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Everything posted by Jager

  1. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107.html Always a good place to start when considering a new GPU, depending on the card the PSU might be weak. Check out this site to do a rough calculation of your needs in terms of a PSU. http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp Some say 3gb ram is not great but you can live with it as long as you disable most of the things not vital for your gaming experience. Personally I'm not a big fan of upgrading boxed setups since you have to work with their space, was looking at upgrading my gf's boxed setup. It was a older box and the space needed for a new GPU was simply not there nor the ventilation for the added heat produced. As for Arma I'm in the firm belief that it relies slightly more on the CPU than the GPU.
  2. Hmm yeah I was using ace, explains the grids.
  3. Had a quick chat with Ch1 & Ch2 FTL's and came up with a plan to assault from the south using bounding fireteams. While they sorted their gear I did some recon on the town, spotted 2 patrols of 3 pax each and the AA site on the north-west side of town. All targets within fire range but didn't like those odds so I relayed the information to Ch1 & Ch2 and waited for them to breach the town. Had one small firefight that I took part in and Ch1 I believe took one casualty during that, had to move down and heal. After that I followed the teams close. I'd blame teamspeak tbh, spam protection screwed up for some of us. Could not hear Gaz at all and pretty sure quite a few others as well, after restarting ts I still got error messages but eventually it worked sorta. Another problem was the grid cords, for some reason my cords was different from everyone else in Charlie. Sort that out with markers but it's not ideal.
  4. When we recruit new players for Lambs they get enrolled in a squad and normally stick with them for the duration of a campaign. Our regular nights looks something like this 19:30-20:00 We start with basic map where we can run through training with our squads, be it firing range, small basic courses, formation or basic procedures. 20:00-2300 Live mission In most cases there is never more than one recruit in one squad and they only need to focus on covering their sector and use 343. Some recruits have played arma 2 for years and others have more experience but all have read the lambs CoC and parts of the arma 2 guide. So I guess having a VG CoC for these events and more defined roles would be helpful, we have the basic roles you'd expect and some of them require completing a qualification so that we know you can handle that role. -Grunt -FTL -SQL -CMD -Transport / Cas pilot -FAC / RTO -Medic -Demolition -MG -Sniper / spotter -Armor Commander / gunner and driver These are simply suggestions and what works for us does not necessarily work for these events. Below is our CoC: Land/Air Make It Go Booom Squad aka L.A.M.B.S. Background To achieve in the ARMA series is fun. Good cooperation and teamwork is a prerequisite for achievement in the ARMA series. Effective communication is a prerequisite for good cooperation. Understanding the communication structure within LAMBS is a prerequisite for effective communication. What is Lambs. LAMBS is for everyone, people from all clans and skill levels are welcome. LAMBS participants must be willing to give the little extra initiative and effort to be a team player. Cooperation being the key word. LAMBS participants should be able to attend at least one gaming activity per month. LAMBS participants are encouraged to contribute to the positive development of LAMBS using forums or other channels. LAMBS participants are required to install and adopt the current addons and communications tools used on the LAMBS server. LAMBS specialist roles are for anyone who is willing to put down the extra effort and time into a specialist role and have proven to their fellow players and higher ranks that their skill level can be depended on in combat. LAMBS formal activities requires a sign up on the forum by its members to ensure your privilege of joining the event. Code Of Conduct As participants of L.A.M.B.S. you will be expected to behave in a civilized and professional manner during any preplanned or unplanned L.A.M.B.S. session or training. This includes the following: Following orders from your FTL and/or HQ officers Not purposely killing, harming, misusing or destroying your team or any equipment that is available in a L.A.M.B.S. session or training. L.A.M.B.S. participants does not engage in meta gaming and a "dead men don't talk" philosophy is adopted. This goes for debriefing only, forums are free*. Keep communications to effective minimum, no chatter on coms. If you are unfamiliar with the weapons or weapons systems we are using in a session, contact your FTL or HQ officers for instructions on that particular weapons or weapons systems. If a sign up is required for a session, you will have to sign up to be able to play, this can be done as an individual or as a LIMA team. If you are by any chance not able to attend a signed game, you will let CMD know you will not be able to attend BEFORE the sessions starts. Operations/sessions start at a set time, do not be late. Warm up starts at 19:30 and the main operation at 20:00. You do not come late for war! We do encourage you to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before main sessions starts. Signed "The Shepherds" And while our sessions have a high level of focus I feel that we don't take it too far either. Footage from our SQL from last mission, communication is sometimes hard to hear with the music in the background. Link will take you to that video but it's part of the playlist that shows the operation from two different povs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Egv7iNN6xs&feature=share&list=PL3F1D4419E1649C68
  5. jordan LAN_WROTE ... when i try launch ARMA 2 OA i get an error message saying i need to have CA_Hotfix to run ace_anim_jump. i dont have a clue where to get this. i have the steam version of the game with combined operations and PMC. any ideas what to do. please dont give solutions for the Disc version. i only want solutions for the steam version As Airborn has already pointed out running file integrity test on Arma 2 OA is always a good idea. Are you running mods?
  6. What did you encode the video in? Could either be a encoder problem or a youtube problem, tried using the simple yt uploader?
  7. For newbies and veteran players alike http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/ is a very good place to start, it was a very good read when I started out and still is. Quick briefing and markers on map that illustrated what needed to be done, in addition to the normal map briefing gave me a fair idea of what needed to be done. As Calv already has pointed out once we are rolling it's the ftl's responsibility to make decisions, cmd simply gives us a task and expects results. How we accomplish those goals is entirely up to us, RV1 was not a task simply a waypoint but that's how I'm taught ^^ And cmd do not know how things will look on the ground so it's up to us (cmd's eyes and ears) to judge the situation, it has happened during an op that cmd gives a bad RV due to factors that is not known to cmd (elevation, exposure etc). Then we can always contact cmd and give him the information needed to make a decision or make a field decision. After Calv was down I went into solo group operating modus and that's just habit kicking in sadly. We had a task and so I took my team towards that, think I mentioned briefly in ts after that the longer we stay hidden the better. But eventually we need to fire shots in anger :p and hopefully that's later rather than sooner. As for map checking, be vocal about it, "checking map, 360 coverage", "ready to move again" etc Whenever we stop it's a benefit to just go out into defensive formation. 1-2-3-4 in a column formation transition easily into defense, 1 covers front, 2 left, 3 right and 4 covers rear as he always does. For map time 1 is to my left and 3 to my right, 4 still at my back. Anyhow good stuff.. -We did manage to keep acceptable coms -Completed some tasks -Got killed by our mistakes and we'll learn from that ;) Not so good.. stuff :p -Command structure broke when Calv died but it's something we can be more clear on for the next ops -We (the majority) died! What we could benefit from is learning patrolling formations and doing contact drills. Dunno how hard it is to setup a range with dummy targets popping up randomly which we can patrol in. If it's a hazzle we can always wait for Ace and probably grab Nkenny's basics maps.
  8. 4-1 Actual When we touched down we regrouped and spent roughly a minute going through some basic formations and a rough plan. With Ingo as pointman we moved on to RV1, as soon as we heard there might be resistance we moved down to the shore, with our backs against the sea we moved past the city and moved up into the forest. 300m from AA emplacement we went into line formation and moved slowly towards the AA position, due to slow reaction from me I got hit in our initial engagement. My team returned fire but we lost Cerb in that firefight, I was wounded but got revived by Ingo while Acer covered. Flanking further east we was able to take out the AA emplacement from a elevated position. After some internal discussion internally in the group we decided to do recon of the area north of us, two fire fights later we found a quite mobile Tunguska and gave the position to 1? Deciding against the cache search we moved towards the AA radar but before our engagement we saw team 1 go down and went to their rescue only to get bogged down in a firefight where we all got wounded or killed. Somewhat "brief", fun times though.
  9. Jager

