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Everything posted by suomikeizari

  1. lol, too expensive to them or something?
  2. now they want to interfere with Europe(Spain)?? where the hell is EU??
  3. in case i doesnt work and you cant get it back running :)
  4. Doesn't the US congress have bigger problems to deal with? the assets being used to this might be used in so many better ways
  5. id say CoD is like BF3 squad deathmatch
  6. i used yo play like that.....but then i took an arrow to my knee.
  7. this is internal US thingy meaning the rest of us cant do it?
  8. i've been thinking about starting Airsoft aswell, but at the moment all my money goes to my Computer, studying and GF :P maybe later..
  9. welcome to the family, cant wait to see you on the battlefield!
  10. lol sem :D well 0400 doesnt sound any better either :P
  11. cant :/ (GMT -8) 22:00 sunday evening is here (GMT +2) 8:00 monday morning..
  12. its a kinda voice over program, it makes possible for ''speaking'' on the server, meaning that if you speak on mumble the sound will gradually lower while moving away from you, just like in real life!
  13. i dunno, lol :D guess it's just one more of the great mysteries of life
  14. yeah :D especially when it's made of fur and it's about 40'C, lol :D
  15. you guys love your guns huh? not that common sight over here in Europe! (or atleast in Finland)
  16. a pic of me about 5 months ago in Paris (I'm on the right)! i lost my hat on that trip :/
  17. welcome mate! I've had some fun moments with ya already here :D hope to see you later as well! and thanks for coming here on Forums!
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