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=VG= Condrad

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Condrad

  1. Just an update the PC is working Fine now \o/ bought some thermal paste the other day and started cleaning the thing and vacuuming as well. all I need now is to get me editing software so I can start.
  2. dont worry golden ill always have the Fedex Squad to do your Supply Run and Repair Needs XD
  3. I second this he's really good as infantry. This is also true xD im also adding MAD_KY out there for good ground unit.
  4. yes I was actually monitoring it manually I was using MSI afterburner for the temp, I'm not really that techy. I've done a couple of trouble shoots on it that I found online and it seem to work the PC went to sleep mode and I manage to wake it up with the keyboard. right now I'm just waiting if it happens again. Sorry Sempler I don't really know how to do what you've just suggested to me properly :x
  5. so here's what I gathered so far. I left it running over night and as soon as I woke up the monitor has no display anymore its weird I was sure I turned off powersaving / sleep mode. I check the unit its not hot at all but its still running. I tried typing and moving the mouse but the monitor still wont light up. I cant even turn of the PC for some reason. So I had to unplug the cable just to turn it off. Anyone experience this before? now I tried to change power settings turned of PCI Express power management on the advance options and did the cmd command "powoerconfig -h off" restart pc. now I'm monitoring it again if the monitor shuts down again and I cant wake it up. hopefully this works.
  6. I'm doing that right now. manage to find a spare power cord its doing ok so far.
  7. ayt I got a hold of my dad's old PC and here's the specs: - Ryzen 3 2200G - 8gb x1 Memory - A320M A PRO Mobo -Fortress 700wattz PS its about the same as mine. There seems to be a problem coz it dies after a while with no warning or errors. I'm suspecting its the Power Cord.
  8. yes it will be done by hand. I'm gonna try to learn this stuff as soon as I get my dad's pc to work. those are really nice sample's Thom. I'll probably gonna be making Boxes for while till I get better xD
  9. but I don't have the budget to buy a new PC that's why my option is to reuse the parts from my dad's old pc and see what I can do from there. the only thing that I would probably have budget for is a cheap graphics cards that won't put a whole in my pocket. by next month I'll probably save up 6000php which is around $125 dollars is getting a GPU around this price worth it? can I even get one with this budget? coz I've been looking for a good GPU and had my eye on a RX 570 4gb or a 1050ti 4gb but the price suddenly went higher than a few months ago.
  10. so from what I understood is the GPU is mainly only for fast rendering. I guess I need to find that sweet spot fast enough but affordable. some clients here cant make up there minds so a boost on rendering speed is nice.
  11. the plan is once my family and I are done with the funeral my brother who use to work on a modular company (still has connections) with my other brothers we'll be starting a business making furniture's and other modular stuff. since I'm the brother who has some artistic experience ill be in charge of designing. meaning I have to produce designs good enough for clients to actually want to invest and buy what we make. Rendering will probably need to be the best look possible to insure the clients interest. Will be designing it with a half room view (sort of like a studio) we might also make bed racks with side tables. Will also be making it with actual measurements so its easier for the person making it. I will be making samples but it will be mainly customize depending on the clients request. If Ram is all I need then that's great less problems coz GPU now a days are still very pricy. My Family's future is riding on this so gonna be taking it very seriously. we're gonna take a loan hopefully this will work. right now its all still just planning we still need to take care of my Dad's paper work. I just want to get as much knowledge as I can till the day we actual go on with our plan.
  12. right now I'm just planning everything we have tradition to not use the items of the dead for atleast 40days. (i know its weird) but thats just how it goes. so once I can ill check my Dad's pc and try to fix it and hopefully I can start testing on softwares that I might use. thank you so much for suggestions I'll try to do it as soon as I can
  13. so any GPU will do then 2gb above? coz I was thinking about the rendering process will it take longer without a proper GPU or its fast enough?
  14. wait... your left handed? nice set up by the way.
  15. Hi guys, I would like to ask if know any good spec for a PC that is good enough to render and design 3d objects. since my father pass away I will be inheriting his broken pc and I might be able to get some useful parts on it. ( don't what's in it yet but I'm pretty sure its also a APU ) as well as his tools. will I be able to design stuff even without a GPU? if not what GPU do you recommend that is cheap and enough to run such software? this will be my future income I'm shifting from props work to actually making wood furniture / modular cabinets and shelves.
  16. forgot to mention that I DLed and installed that too. C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Project Reality C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Project Reality this two isn't even here on my files(the moment I uninstall atleast). its confusing what's happening to this pc (X_X) now I'm double checking everything and making sure no folders left before I reinstall.
  17. I even installed them on a different folder. and I didn't install any custom files or mods for PR. its pure vanilla. so I'm wondering about a shader.
  18. I couldn't find reshader file that I was suppose to delete anywhere. check my root folder my documents... its not in any... - so I just re installed the game. still don't work. - downloaded the dxd9.dll file that was on the error message and copy paste it to system folder.. still didn't work... - updated windows...... still didn't work... My PC saying No Play Q.Q)
  19. I'm a noob on sound editing but I do have the software to edit. I use to make song remix and editing for high school students wanting they're dance a little different. the era of the jabbawockeez and they're heavily edited dance songs xD
  20. PR is the only thing that makes me forget all the bad things happening around me. its my escape from reality. ironic it may seems I try to escape reality in a Project Reality..... Some people drink.. some people smoke.. some people take drugs.. for me? this is my addiction this is my happy place..... I found many genuine people here. people you'd never expect existed. a wacky but friendly bunch of weirdos (Me included) that feeling that your not just playing with people your playing with friends that makes things worth it. things that puts a smile on your face. And that experience is hard to find in a game. sadly I cant play with you guys so I go for the next best thing listening to everyone talking about the game on TeamSpeak. silently observing, reading about random post, funny screen shots that people share on discord. I miss playing PR...
  21. one last thing pls stop double posting.
  22. emergerd this will help alot for me since i only use my phone browse D8...................
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