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Everything posted by suomikeizari

  1. eclipse, download sixupdater and we will get you running with it, its easy after that. ACRE basicly just adds a bunch of radios that are quite easy to use
  2. =VG= OniBlood LAN_WROTE ... No It's a mosin that I turned into a scout rifle. yeah you can see it by the metal piece in front of the trigger. unique
  3. A question, will we have any CAS support?
  4. ok gonna start training + i did read the Dslyecxi's quide for FTLs. Castor reporting in for duty as a FTL
  5. I'm in, FTL if needed, preferably not due to lack of experience.
  6. you guys could do some teamwork with the Fallujah Blackhawk down mission :) I'm willing to give a try too! EDIT: oh sav said that already
  7. thanks Jager! gonna check that for the next event!
  8. Fireteam 1. immediately after touchdown our machinegunner informed us of a problem on his Sound system, he could only hear TS, I decided to keep him on but stay on a supportive role in the mission, however after taking heavy losses at RP1 (we lost sam, our MG) we had to step up, the mission was confusing to us until we moved from the RP1 to 2nd AA position. there we were ambushed by 2 enemy LMGs and a couple riflemen luckily Fireteam 4 aided us and we took only 1 casualty and 2 wounded. By this time the rest of the fireteam 3 had emerged with us. after dealing with the ambush we took out enemy Tunguska, we got ambushed again and lost 100% of our manpower.
  9. Wooohooo! nice! good to see someone who respects Russian craftmanship (in weapons of course !boss ) keep up with that! such a Hobby is impossible here in Finland !hang
  10. I'm in, but I still do study at a gymnasium, which has some ''responsibilities'' at weekends ;)
  11. Iffn, graphics aint going to get better, it would take almost a year to upgrade, basicly making the game again. this game isnt about graphics. the story will be epic though! you can count on that, and that is why people are so interested
  12. doesnt matter what time it is at this point. normally yes but friend's birthday is coming. would love to be there but cant promise anything :/
  13. 1st time = !w (enter name) ab = warning a person for improper use of vehicle. 2nd time = !k (enter name) ab = kicking a person for improper use of vehicle. 3rd time = !b (enter name) ab = banning a person for improper use of vehicle.
  14. suomikeizari

    New Teaser

    the thing is, to me ARMA is just that. a lot of walking and preparing and patrolling not much action, It cant be compared to the feeling when you kill 10 guys in row in CSS or BF3 but it has something that makes you come back everytime.
  15. suomikeizari

    This Saturday

    lol airborne, I mean i will be celebrating my brithday :D
  16. suomikeizari

    This Saturday

    cant make it :/, im going to be drunk by then. REALLY drunk.
  17. never properly tried it but i would love to try! ACE+insurgency? PvP Isn't our way :P I'm losing interest in ARMA 2 due to low amount of players and when Im on you guys are not.
  18. oh and god no! we are not stopping CLafghan for this, there is 2 servers under VG on Arma 2 :)
  19. so I've noticed that the servers at the moment aren't very ummm, popular compared to for example our PR COOP (and yes i understand that ARMA 2 is a bit new for us + we haven't been REALLY popular on it as far as I've seen) I know the Clafghan project is big and I've been very interested as well, good work Semler, PITN, Savage, Oni etc. anyway to the point what if we convert one of the servers to this: (zombie mod) http://www.moddb.com/mods/bobtoms-arma2-missions/news/dynamic-zombie-sandbox-95-release 1st of all, there is no dedicated Zombie servers It's bound to have some interest in! 2nd of all: our gamestyle works Perfect on this mod! 3rd of all: there is no limits for it! you can do a base outside the city (on any official map!) and raid the zombie hordes from time to time etc. etc.
  20. OK that's just great! nice work Eclipse! + we need to do these surprises for Blud, he has earned 'em!
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