yah there's very little number of people out there that's willing to teach new players how to properly play the game.
I've been guiding new player long before i became an admin teaching them from basics to kit change, using armors, how to use a mortar etc.
and if I get a hint that the player is really willing to learn I even offer to teach them how to fly. (ofcourse i make them go to a different server to do so I'm also an admin on SEA server and most of the time its empty so its a perfect place to teach them how to fly) if anyone here wants a basic flying lesson do tell
now for the other topic where squads just do what ever they want and just try to rake up point with the expense of not helping with the objectives. there are times I step up and give others to the squad-leads (sort of being the commander but still in my own squad) for us to progress in the game. some people obey some don't. so I try to give them some proper reason why we need to cooperate. so far it goes well and eventually things work out. we just need proper communication to everyone.
next topic. ( infantry squads noobs? / useless? )
When I see this thing happening I 1st talk to the infantry SL and ask what's going on.
(no mic SL) if I'm free and not leading my own squad I join squad in question and ask what's going on. if I found out the SL is incompetent I ether give advice or ask for the SL to step down and let someone else lead. depending on the situation.
(with mic SL) I just explain what's important at the moment and make them focus on objectives. if they don't listen and is actually breaking some rules then that's when admin powers kicks in.
I almost forgot this one. some SL's don't like players with no mics.
so they are force to ether make they're own squads or just stay as blueberry. this is one worst experience even more if they are new to the game. no one to guide them coz they keep on getting kick out of the squad.
I spent most of my gameplays being the support so I see everything happening in the map(mostly). I've done and will keep doing the best I can to help players have a nice experience new or old. (in the exemption of A**holes who don't give a F*ck and just do what ever they want I don't waste my time teaching those guys)
last Note :
Risiko makes the best newbie friendly squad in the game hands down.