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Everything posted by Jager

  1. Pff just buy a new pc and a headset so we can drag Riddle into ze pit of torment and ace!
  2. Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ... faysh is a good map but i think it is too big for mso and a good idea would be to have 2 maps one would be reshmaan with the ranger and the other one maybe podagorsk, celle 2 or some kind of woodland map with the marines to keep it interesting also is it possible to use the upsmon AI script on mso? Fish kebab is 16 square km smaller than Rash man ;)
  3. I quite enjoy Reshmaan since it's new and quite big, lingor on the other hand I've been there nearly too much but that's just my opinion.
  4. This idea is aimed at the public version of MSO, I would like to have something similar for the event MSO but there needs to be a certain balance so I need to think on it. Gear will be addressed in a event MSO version. Think Gnat made water mission with some big desert island and totally bare otherwise, dunno how much it would strain the mission size and server fps to populate the islands with buildings through the editor. But you were probably thinking about any map with access to water right? Your last idea might be something to consider for an event when we feel the need to change the map from Reshmaan Provience to something else.
  5. Crazy idea incoming. For a long duration MSO session where db is active and the server not crashing we might run out of gear, awesome script people could make a menu where you could order gear. Then the pilots have to fly off the map 10-15 km into a hostile air zone where cas pilots have to clear a path before air vehicle gets loaded with the gear requested, return to base and unload gear and the base has resupplied. Crazy idea and very very very optional.
  6. There is a bug with the loadout containers for the aircrafts which allows you to double up on ammo, bug is reproduced by parking and picking a loadout then doing a action menu rearm at the same station. Noticed while me and Eclipse was trying to rearm the Apache, also it does not seem like the little bird cas birdy rearms the dagr missiles.
  7. A joint OP involving VG and lambs has been bouncing back and forth in my head for quite some time but this event was something of a spur of the moment thing, planning wise so I'll take blame for some of it :p Squad and radio layout was setup in the hours before the actual session. A MSO mission and a premade mission is slightly different, mostly because since in a regular mission you got a more information about what to expect during the mission and the squads can gear up while the ftl's, sql's and command lay out a plan for the evening. Slow rolling start While the majority was setup with mods and ready to play around the start time others were not, so for future ops it might be a good idea to set a warmup start time and a actual mission start time. (late people will be late, but the squads will have some time to talk before the mission, also we'll try and work out a squad layout sooner) Once mission time is passed we roll no matter what and the later comers or people with tech issues can JIP, looking at the turnout last night it's not a problem to reinforce the active forces on the ground by air transport. SOP Looking at some of the AAR there was some incidents of FF, they do happen but most of them can be avoided, am I 100% sure that's hostile? and if there is doubt one does not simply fire. In other case we might have cases of indirect FF and that does happen. One can talk a lot about SOP for ages, but nothing beats practice so if we pull more OPs together I think we'll get sorted.
  8. AAR from Sjaba Had a nice time despite the weird start up issues and having to leave early. Was nice to get some proper FTL training again. Secondly nice to meet some VG guys. AAR. FOX1 team: Sjaba Calv Nixxen ReV We headed out as the lead team, and at first RV FOX disembarked and started a flanking manouver towards the first city. The reason for the extra flanking was due to uncertainty about our support team. At this point i was not sure if they in fact where able to cover us so i took a safe approach. This lead to somewhat slower movment then HQ wanted so we speeded up and started a quick search of the village. An IED was found and avoided. Due to HQ breathing down our necks demanding speed my men suffered some lounge capacity issues and we where forced to take it slow back to the cars. When ready and back in the car we once again set out to city nr 2 and this time we instantly where caught under fire at RV, due to some poor radio coms ( i think) we did not manouver out of the fire, but instead had to stop/ disembark and take the fight. Luckely it ended well and we started bounding/ flanking towards the city. FOX 1 had good coms with FOX 2 and where able to progress safely and quickly while clearing bulidings at HQ orders. Thru the city we only meet sporadic and limited numbers of enemy so it all went rather quickly. Fox1 came under blue on blue fire and FOX1 actuall went down, but our skilled medic rushed to the sceen and quickly got me back on my feet. After a quick RV with Fox2 we continued the search and found a POI and reported this to HQ. Soon after i had to leave and CMD was given to Calv. FOX1 AAR, End Comments: * The pre planning took IMO to long for an unknown reason. * For that many players a more "army" approach is needed IMO..Ie demand control and disiplin from teams to avoid confusions. * My team was working great, considering we where using LAMBS drills with one in the team who never played with us before. It shows how good and adaptable the simply patrol routine is as long as its followed and maintained by disiplin. * MSO seemed to work well, but did experience some LAG, ( might be only me) * Personally i would have cut down on the available equipment so that gearing up becomes more easy..but this is a respawn map so who know how much stuff one might use Im happy to join a VG event again and i think the combination of a LAMBS squad and a VG Squad worked well. This is also something that can be implemented in LAMBS campaigns, given the missions are prepared for it Sjaba...
