated dependent on actions taken and whether intel is discovered. There will still be some missions with a clear objective to go punch but I'm attempting to add the uncertainty of actual ops by having events unfold on the fly. So feel free to throw out any suggestions you may have, I'm open to pretty much any suggestions, whether they're ideas for missions, squad structure based, or whatever.
  9. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... we should start with 1 random mission and continuing after that, also some ''crazy time'' for letting some steam out and testing the gear ;) The warmup pre-mission is intended for basic fireteam training and letting off steam. As for doing a mission before, if you want to do one before 19:00 then that's upto you guys, as long as it's done before the start time.
  10. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... On vacation this weekend and next - Calv if you can get me the mission by Friday AM I can upload for this weekend. You'll have to get Semler to upload for next weekend. Rgr, everything is done already, just keeping it back incase any last minute changes are needed, will PM it across on Thursday.
  11. Start Time: 19:00 GMT If in doubt about the timezone check this website: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc It has the current time in GMT at the top and you can compare that against your own time. Following from that people need to make sure that they are available at the start time, don't want people going afk when we're starting. This is going to be a special forces night-op mission using some advanced recon pairs to feed back info and provide support where necessary. In regards of the sniper/spotter teams I will require anyone wanting the sniper role to demonstrate an ability to hit a target of about 800m within 2 shots. It will be down to the sniper to choose their spotter. We will likely only activate the second recon pair after filling the main squad. Mods: Required Mods: @ace @acex @acex_ru @acex_usnavy @acre @asr_rh_m4_ace @asr_rh_mgs_ace @asr_rh_pistol_ace @blakes_pins @cba @cba_a2 @cba_oa @jayarma2lib_new @rangers @rh_pistol @RH_M4 @RH_MGS @sthud @st_lb_enhance @stmovement expansion/beta r72 Optional Mods: @acex_sm @blastcore_visuals @jsrs Situation: Yesterday an IED attack on one of our convoys led to the discovery of two insurgent camps that contained intel that we believe will lead to the main IED factory for the region. The intel discovered highlights three areas of interest that you will be heading into tonight. Mission: Depart from southern airfield and investigate locations discovered via intel and neutralise and destroy all hostiles and assets. Locate IED factory by acquiring intel. Friendly Forces: Charlie Squad: 3x Fireteams Delta Squad: 2x Sniper/Spotter teams 1x MH-6J and 1x UH-60. Enemy Forces: The insurgents are attempting to remain undetected so we expect infantry presence only. Numbers and exact purpose of indicated areas unknown. Area of Operations: See Attached Roster: Calv murder blud outlanders charry castor cold eclipse poff wooz semler gaz speirs ingo nixxen Platoon Platoon Leader: Poffadder Charlie Squad Leader: FT1 Team Leader: Semler 2: BLuDKLoT 3: Outlanders 4: Eclipse FT2 Team Leader: Murder 2: Cold 3: Wooz 4: Nixxen FT3 Team Leader: 2: 3: 4: Delta-1 Sniper (M110NV): Gaz Spotter: Ingo Delta-2 Sniper (M110NV): Castor Spotter: Speirs Taxi-1 Pilot (Blackhawk): Charry Taxi-2 Pilot (Littlebird): Radio Nets 343 Ch1: FT1 Ch2: FT2 Ch3: FT3 Ch4: Delta1 Ch5: Delta2 Ch6: Platoon Leader 148/117f Ch1: Charlie Squad (SL, FTL1, FTL2, FTL3) Ch2: Recon (Delta1, Delta2, Taxi1, Taxi2, PL) Ch3: HQ (PL, SL) Armaments Per Fireteam 2x SCAR-H EGLM SD (1xHolo, 1xCCO) 2x SCAR-H SD Holo 2x SCAR-H SD CCO 1x Mk48 Mod 1 1x M1014 Holo 4x M9SD
  12. I've been running with the beta patch via SU for awhile now with no problems. The lambs guys have it running on their server too so fingers crossed should work fine for us too.
  13. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... What were the tech issues? Problems with ACRE or ACE specifically? I saw this AM there was an update to CBA and ACE yesterday so perhaps some people had newer versions? Was an issue with the interaction menu, pretty sure it was caused by attachment script so removed that. Other thing was ACRE related, think you were there last week when it happened during training, were you can hear some people but not others.
