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  1. i know dev do what they can but ,on pr web site and some VG just tell us they don't want to play it anymore so they delete it ....i know some guy like zee hate the one with bot spwan in dam some other hate aa ...i can tell you some map we can remove for the same reason and i dont i play it or come back
  2. to many guy still ask for it when im on and i have to say dev dont like it so they remove it .............................................not gona tell what they say to me but !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. if the dev and (ZEE) dont want to play it just dont play it , but your not alone bring it back plz
  4. zeee and dev take out jabal ...they dontlike it shame
  5. Hi just get out of my job will be late if you need inf
  6. ok just reinstall my bf2 but cant connect to my old acc and cant make new one ,and stargate is install in my mod but wen i try to lunch it say windows cant find bf2.exe
  7. whait we can still play this stargate mod ? i thougth the owner of stargate franchise shut it down
  8. need to find stargate mod . miss the stargate mod on bf2
  9. =AMPHETAMINE= XD no just take it on youtube
  10. need new play list on youtube for my trans just show me what you want hear when you are in and i will put it on my play list
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