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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Blood makes the grass grow - shit runs downhill - you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink - if you can't get enough players with us at VG, don't get your jimmies rustled, it just means that this decent idea needs more promotion. I haven't had a chance to look at the code yet myself, but I'm seriously interested in this thing that seems like a DandD style game. I'll be around - good luck, don't get discouraged by any initial lack of interest or low numbers, DayZ wasn't a hit in a day. !2cool
  2. As far as being banned goes, it must be possible to contact their support and get it all fixed. I'm afraid many of the questions you have asked may go unanswered here as there are only a few infrequent Falcon players on these forums, compared to the BMS site. The options menu for a lot of configuration settings is in the first launcher window, before the game is loaded. "Configuration" has all the extra settings not found in game. I have no idea how to use the built in editor, I've just never played around with it - same with alternate cockpits - I've never used them and I don't know anyone here who has. Your best bet is to try to follow instructions from YouTube videos featuring such things, maybe they will provide a method and files. Good luck!
  3. Not sure if other aircraft have properly modeled cockpits the way FF did it. Also, I only fly in Korea or Balkans, and don't know anyone who flys in Taiwan, so I have no frame of reference. As for the activation email at BMS, I assume it must have ended up in a spam folder or was rejected by your email as I quoted in your other thread. Only their support team could fix that, or you could try making another account with different email settings and see if it gets through. It's automated and nearly instant so it's not like it takes days to get sent out. You've clearly not received the one they sent, as I'm sure it was sent by now. Good luck and enjoy Falcon BMS! We have a persistent Korean War going on at the VG BMS server 24/7, feel free to get into it when you are ready. !hi
  4. They may be small in size, but over the course of time, thousands of downloads cost simple forum sites a lot of money in bandwidth. This is why torrents are the most viable option. 24MB here and there can add up. Good luck! You will no doubt need some assistance when it comes to programming flight stick buttons and such, I'd be happy to help you, and of course now that you can access our friends at the BMS site, you can get loads of resources there as well. So glad we could help! !cheers
  5. You can just reply here in this post for an ongoing conversation. First of all, you are downloading Torrent files from BMS and then those files need to be opened in a Torrent program which will download the very large BMS files. This is a method used from time to time by mod makers to avoid the costs of hosting large files for thousands of downloaders. So, that is the confusing part you are missing - no mirrors there, only Torrents which are small downloader files that do their job on your end. First step for you would be to download a Torrent program, I still use uTorrent and here is a link to that: http://www.utorrent.com/ Once you have that installed, and torrent files associated with uTorrent, you will find that clicking on the download links at BMS website will ask to open a file with an outside program *(uTorrent) - once you allow this, you will notice uTorrent window come up and the files begin to download from multiple sources. It is very safe, and usually quite fast depending on the number of "seeds". I won't get into all the details, but this should get you what you need. If you have any further issues, feel free to reply to this thread rather than starting a new one. Good luck! !pilot
  6. *with regards to the BMS website, you'll want to check your spam folder in your email, maybe it appeared there. This is what they suggest at the BMS site, you may need to create another account there after following these steps: ?The forum system sends out automatic eMail confirmations, PM notices etc... plenty of "free" providers (e.g. GMAIL, HOTMAIL) tag such automatic mails as "spam". If you want to receive our mails, make sure to either check your spamfolder regularly, or to whitelist the "@benchmarksims.org" domain. ?Some eMail providers offer a "sender verification system", i.e. if they receive an eMail from s/o for the 1st time, they send back an automatic response email, asking the sender to confirm his identity by clicking on some link, providing some info about himself. Our moderators do NOT have the time to do this, and our automatic forum eMail system is of course not capable of doing this. So if you have such a "protection" system in place, again, make sure to whitelist the "@benchmarksims.org" domain. Also note that you do not need the original Falcon 4.0 disc to install BMS, no original files are needed from the Falcon 4.0 program. All you need is the original Falcon 4.0 exe which you can find for free here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bt1n5n9lvy4rlo/falcon4.zip If you have any more problems, or need help re-registering at the BMS site, post up here and we'll try to help you. !hi
  7. It was down. Thank you for the report - I have restarted it. I've been very busy lately, so if it happens again, let people know this is where they can come if it goes down again. !hi
  8. That is a great idea. There are a number of decent vanilla missions for A3 so far, but which ones would lend themselves to a persistent server like Insurgency does for A2? Does A3 have Insurgency yet? Sounds like we need a list and some tests...
