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Server issues


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Lowkey - were you in the server, and it crashed, or you just went to join randomly, and it seemed down well enough to report (which we appreciate!)  ??

If you're in it, and it crashes, give it a good minute or two and it can be joined by IP if even not in the list, BUT if you randomly joined and it WAS crashed that's crazy timing or something we should reference in the logs eventually.  If we can replicate it with a debugger running, we can capture the issue for the devs, but maybe it's nothing.

Anyway, like Stark said, thanks for the report - if you could reply to my question, would be cool.  I don't think this is anything major of course.

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I was already playing, waiting for server to load a next map (which was  Al Basrah Std or Alt not sure)  map loaded and as soon as I joined I had  black screen (the one when you die) I couldn't Alt+Tab nor could I just exit the server normally...  So I forced game to exit, after that I started a game again and tried to join but couldn't find VG server, then I used IP to join and every time when I did that the whole game freezes (couldn't move my mouse or do anything, background videos of PR freezes as well) I tried to connect with IP several times with no luck and after that I reporter a problem. 15/20 minutes after a report server was not available on game tracker. (before that, game tracker was showing map that we played previously the whole time I was trying to join after those 15/20 minutes server was no where to be found No image on Game Tracker ether) 

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Sometimes this does happen on Al Basrah. Not sure if it is just this map or not but it is known as the ‘deaddead glitch’ and it is where all players load into the map and have the black screen that displays ‘DEAD’ as you said. There doesn’t seem to be any way to get around this glitch atm appart from someone logging onto TC and restarting the server.

If you want any more info on this it is probably best to talk to Deathdealer or BinkleDinkle as they are the ones that told me most of the above.

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I'll see about making a button in TCAdmin that can trigger the debugger to log 'next crash' -- I don't keep it on all the time because it does create fairly large files. And if those two don't have TCAdmin, we'll make sure they have it for the servers they play on.  Any PR Admin or VG Member who needs access to be able to start/stop/restart the server in a time of need just has to ask - the reason I've kept using it all these years is because I can give selective permissions to anyone without also giving access to things where one comma in the wrong place would ruin the server.  Feel free to pass that around, if you can use it, I'll get you set up.  Just msg me.  :hi:

The method would be to have some Admin push the "watch for a crash" button after a known trouble map starts, then just play -- if it crashes as anticipated, the debugger will create the crash dump file, and turn itself back off.  Then a report can be made to reference the time/date and details, and we can forward that along to the R-Devs.

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I have often sent you an email when the server did not restart. maybe it makes sense if I can restart it ... it can't hurt to keep the downtime as short as possible...

the idea with the dumpfile is good but very laborious if you don't know which maps crash.
I will definitely post the crashes here from now on.

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  On 1/20/2020 at 6:07 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Thanks for the play-by-play!  Can help us track down things!!  This one is going on the list, should be no reason for the server to not restart within 2-3 minutes unless there are deeper issues.  :coffee:


No worries, glad I could help ! Also I heard that, that same map crashes if flags are not capped in certain order 

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Please take a look at this server crash report form. The answer sheet has been set to zulu time, so if a report is made immediately when server crashes, we can track the necessary information from the server logs. I've omitted questions about faction and previous map cuz we can easily track those from the logs as well. Feedback is welcome ^^!


Report form: Click HERE

Report collection: Click HERE

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  On 1/22/2020 at 10:18 AM, =VG= Acro1 said:

Please take a look at this server crash report form. The anwer sheet has been set to zulu time, so if a report is made immediately when server crashes, we can track the necessary information from the server logs. I've omitted questions about faction and previous map cuz we can easily track those from the logs as well. Feedback is welcome ^^!


Report form: Click HERE

Report collection: Click HERE


Dude! Sweet!

I've been delving into IPS (system that runs this website) and learning more about how to use it's modules.  We have a forms system, but past attempts to make pre-populated fields for use as Unban Requests (or examples such as Acro's form up there) have not panned out.  If I can ever find a way for this sort of form here at VG, I will, but for now, this amazing form system by Acro will be perfect for the job, for anyone who would offer their time to fill them out.

Thanks Acro!  :coffee:


*edit:  FYSA, if needed, remember the server is in Germany, so it's ZULU+1 or +2 for file date/times - will be fairly obvious which one when correlating a single map time since our maplist is always varied.

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