  14. OK, there were a lot of technical issues during the mission, but everyone did well getting on with things regardless. As we were all together for most of the mission I'll skip the usual report, but if poff and castor could give a quick report of what occured at each of the camps that would be useful. Anyone else feel free to post any comments, issues, stuff that went right/wrong etc. Couple things from me: Start time: Lots of people are turning up an hour or more early then getting a bit impatient when we don't start for ages, people need to get to grips with the timezone and daylight saving differences. Bookmark this page: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc There is a clock in GMT at the top. Ammo boxes: Each team has one weapons crate with about 40 mags of Stanag (1200 rounds), and 5 boxes of M249 (1000 rounds). People were saying there was not enough ammo left which was likely the result of other team members stockpiling too much ammo. For the majority of missions you should not be carrying more than 10 mags of ammo. If people really think that more ammo is needed I will consider increasing the amount slightly. Civilians: I think people may have been a bit too trigger happy with civilians, just because they are running or even running towards you, does not mean they are a threat. You'll generally be given the benefit of the doubt, but just try to avoid civilian casualties. Commander role: I have considered adding a platoon commander role for awhile now, I have held off until we had enough people to make it a necessary. Now that we're running at least 2 squads and often an additional support asset it will be useful to have one. That said it is not a role I personally want, so I need people willing to step up. I will likely aim to have the commander either in the chopper or equipped with the Raven UAV so they can gain an overview of the AO. Medical System: Leaning towards giving SLs medic abilities so they can use medkits for some basic healing, RTB will still be required to fully heal. Chat: Due to the comms issues I let it slide a bit, but people shouldn't get used to being able to use the ingame chat. It was a one-off.
  15. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... currently trying to install the mods 1 by 1, multiple crashes expected. I'll join with my usual delay if I get it working... Just create a preset from the server in Sixupdater, then select install/update and it will download/install the mods for you.
  16. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... IM IN!, NO MORE MAYBES + I'd be glad to be a FTL, been playing with the boys at UO so experience has increased since the last fight :) Put you down as second in command of the Delta Squad, so when I catch a grenade you have two teams to organise. I may also pass the 117 radio to you for reports from the chopper and other squad.
  17. DantetheFuzz LAN_WROTE ... I'd love to join up myself if there is room. Aye ya got the last spot. Anyone else that signs up is gonna replace the 'Maybes'. So lupago, hakka and castor you may lose your slots if you don't confirm your presence.
  18. Looks like we're pretty much full if all the maybe's turn up.
  19. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... whoa whoa, hold your horses Calv :) I'm in as maybe, still unsure about evening (event starts when its evening here) I didn't make that edit.
  20. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... will most likely be there. as soon as i'm trained in all the ACE mechanics, i'll give it a try to be FTL as i've been leading teams from 4 to 12 members in other games before. Well if you give a nudge at some point over the next few days we can go onto the server and I'll cover the ACE basics with ya.
  21. Usual time - 19:00 GMT Mods: Required Mods: @ace @acex @acex_ru @acex_usnavy @acre @asr_rh_m4_ace @asr_rh_mgs_ace @asr_rh_pistol_ace @blakes_pins @cba @cba_a2 @cba_oa @eod @jayarma2lib_new @rh_pistol @RH_M4 @RH_MGS @sthud @st_lb_enhance @stmovement @yup_uh60 Optional Mods: @acex_sm @blastcore_visuals @jsrs Situation: The official line is that Takistan has been pacified and we're here to keep the peace. Unofficially, the whole place is a powder keg and hostile forces are busy preparing the spark to ignite it all. We are encountering insurgent cells all over the country launching attacks with IEDs and suicide bombers, and so it is essential that we maintain a visible presence in all towns and root out and destroy any threats. Mission: Charlie and Delta are to perform a routine patrol from homeplate to Rasman Airfield. All towns along the route should be searched for insurgent presence and IEDs, any weapon caches should be destroyed. Map: See Attachment Roster: Calv murder wooz semler Gaz cold charry oni burn lupago (maybe) poff ingo castor pirate hakka (maybe) eclipse acer confused outlanders dante speirs Roles: Charlie Squad Leader: Poffadder 2IC: FT1 Team Leader: Semler 2: Oni 3: Charry 4: Burn FT2 Team Leader: Pirate 2: Eclipse 3: Outlanders 4: Confused Delta Squad Leader: Calv 2IC: Castor FT1 Team Leader: Gaz 2: Ingo 3: Cold 4: Wooz FT2 Team Leader: Speirs 2: Acer 3: Dante 4: Light Air Support/Recon Hotel-1: Murder Comms Nets PRC 343 Ch1 - Charlie Cmd Ch2 - Charlie FT1 Ch3 - Charlie FT2 Ch4 - Delta Cmd Ch5 - Delta FT1 Ch6 - Delta FT2 PRC 148/117f - Callsigns in (). Ch1 - Charlie: SL (6), FTL1 (1), FTL2 (2) Ch2 - Delta: SL (6), FTL1 (1), FTL2 (2) Ch3 - Command: Charlie SL (1), Delta SL (2), Hotel-1 (3) There will be an extra 148 radio in each of the team crates that are to be mounted in that team's humvee and set to speaker mode allowing the driver and gunner to maintain an overview of the situation while the teams are away from the vehicles. Also allows the SL to give movement orders to the humvees if needed. I will cover the process of mounting and using radios inside a vehicle during the warmup session.