  9. PvP/TvT - same idea - humans v. humans using Arma 2 or 3. It is not IMHO the best game for that. Like Savage said, I'd certainly try it in an event or large group play, and it would come down to the game mode type (S&D, etc.) to make it fun or playable. There are a few things about Arma that I don't like for human v. human fighting, and even the Arma PR (project reality mod) is not able to overcome these elements. This is why I prefer to play Arma against AI, and the smarter the better. I think where Arma shines is in COOP TvE and TvAI because it lends itself so well to teamwork and communication, but not so well at fluid character control or a sense of speedy input to character action/reaction. I will say that the game mod Invasion 1944 might do better at this due to the older weaponry and lack of modern optics and electronics, but still, I think playing vs AI in Arma is the most enjoyable gameplay so long as they aren't dumb as a post. !hi
  10. The best AI I think I have played against in Arma 2 was using DAC and UPSMON - they had a sense of fear it seemed, used smoke well at times, and would flank and move in for the kill if you tried to wait them out. Our Insurgency doesn't run this, it's Vanilla and not sure if these are mods, and though it would be nice to see Insurgency creating it's AI enemy zones with DAC, I imagine that it would be some feat to integrate it into the current mission scripts for AI generation.
  11. Was this FTP set up before we had to reinstall everything? Maybe we need to set up FTP in TCAdmin before it will work, because I have your already set up on all servers with those permissions set: !dntknw
  12. Speaking of filtered cases, you'll notice that there are still plenty of large seams between side sheets and the rear panel for example, and though most airflow will go through the fans and their filters, you can ensure that those are the only intakes by sealing cracks with electrical tape. I guess I'm a little over zealous with that being in a garage, and not a proper indoor room, but I do deal with a lot of dust. As I mentioned once before, I even toss those moisture absorbant packets inside the case whenever I get one from a box with new shoes or other items that come with them. But, again, I deal with greater than 60 percent humidity at times - can't wait till the new room is finished!!
  13. Flight Risk LAN_WROTE ... i bought it as well thinking it looked like a good waste of time and tried to play it, as soon as i got to the menu the graphics glitched out. i expect there is a simple solution but im to lazy to find it You need the hacker girl from Jurassic Park 1 to fix that... !lol
  14. That one won't work for his current CPU (LGA1366) cuz it's 1150 - may have to go with this if he wants a superboard: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=MB-WS555A2&c=CJ would need a couple Xeon's tho - but damn - wouldn't that be a peach? !rockon
  15. On the mod list, I have noticed right off the bat that you may not be using CBA correctly - this could be the root of the issue with your @ST Interact messing with ACE Interact. If running the DevBuild/BETA, you will want to use @CBA_CO If you are not running BETA, you will want to use these: @CBA, @CBA_OA, @CBA_A2 ....at least that is how it used to be, I'd be happy to be corrected if it were otherwise....