  9. Upload started 12,8 gb should take me a few hours but it'll be up today.
  10. Ninja 1 ( Cas pilot / transport ) Started off from the air base with my kick ass pilot Eclipse002 providing CAS / Overwatch from the air, and kept at it most of the night. On the first objective of the evening our transport element Outlaw with duke at the helm managed a crash landing near hostile territories and we were able to lend at hand, cleared most of the area and flew in with repair vehicle so they could get air born. When eclipse called it a night I swapped to jets and functioned as a relay for CMD and Outlaw while taking out some contacts in our flight path. Second objective I provided CAS on call before I ended the night with the lovely Paladin. I can't speak for the ground element but things seemed to work quite well, our coms system seemed functional for this scenario. In short I had a blast, the only "bad" thing I could mention was the time it took before we got rolling but as I discussed with Savage we can fix that with presets at the base / fob so gear selection goes quicker. Once we got rolling I feel we had a good progression. That's it for me, looking forward to hear the stories from the ground forces ;) My point of view should be up sometime tomorrow or monday. Edit Will upload footage when it's done rendering.
  11. I'm a firm believer in drilling, if I take some time and look back on the ops I've logged the most successful one's has been Ops where our team did standard drills before the main mission. One idea that just sprung to mind is a simple checklist -Contact drills (theory, practice till proficient) -Formations (patrol, firing line, crossing etc) With the basics drilled into your skull there shouldn't be any zone left uncovered ( ideally ) and with everyone knowing what's to be expected we can adapt, ftl stops so we move out in defensive formation giving cover. From the moment I started playing with ace I had respect for the CoC, ftl says jump I jump even if I disagree, there is plenty of time to discuss that after a mission. Commander has a plan he shares with SQL, FTL's, Support -> Shares their portion of the plan with the squad, elects 2inC within the squad. Boots on the ground might see a different solution to a task and might adapt to terrain or situation ( CMD gave OP A but A has no direct LOS to area they are supposed to give fire support to ), in such a situation a simple update on the net should be sufficient, more radical changes needs confirmation to avoid any incidents with support elements or other squads on the ground. In my experience micromanagement in any part of the CoC just leads to clouded coms, the basic plan laid out is your guide and if you some how chose to adapt while the mission is a go CMD needs to know. But other than that the CMD trusts the FTL's on the ground to do his bidding, if the objective is to move a pair of swimming trunks it does not matter how it's done ( moving them by hand or by explosives :p ) In an ideal world we work on the principle of Think, transmit, talk. Alpha 1,2,3 and 4 are getting airlifted into the AO they got their own tasks and set out, 1 & 2 reach their positions Report, 3 gets engaged underway and report that in, 4 is close by and offers assistance. All alpha elements know what's going on, cmd knows and if support (cas, arty etc) is needed CMD can set that in motion. In my experience a flat net can work but requires very strict radio coms, our model has CMD + FTL's in the active loop, pilots in the ao often fly with a 148 which they listen in on as well as a 117 dedicted for CCT / CMD / (FTL's when they got the go ahead from CMD for guided CAS). And all chatter on CMD net is filtered for the grunts in each squad, works well for us when we are switched on. But in the end every outfit has different people and personalities so SOP differ a tad but I believe a common ground in basic drilling is needed for any outfit to work well.
  12. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Can we put a link in the TS3 channel as well? Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Maybe we could put it on the main page? Do whatever dudes :p
  13. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Good video! Would love to help make more - just need to get off my duff... There is always more that can be covered, question is how many people will see it though. Depending on the views on this one I'll consider making more but it's kinda hard to reach the targeted audience seeing as they generally join the server on random :p
  14. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ... You stole my idea! But meh I was too lazy to do it xD Hehe I simply prioritized this instead of sleep, easy ;)
  15. Let me know what you think, tried to keep it short instead of a full blown hour :p
  16. Figured I'd share it in case you hadn't see it or heard of it before ;) Swiss Maverick showcased this feature And all you need to do is place a modul on the map, the Exchangeable Armament System with the init script this setVariable["NoHangar", true] and it works!
  17. Oh yes and I still mainly ban for int tk, if I was gonna go for the whole rule book I'd be slapping people with 7-days left and right. I got a few problems on my mind 1) Influx of new players, yay for the people that understand English or just try and communicate, the rest not so much. An example: Had a player that kept practicing how quickly he could crash into the ground (it could also have been flying practice) and other assorted ao's during a night op, now I don't mind the crashing bit as long as it's done far far far away from me (preferably in their own editor) but trying to ground a person that understands nothing is sorta annoying. He requested a few times (10-20) which I ignored but at some point our squad has to move and he randomly gets in a vehicle again which he shortly after crashes. He eventually gets clearance to fly and land a bit ways off from us and provide decent over watch (without a mic but with things being what they are I'm not picky) for the rest of the game. A second example, Tim was talking in what I assume was Russian over sidechat with ROA, ROA had just been warned by Riddle before he Dc'ed. Tim parted with the offence listed and with history being what it is I assume ROA will eventually join him, but time will show. 2) Wildfire, noobs don't have a clue about ROE. Their basic mindset, if it moves shoot it. This causes a lot of friction between new players which eventually makes it a kindergarten, the big ban paddle is being shown and things eventually calm down by their own or because the ragers got kicked, temp banned or banned. It's often hard to deduce what exactly went down and who's at fault.
  18. 01.10.12 Updated Still don't have a guid for deadman but dunno if we will see him anymore
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