Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ... The lack of proper briefing material, task or notes means, that when the mission designer is not there to explain it, we don?t understand what the actual objective is. ... That is true for the solid snake and Hide'n'seek missions, the others have been tested and fixed already, Tasks should not be used in missions due to their immersion breaking effect, notes don't always need to tell everything. But as I said: the solid snake and Hide'n'seek missions are at the moment almost broken and in need of updating. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ... The briefing specifically can have certain words as links that when clicked move the map to a pre-placed marker for better understanding. Also, the section on equipment should move out of the WIP stage asap and include the step by step procedure involved in linking the DAGR to the Vector 21B, and then the operation of the Vector itelf, to bring up the end data on the DAGR (the stuff you would transmit to, say, a Paladin Commander, or other arty with such precision ammo) - basically a run down of the operation of those two units and their usage in the field. ... Here's a part of the briefing, I think it pretty much covers it: 4: Forward observer/FAC/JTAC - Radio procedure Radio procedure will NOT be taught during this course. - Equipments and their use DAGR; is a device that you can use to get information about your targets location, including: Location, elevation, distance, etc. You can also get all that information about your location. Bring up: HOME Modifying its use: Shift+HOME DAGR-SOFLAM/Vector connection: Connect to, HELP/SEL, Choose, HELP/SEL Disconnect DAGR-S/V: Data view, HELP/SEL SOFLAM; A laser marker and a rangefinder, indisposable tool when working with aircraft. Laser code change: Shift+Arrow left/right Vector 21B; same as SOFLAM but not as usable as SOFLAM.