  16. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... could you post the full mod list for the server/mission? the more info the better :) ^need this first. Second...... 1) I will assume that you mean @ST Interact menu is making the ACE Interact unavailable barring the heal/inspect wounded functions on that menu. If this is indeed the case, know that ACE has key bindings that you can change, such as changing ACE Self Interact and ACE Interact to different keys not used by @ST Interact. It's a workaround, not a fix, but aside from speaking with ShacTac or the ACE team, it may be the best you can do. 2) This persistence of markers can only be achieved with systems similar to @Arma2NET which allows you to export and import data to/from a database. This is not already configured, you'd have to find someone to script and code it to make it work, but I have made it work (with help from a programmer) to take information from the game and export it to a database which then could display data. What you want is the reverse of that. MSO offers some of these functions for Arma 2 and the upcoming Arma 3 ALiVE mod also functions similarly. These are things you will want to check out. If you make it work, we'd love to hear your progress, as I also would like it if Insurgency remembered Red/Green Zone markers layout upon server restart. That would be the Holy Grail of Insurgency gameplay. Good luck! 3) Once again, MSO for Arma 2 offers some of these functions, among others, like casevac and heli evac. I was even evac'd by a FireScout UAV once - after I was injured and downed all by myself, a kindly AI civilian came and used my basic medical gear on me to revive, and I used my MSO menu and ACRE 117 Radio to call an extract for myself. Not sure that there are very many proficient Arma scripters that would be able to help you write your own scripts on that system, but you should look around and see if there are any light user-made scripts or mods that acheive this, otherwise use MSO. As much info as you can provide is helpful - like Wooz said: how about a copy of the mission?
  17. =VG= TortiaBoy wrote ... Arma 3 Zeus is now up on the Dev Build A3 Development Branch Changelog
  18. Bohemia Interactive reveals Arma 3 Zeus DLC Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday 13th February 2014 Bohemia Interactive, creators of the award-winning Arma? series and DayZ?, today announce their first planned DLC for Arma 3: Arma 3 Zeus. Made available in the second quarter of this year, the free Zeus DLC delivers a new form of multiplayer, in which players can take on the role of Game Master and curate the online battles of other players. The concept is further introduced in the DLC?s reveal trailer. Improvisation is the ultimate key to success in Arma 3 Zeus. Inspired by popular tabletop games such as 'Dungeons & Dragons', a limited number of players can assume the role of Game Master, and influence the multiplayer experience of those with boots on the ground. Watching the battlefield from a bird's-eye view, wielding an intuitive real-time editor, Zeus can create, manipulate or expand mission content to generate new stories and a flow of challenges. The result is incredibly dynamic, unscripted combat gameplay - and multiplayer sessions which are filled with unexpected, challenging, and creative events. The Zeus multiplayer concept works across all familiar multiplayer game types, such as Team Deathmatch and Sector Control, where players can either work with or go up against Zeus. The most distinctive game type in Arma 3 Zeus, however, is ?Zeus Game Master?. Here, Game Masters are entirely free to create objectives, spawn units, and steer players across Arma 3?s massive Altis and Stratis terrains. On top of the diverse range of official Zeus scenarios that will be available, Arma 3 Zeus can also be implemented into player-created multiplayer scenarios. "The best thing about Arma 3 Zeus is how naturally it fits within the game. Dynamic combat, massive islands, and editing features - it was all there. But now we've added an interface which gives players full control over the multiplayer experience", said Zeus? Design Lead Karel Moricky. "The Zeus system is pretty modular too, so community creators can easily use it in their missions. Or take it apart and turn into something completely different. There are no rules, only those you make yourself.? While the reveal trailer already gives a taste of what to expect, the Arma 3 development team will also be hosting an official ?Arma 3 Zeus Gameplay Reveal? livestream this Saturday, February 15th, at 17:00 UTC. During the livestream, Zeus? Design Lead Karel Moricky and Arma 3?s Creative Director Jay Crowe, alongside other core members of the Arma development team, will be giving a one-hour demonstration of how it is to play as Zeus and what it?s like to be one of Zeus? subjects. The session will be streamed live from Bohemia Interactive?s HQ in Prague onto Arma 3?s Twitch.tv channel. Click Here to see the Arma 3 ? Zeus DLC Trailer
  19. Yea, that's what I'd do - get a cheap DSL internet from the phone company over phone lines. I am not sold on those Cell Phone things - they can get expensive if they limit the amount of data you can use per month and you go over (or you find yourself with slower internet or no internet at the end of the month if they "throttle" you). A wired connection will not be regulated like that, and it will be a little more reliable and possibly cheaper. !hi
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