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Everything posted by Jager

  1. 1Clash1 LAN_WROTE ... 1. Reason you were banned I had been flying a Little Bird for around an hour without any real issues, giving people evacs and transporting people to various places. While I was en route to air station mike I was flying low as usual but failed to notice a large clump of trees which I consequently flew into and was kicked for team killing the 3 players in the chopper with me. 2. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) It was purely accidental and there was no intention to kill my team mates. It wasn't even a case of trying to fly when I can't, I had been flying people around perfectly effectively, it was just a mistake. I love playing on these servers and would hate to have to resort to joining another. 3. What Server Arma 3 Vterans gaming public server #1 4. Banned Username Clash I actually think that was part of the anti tk script running on the servers, generally 3 strikes and your out for the session. You tried to join today?
  2. Bobbus LAN_WROTE ... Jager LAN_WROTE ... For the opfor helio? I was able to break the anti torque rotor on the littlebird via your script and rock it into forward flight then break the main rotor going 170 before I had a landing on a hill by the ye old hold z key till 5m above the ground and then hold the q key. And I walked away from that landing ( repaired and flew off again ) Gonna test more now, but if there is autorotation it definitely isn't as powerful as it was in ACE. FYI just noticed the addActions arent being put back onto choppers when they respawn. For the moment you have 5 of each type and then will have to restart but I will fix it tomorrow. Edit 3: My whole life has been a lie. You're right about the autorotation. It's a lot harder to use than in ACE which was what I was comparing it to, so I never even realised it was present. Then again helicopters in ACE are a lot more responsive in general. Anyhow, all I can do now is apologise to anyone who died because I couldn't land in the past. :P Hehe we live and learn, till only a half a year ago I did not know how to land the heavier helicopters either, I was only proficient in the lighter series (littlebird, blackhawk etc) but a video enlightened me to a slightly different flight pattern. It can be seen here: http://youtu.be/j-5xP4qMwsk My normal response would be holding z but my rotors nearly stopped spinning at times so a gliding flight pattern was better, that being said those two missions were both played with ace and ace is generally more forgiving than vanilla. http://youtu.be/_m2i6CGSCEQ
  3. Bobbus LAN_WROTE ... SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I like the "break it" functions! Good to be able to easily practice an emergency procedure! !2cool It's a pity there's no autorotation at the moment so Break Main Rotor usually means Die Horribly In A Fireball. For the opfor helio? I was able to break the anti torque rotor on the littlebird via your script and rock it into forward flight then break the main rotor going 170 before I had a landing on a hill by the ye old hold z key till 5m above the ground and then hold the q key. And I walked away from that landing ( repaired and flew off again )
  4. Just skimmed the feedback tracker and it seems the recent dev release does not have this issue, however the current dev does but I'm with instant on this one. It's worth trying the removal of the grenades.
  5. Mornings in Euro time seems to be a great time for douchbags, also encounter several bounding personnel mines in the field or a hacker.
  6. Jager

