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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hello Kedi, we are glad you join us, Cheers!
  3. Welcome Kedi.. Your in luck mate PR is both!!!!!!!!!!! See you out there!! Thanks for stopping in
  4. Hey Kedi, welcome to the club man. See ya around
  5. Last week
  6. Hi Kedi thx for joining the site! See you around. Blud
  7. Hello i'm kedi, first time i'm joining a clan which is not in clash of clans idk english very well trying to improve it by playing games and talking people online i like old games and milsim games
  8. well hello my name is Crowmask but I go with Crow for short and like a Crow IM always in sky
    prefer playing PR (project reality) cause I can help more when IM in sky, need a pilot in bad situation IM there to help if you need supply or is an evac mission I will do what I can if IM about to die I will land you somewhere safe then I will die cause a pilot will die in sky not on the ground and always with his ride.
    or if you need some help with enemy you might hear the brrrrt sound cause IM there to help be it the aircraft or be it an attack helicopter I will be there with everything I can

  9. Earlier
  10. lost mail for this account who can h3lp m3? lol

    last chanc !

  11. Awesome event hope next time gonna have more people to join ! Very fun! AND PLEASE NEXT TIME ALLOW US TO USE NVGs :))
  12. COCO BONGO! U HEAR ME? ALLO OUI! RECU 5 SUR 5 !!!!!!!!!!!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legionnaire-50


      I support the forum the community is = FAMILY =

    3. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      My Famas Gangster! ❤️


    4. Legionnaire-50


      We are V-GANGSTA !



  13. Hey, Enfield wants to sign up as a riflemen. He forgot his password so asked me instead to do it on behalf of him. Thanks
  14. This movie?! i love this !!!!! BIG LOVE BRO ( i'm not gay)
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