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Battlefield 3/4?


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No this isn't another Venice Unleashed thread.


 I'm just looking for people who own BF3, 4, and maybe the DLCs, to play with. A lot of people, most, just run around like chickens with their heads cut off, shooting at everything.

I'd like to get some coordination going and make a squad to tear up the battlefield. 


If any of you are interested, hit up this thread and let's see if we can get the ball rolling!

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26 minutes ago, =VG= Nyther said:

I own BF3 but I am only willing to occupy my computer for 12 hours to download it if people reeeeeeealy are gonna play it

I understand that completely, I just have a lot of HD space and figured why not, that's why I'm trying to get some people together to play as a squad and communicate!

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7 hours ago, The_Polish_Guy said:

I own BF3 with DLCs but don't know if I have time for that right know. If more people are interested then I'm in.

If you got time for PR, you got time for BF3! Just need to get more people on board!


I should mention that a lot of BF3 servers now are mostly Vanilla BF3 all map rotation. But there is one server I play on that does a lot of the Back 2 Karkand maps like Gulf of Oman, and obviously, Strike at Karkand. Always fun to revisit the classics.

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26 minutes ago, Connor said:

I have BF3 but no DLC, but I have all DLC for BF4, so if you are ever on when I am around I'll hit you up!

Hell yeah I have all the DLC for both. I can send you my Origin ID in PMs. I like BF4, I just got it. Level 5 right now lol. I'm maxed out in BF3 though.

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12 hours ago, =VG= keed said:

I am interested. Played lots of BF3 back in the day and got a good number of unlocks. Except for that damn L85 where you need to play coop. >:(

Grabbed BF4/5 in the last sale too. Still need to unlock flares for jets -> RIP me. hmu

L85 is easy. HOWEVER good luck EVER unlocking the Xbow. It took me almost a year because the only server that would run the game mode Scavenger from the Aftermath DLC rarely had any players. You needed 4 minimum for the round to start. You have to win 3 rounds of scavenger to unlock xbow. Probably my favorite troll weapon ever. I don't think that server even exists anymore, I never see anyone playing Scavenger.


EDIT: @=VG= keed We can totally do your coop assignment to get your L85 unlock.

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