    resuply problem

    Played a 4 hour session on there and had no issues with it, silly question but it is actually the service area you land on, not the regular heli pad?
  7. http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=204&iso=20130305T14&msg=Arma%203%20Alpha%20Release
  8. According to the the rpt arma is trying to use, baf, pmc dlc but also jsrs sound mod. Also trying to make use of the script http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?106489-Using-BAF-IED-s-via-scripting so the rtp is just weird, however later entries are complaining about pbo's and anims so if verify does not do the trick I'd update. Could try the latest beta, and make the swap to six updater instead of play with six. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  9. Fox 2 TJ - FTL Nixxen - Medic Jager - MG Lupago - AT / Grunt Heard quite a bit of action and even managed to get wounded, but for the most part it was pretty quiet was hoping for more hostiles :p I didn't have any overview of the ao's but it felt like the previous event had more hostiles, even so it was enjoyable. While I don't mind getting support from the MRAP's if the enemy numbers ain't high then we are left with a lot less to do, and while an Apache gunship is a lot higher force multiplier it has the luxury of leave our friendlies "in-the-shit" coming to assist when needed. Random suggested fewer vehicles and I agree, at least if we come across equal enemy forces like we did on Saturday. Vehicle duty can be boring and requires a special mind set, I don't mind taking my turn if we do more of these. I did muck up a tad with the slots figured banter might bring 10-15 people but forgot to notify poff about that, lambs brought roughly 7 but we also got a lot more from the VG community than I expected ^^ Thanks to VG for the hosting / management of the OP!
  10. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Rearming the choppers is now a true pain in the ass and most of the time it just doesn't work. To rearm/repair/refuel the AH-64: 1. Land close to trucks. 2. Drive fuel truck up to chopper. 3. Click refuel. 4. Wait. 5. Drive truck back to its position. 6. Drive repair truck up to chopper. 7. Click repair. 8. Wait. 9. Drive repair truck back to its position. 10. Drive ammo truck up to chopper. 11. Click rearm. 12. Fiddle with the horrible menu. 13. Wait. 14. Get out of ammo truck and enter chopper. 15. Confirm that the rearming didn't include flares/missiles/whatever. 16. Click rearm and fiddle with menu again. 17. Wait. 18. Confirm that the loadout is now fine. If not repeat step 16, 17 and 18. 19. Exit chopper and enter ammo truck. 20. Drive ammo truck back to its place. 21. Exit ammo truck and enter chopper. I heard you guys had a pad for all this hazzle before. Why was it removed? Afaik it went away when CAS got removed, even so we've used a simple pad where you drive onto or land which rearms, refuels and repairs. Sure it takes a little while but it works and I like that idea better than the trucks.
  11. Well define a lot of people, have a poll about it. Then you can easier decide if to go forwards or backwards. I normally go with either FTL loadout or a regular grunt, swap to a weapon with 203 then add a sight to it, add more meds to backpack and I'm good to go. The entire process from spawn takes me less than a minute unless mgo attach is being silly. But while it makes sense in larger scale for every grunt to use the same caliber, when people are just playing with low numbers it's serves less purpose. Or decide on what one needs in a basic loadout so it serves a purpose for those that dislike the system.
  12. AKM LAN_WROTE ... Real "sniper" ? Since AI don't care about camos or ghilies just pack M107 in the back of MRAP and switch to it when you really need it. Rest of the time you can 'work' as part of the fireteam. That's all. Same for M240 or heavy AT, for example. Agreed, we've done some pretty successful recon missions in that manner. We carried our most basic gear needed ( prim / sec weapons, mags, meds gear, other gear ) then a ruck with a lot more, easy enough to remove if one needs speed. If we need something to take out a special target its in the truck, that however requires one to keep your vehicle safe and not put it in harms way.
  13. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Jager LAN_WROTE ... Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ... quick hint building a fob with requesting everything in by choppers kills the server in 3 minutes ... Haha somehow that does not surprise me :p Your premenition came true! Oh my.. I haz powerz Anyhow after removing the container loadout system rearming the apache has become a weird task, not always that the rearm script on the trucks actually rearm the apache. Spawning ai how does that work? is it based on proximity on the x-axis only or both the x & y axis? And does the event MSO have access to jets? If the proximity spawn script allows for CAS to loiter in a holding pattern 2km above the ao that is pretty common sop, then called in as requested.
  14. Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ... quick hint building a fob with requesting everything in by choppers kills the server in 3 minutes ... Haha somehow that does not surprise me :p
  15. Is is possible to change the revive time based on damage? For instance first stage of blackout gives you 8-10 mins, more serious wounds crawl down the chain of death and lands you at 1-3 minutes. Also for ze event shizle enforced first person would be nice, it just falls nicely in line with removing notifications on wounds / death. As for jets, you know me I love em. However if they cause a real noticeable impact on server performance I'd bow to peer pressure :p
  16. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Jager wants an AN-225 Yes and we need you to pilot it.
  17. I agree with PITN, I hate to say it but I sorta.. maybe.. a tad enjoyed building a base.. SSHHH larger containers would be nice. Still drooling over the idea of having a larger aircraft for dropping in gear or halo dropping grunts.
  18. Fac loadout lacks battery for the soflam, and the loadouts that ain't the medic one could use a few more medical supplies but that's just personal preference. Other than that, it's a big fat thumbs up for adding the ruck loadout system ;)
  19. If I enter the apache as a pilot with no gunner then play around with manul fire and then swap loadout it works for me.
  20. Oh and the Longbow hud seems to be broken, It should be looking something like this: http://youtu.be/shuEayFVn84?t=2m33s
  21. Yeah lea is client side, used it a few times on our old clan server. Also you can use it 5 minutes after starting a session, after that you can't anymore unless you respawn.
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