  22. =VG= Calv

    2/6 AAR

    Ok team leads feel free to post a debrief of the mission. What you did, what went well, what went wrong, what can be improved etc. Bravo Team: After reaching the landing zone and sorting equipment, moved to a position NW of the radar site. Had visual on a lot of infantry and an active Shilka. Once Alpha and Charlie teams were in position we engaged the Shilka with a javelin and the provided heavy fire onto the radar site. After a few minutes most of the visible contacts were down and had received reports of Alpha and Charlie being under heavy fire from contacts on the other side of the hill so Bravo started to move in. Reached the bunker without issue, cleared out a couple lone survivors and moved to the radar, by which point both other teams had also arrived there. Satchels were placed by another team and we pulled back to the landing zone to restock on AT and ammo. Took up position NW of the military base and provided recon for the teams moving in to assault. Had spotted several mounted guns in the guard towers, several enemy squads and at least two armoured vehicles that were possible to become active. After a few minutes of heavy suppression while Alpha and Charlie moved in we only had visual on a handful of contacts that were too far for us to efficiently engage so we began to move towards the West gate. Engaged about a squad's worth of enemies in the area of the west gate and to the south. Avoided contact with the active vehicles as another squad had started moving in to neutralise. After clearing the area started searching buildings until Alpha located and killed the enemy officer providing the informant's location. After taking mortar fire en route to the informant location Bravo team scrambled south and mopped up the remains of a UAZ crew then kept moving west along the south side of the road. While the other teams were engaged East of the compounds we entered from the south and moved northwards with little contact. An enemy squad was spotted to the west of the compound but we were unable to engage due to obstructions, information was passed along to other teams. About halfway through the compounds we came under heavy fire from the north near the informant area so I moved to a nearby roof. I engaged several hostiles in the informant area then Bravo began moving north and all three teams arrived at the informant location at the same time. We arrived at the villa on the North side and had visual on two guardtowers with mounted weapons and a patrol around the chopper of about 5 contacts. We had no visual on the main building or the south side of the villa so we held position until the other teams were ready to assault, then neutralised the guard towers and started moving in to the north side of the main building. We cleared the building along with another team and then relaxed and watched the fireworks. While the other teams moved towards the airport in Zargabad, Bravo moved SE of the objective and moved in on foot. Multiple armoured contacts had been reported outside the target area at which point we moved onto a nearby roof and we were passed by at least two BTRs moving east, I then engaged a T-55 outside the target building with a javelin but believed it to still be active and Charlie moved into to provide additional AT. Bravo continued to move along the south side of the buildings and cleared the target area. The final objective was located in a large open area so we moved to the hill to the East and I believe were followed by the other teams, we came under heavy fire from the tank and took a few casualties from exploding vehicles. When all were patched up we provided sniper fire onto the target area neutralising several mounted guns on the bunker towers and a hostile squad gathering near the NW side of the area. We then provided recon for the teams preparing to enter the compound and held position until the Target was liquidated. Overall the mission was good fun, we had some decent teamwork going on with little planning and organising which is good. Towards the end of the mission I noticed in my team that some of the focus and they were becoming increasingly chatty drowning out the squad radio at times, but considering the length of the mission that isn't hugely surprising and not a major issue. My only criticism for the other FTLs is that the Alpha team lead needs to focus on brevity when on the radio and giving team orders. Try to adjust to using single words rather than full sentences. E.G: 'Alpha, Taking Fire, NW." "Contact, South, 200" etc
  23. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... will the server be setup earlier, so i can test if i got the mods right? will be there. Server is already setup. The insurgency map has a couple extra mods that I didn't mention in the first post: @asr_rh_mk18_ace @asr_rh_pistol_ace @asr_rh_smg_ace @rangers @rh_mk18 @rh_pistol @rh_smg @rq-11_raven If you have a preset setup with the server in SixUpdater it should add those mods automatically.
  24. Stein LAN_WROTE ... I may be there. You want us there an hour before the event? or what? Thank Nah, event starts at the start time. If you need to check that ace/acre is working etc then turn up a little bit early to test but otherwise will be starting the training at the time stated.
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