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[poll] Project Reality


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I say deployment, I mean there's only one insurgency sever out there, and they don't just play insurgency.

You take a look after playing a round on insurgency and the map goes to a AAS map. The sever empty out. The reason being is the people who played insurgents wanted to be the cache hunters, But cant.

If we make a Veterans-gaming 24/7 insurgency it will get populated. We play skirmish maps until we hit 30 people, after that we switch and play some insurgency.

Our play style and our no shit rule is great. Too many people get away with stealing assets on other severs, and admins don't care. We enforce that in our severs.

We would need to revisit our rules and make one acceptable to deployment.

The best rule out there is the asset rule, you create it first you get it. Not this first come first serve shit. No locked squads without 4 members of the same clan, etc.

My 2 cents. Voted yes btw
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nice points Dman.

For me i love COOP...why you ask? simply becuz we are all on the same team. (in fact i would hate it to get shot over and over again by Dman and others VG members :-) ) But deployment has its cool features...you get all the stuff ther is in the game and is not limeted for COOP.

So im still making up my (slow) mind.
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Losing the coop server.......my heart bleeds !shok

Long Story:
I played first time PR one this server (was recommended by an old former clanmember).
He told me, if u want to learn pr ... play here! Good people, good rules and the importants thing = TEAMPLAY.
The TEAMPLAY wasn't my problem before, only to find the good peoples and rules (GOOD SERVER) !sorry
So i started to play here and found more than a GOOD server.

It seem's like they don't take any care about coop anymore.
But i can understand it.
Coop makes the most problems. It need much more ressources to handle the KI of the bots as the multiplayer gamemode. Coop crashs more times clients and servers.
The bot Ki can't handle some python scripts (try to capture uncap. flags)

What i can't understand

They have enough old maps from older pr versions they worked good before.
It isn't a big deal for those guys (high moddingskill), to convert or create more alternative coop gamemode layers for those maps and make a new SP mappack 0.966.
It's possible to have two version of an map in the levelsfolder.
Best excample in 0.957 Fallujah/Fallujah_sp. Why not an Jabal and Jabal_sp or Korengal and Korengal_sp. It exist an Korengal Coopmode in 0.86 that works with 0.957 so i think it works in 0.966 too.

I know, much why's! !dntknw

Back to topic

If we switch the coop server to an deployment server many people lose her lovely favorite coop server. Keep that in mind.

But i know, that VG overbear this obstacle too.
If we play deployment in the same wise like we play on the coop server ....... we can only win. I remember one time deployment. Our squad took out 4 weaponcaches without much ticket losts ...... Respect Poffadder.

Let's have a try. Let play us deployment with an good insurgency mappool. !2cool

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well said Fast! yes deployment would be VERY cool, besides i could use some good training in that. as Fast said our rules work perfectly on Deployment and we have great members/supporters/friends of VG that wont seem like noobs on Deployment server, + we have a few great Dep. SLs like poff, Dman, Badploy and many others that i havent had the honor to play with yet.

BUT remember that there should always be atleast 1 Admin on other side, we want to make sure there is no Teamkilling, asset stealing etc. Zero tolerance for douchebags!!
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Seeing as the support for COOP gets worse every patch (except that SP mappack they released earlier in the year), it's probably a good idea to go deployment. I like dman's idea about Insurgency.. if there aren't any decent Ins servers out there perhaps this is where we can step up (like we did for COOP server). Can the server be set to switch sides each map (or play each map twice so peeps can play either side)? .. just thinking out loud here...
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even if i haven't played PR for a while , i'd better switch to deployment , COOP is getting boring + crap support . and i think with our rules we'll get deployment server populated pretty fast. Also we can make and advertisement on website that we've switched to deployment and all the regulars will come with us ^^
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I totally agree with most of the topics mentioned in this thread and I do think VG needs to move in some direction from it's current PR position.

But certain points need to be taken into an account in order to keep VG attractive to old and new players. VG's strength lies in it's strong player community, the ability to play together in a mature way by using it's admin powers wisely and by giving the players an experience they can't find elsewhere.

That is why I'm concerned about the suggestion to make a PVP insurgency server since there are already multiple servers out there that do more or less the same already.

My suggestion would be to create a Vehicle Warfare and/or Command and Control server since there aren't any up yet. They aren't as popular as the normal servers yet but as we already proven, when people see other playing, they will come and join and even come again when they see good teamwork. It would take a few days of playing with only a few non VG-members but I'm pretty sure that this the best way to go for VG.

And for all the CoOp fans, including myself,

I've been playing PR CoOp more or less frequently since I first saw the VG CoOp server almost 2 years ago when only Bludklot, Ingo and SolarFlame where around but due to the lack of content from the developer side, we need to move on to find new land to settle in.

Cheers, Iffn
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My vote is no.
Don't like Deployment and will not play it.
VG members will have to play against each other because if they don't people won't want to play with stacked sides.
The Co-op server still gets play.
You can also get the server going with less people Deployment would be a lot more waiting around.
The people who vote yes are the same people who play during the day when many people are around.
At night the story changes and I am willing to guarantee the server will sit empty.
I don't think getting rid of the PR Co-op server is a good idea but switching to deployment is defiantly a bad idea as far as the server population is concerned.
I don't play with PR much anymore so I'm a little indifferent about it as long as you don't touch the FH2 Co-op.

And the AIX is nice too.
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Of course it means more money out the door, or to raise each month.

I agree with Jarema, though I also don't play PR much anymore, holding open a COOP server for the community is a good idea.
I understand the competition has no care about breaking the EULA and making COOP maps that may appeal to some players, and that we refuse to stoop to that level.
Still, what makes VG COOP different is admin support, and gameplay the way PR intended coop to be. These things still get new members to join the site, and expand to other games we play.

Remember, the main draw for VG isn't just the games, it's the way they are run. And our teamwork and communication is VIRAL. People use it as a standard, and prompty abandon servers with little admin support and lone wolf players.

I know I don't pay the bills or play PR anymore, but I feel it's the roots of VG. It may not be time YET to cut these roots.

Maybe when BF3 or ArmA:PR come out and you MUST devote a server to them to keep up with the community.
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