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PR Vietnam Release!!


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Still not sure if true...

As some PR forums members noticed, look at the URL of the pictures in the post: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/109292-pr-bf2-vietnam-release-date.html

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Iffn LAN_WROTE ...

Still not sure if true...

As some PR forums members noticed, look at the URL of the pictures in the post: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/109292-pr-bf2-vietnam-release-date.html


Ah well I fell for it. Geez.
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Nice patrolboats, i like it and the huey's are amazing! All 4 seats have a weapon.

PRV doesnt have any co-op mode to play ...

Speirs, i'm currently checking something in prv barracuda.
Seems to me, that the map doesn't have any changes with the statics or terrain.
It's the same barracuda we all know, only an different flagdesign.
Additionally, the new feature (update installer) allows the devteam to update the mod faster, without major time phased patch releases.

I'll ask them, if they can integrate the navmesh of the original barracuda and a cooplayer to support the coop community.
The only requirement is, that the ai of all prv weapons/vehicles is already finished but currently it seems to me, all things are cool !iloveyou check..check...check
It is an 15 minute job (including : making a cup of coffee) for the devteam.

Edit: ok maybe they need 30 minutes: I forgot that they must create a botfaction.
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