    Third arma server?

    Only need keys for CBA next and that should do it afaik.
  10. Jager

    Third arma server?

    JSRS r6 aka 1.4.3 And Blastcore r2
  11. Jager

    Third arma server?

    Server was not happy about JSRS and Blastcore and wanted some keys :p
  12. Jager

    Third arma server?

    1.50 Insurgency, the player to clear square parameter could be nice to change since it's only a few people playing on the server atm.
  13. Was about to hop onto Insurgency and found a third server, dunno if it's actually yours (figured it would have some post about it if so) and figured it's easy to let you know. Name of server is VETERANS-GAMING COOP | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM and it says it's hosted by Alpha Networks - http://alpha-networks.co.uk/ but had none of your VG maps on there as far as I could see.
  14. I might pop by granted I'm still awake after the nightshift.
  15. Depending on the gamemodes / addons and the time I'd show up at least to try it out ;) Playing Arma without Ace, Acre, St-(hud/movement) and Blastcore tends to be a dull affair, but I'm always willing to give new mods a try! And both me and Calv should be able to inform the clan about the event so more people might show up.
  16. Jager

    New Teaser

    I was doing a recon / patrol mission with the clan and after we were done I shifted through all my fraps recordings, patrol / no heated gun barrels accounted for over two hours while the firefights we had was roughly 30mins or so :p Even so the feel of stacking up in ts, getting briefed on the op then stacking up on gear and head out. Using proper coms and formation when playing just adds even more to the whole feel of playing. The end result is that you feel like you have actually accomplished something, and every time you take a bullet you know that your squad has your back. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother.."
  17. For some reason I believe that a large amount of people that was playing on the insurgency server, never actually took the time to join the forums. And I doubt they even know about the I44 Mod, how long did it take for people to discover the insurgency server? Probably too early to discharge I44 on the account of low activity so far. That aside though my clan long struggled with bringing in decent numbers for our Lambs (Land/Air Make It Go Booom Squad) nights, we would average 5 to 12 at the most but mostly 7-8. I've always been of the mindset that I want to play with equal minded people as me so I contacted all the people I used to play insurgency with, and those who wanted to give it a go eventually joined. Some joins in every Tuesday and others on the public matches we have at random times, in a short amount of time we went from barely being able to fill two squads to lacking space on some occasions. My point is this, make a weekly event for the public with some structure lead by one of the admins. If it's a regular thing more people will join in, when / if things become popular you might have to worry about people joining in mid session but ace will stop some people ^^ At the moment I'm in contact with three european clans that plays arma, I could always spread the word around if such events becomes a reality. Closing words.. Very positive to ace, have an entire wishlist for such a server :p For the visuals I'd deffo want blastcore_visuals. For ground troops sthud and stmovement is very nice. And for the airplanes (if any) Blakes_pins for targeting and intel gathering, AM92_MFD for AH6 which is basicly a targeting hud on your helmet to improve accuracy as a helicopter pilot.
  18. I doubt that a zombie mode will bring in more arma players but who knows, it might. All for ace, acre and sthud/movement! But hopefully longer than two caches :p
  19. Shack tac is showing off their WIP on the fire from little bird addon, looks cool http://youtu.be/Rm-n7fmOBl0
  20. Jager


    Added you, jagerdehunter.
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