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Everything posted by suomikeizari

  1. I just did a quick spin around the screen and got a massive headache... pretty cool tho! :)
  2. We should start uploading a lot of ACE missions so they are ready for play, especially missions like SOCOM series in Lingor, from lowly FT missions to whole missions with multiple squads. EDIT: sorry for goin offtopic, gonna upload sumthing
  3. too many.. that's bullshit, if you're going to make a game, make it properly. either keep the COOP on the surface or remove it altogether, teasing us like that just sucks.
  4. True its a small disappointment but if you really think about it there really isnt any hurry! ARMA 2 was so well done that we will have A LOT of stuff to do in it before the waiting really starts.
  5. Lol true :P damn I wish I could come in, social life sucks :/
  6. Well its just a hunch :) we've always been hosting COOP and I dont see that changing, of course we do play PVP but most of us dont want to shoot each other and that is a must if we are going to host them.
  7. @Gaz due to being 18 I guess :) cant come, Im going to my friends BD party..
  8. as stated before: DayZ COOP is too easy and DayZ as itself isnt our style :/ im sorry morrison but DayZ just doesnt work for us, you should speak with fastjack, he's been having fun on the Redux servers :) we have a lot of games so this isnt a necessity for us even if it is the most played mod ARMA has.
  9. all we need to do is make the zombies harder without making them 1 hit wonders or making them even more sensitive. some kind of tasking is in order too, DayZ played as coop is really REALLY boring.
  10. WOW, nice pictures man! could you make me a signature panoramic? If you can Ill trust on your artistic taste, just add my name and =VG= on it :)
  11. just set the poll as - YES - NO - Maybe. I dont want to state that its stupid but either I dont think its a good idea due to the massive amount of games we are playing already.
  12. Friday and Saturday is probably a no go for me for months... But the videos are really going to help!
  13. how about SU? works perfect for me (if you cant find the server otherwise you should be able to connect with IP)
  14. well hang me upside down from a telephone pole, cover me in honey, and leave me to a slow death in the hands of hungry spiderants! This looks freaking great!
  15. yeah that sucks.. I'd be there Ted but I have loads of other stuff going on right now. don't give up hope though! we WILL get it up if we set our mind on it! as for the vote, Ill let the people who donate and work with these servers most to decide. still im for keeping. PS. for any ARMA players: this game still has its charm especially because its between realistic and fun(gun run fun), give it a try! you wont be disappointed, people who have newly started ARMA might not like it that much (yet)
  16. Ill be available as an advisor if needed. might learn something new in the process :)
  17. nicely put Calv, Id like to suggest that anyone who has worked as a FTL before should be senior riflemen or something like that in the teams, they might be able to give some help to the ones who are training.
  18. You might know my stand already: all the way in there, but we also must remember that most of us arent used to that kind of training, we should start with basic small unit tactics and then work our way up. Correct radio procedure all the way. as a side note I think everyone is capable to use the weapons. the thing we should train on is fire procedures (IMO)
  19. I meant that if we get over 8 people we just divide them into 2 groups that can train at the same time in the same server meaning 2 trainer~ Dman is one for sure (if he wantx to) but who should be the second one? (if we are to do it like this)
  20. yeap, we just need to get a good time, anywhere between 1200-1900(GMT) should be good to me, Im rarely home at weekends.
  21. I know the latter part but the first one is knew knowledge, thanks for the info! good to know how to they work and why have they been made so. by a bent barrel I meant that they dont shoot left or right of the target :)
  22. would be happy to join and share my experience, depends on the day though. can we do this on sunday? if it goes over 8 people we could just make another group. Insurgency should be simple enough to do this stuff, Patrol ops would work too. MCC would be perfect.
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