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Everything posted by Iffn

  1. awesome thread, i love artilery but there usually a lot of calculation going on when firing a mortar... How to fire a mortar in PR witout marker/distance: Yes, you are able to fire a mortar in project reality without using any markers and distances from your squad leader and still hit the bullseye but it takes a while. (and a calculator is also handy !yes ) First, you need the position of your mortar and the position of the target on the map. Let's use the muttrah city 2 map as an example: Let's say you set up your mortar at the roundabout in A8 kp1 and want to fire on the crossroad in F11 kp8. The first thing you need to know is your distance, which can be calculated with the grids and the easy-to-use pythagoras-theorem (a²+b²=c² http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem) 1 big square is 150m x150 on this map (see botom left corner), which means a small square is 50m x 50m. If you count the horizontal and vertical squares from A8 kp1 to F11 kp8, you will get 16 horizontal and 7 vertical squares, which means: horizontal distance: 16 x 50m = 800m vertical distance: 7 x 50m = 350m Diagonal distance = c = ?(horizontal²+vertical²) = ?(800² + 350²) = 873m the next step is to get your angle which is a bit more coplicated and requires a calculator and trigonometry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometry the formula, we are looking for is tan(?) = vertical distance / horizontal distance, which means: ?= tan-1(vertical distance / horizontal distance) = tan-1 (350m / 800m) = tan-1 (0.4375) =23.6° now, we just need to add 90°, because 0° on our compas is north and not east: =>90° + 23.6° = 113.6° have fun shooting! !huh
  2. Firefox 4.0 with Steam, X-Fire and Microsoft Security Essentials: Firefox 4.0 witout Steam, X-Fire and Microsoft Security Essentials: Google Chorme without Steam and X-Fire running: fail @ chome and finaly, my youtube-history:
  3. Iffn

    PR:Arma2 Podcast

    the british 1 square km fob sounds pretty cool...
  4. i'll see what i can do... greath contest idea, looking forward to the results
  5. Here is a list of all the key combinations in dcs a-10c warthog: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=991796&postcount=2 I don't think the A-10c has a route auto pilot which follows the waypoints. Quote: (source: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=2452) Flight Control System Just like the A-10A, the A-10C uses a hydraulic-assisted flight control system. This system is modeled in detail in this simulation, as are the back-up direct linkage and using the electrical driven trim tabs (emergency modes). Manual Reversion, the Stability Augmentation System, Low Altitude Auto Pilot (LAAP), Enhanced Attitude Control (EAC), and the emergency flight control panel are included. They say that it has a key to auto start the a-10 (source at 0:25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSIGzDMJ-ik ) maybe it's the same key... (Home - LWin)
  6. I already have this since the beta release and I still need a new computer before I'm able to play his !angry
  7. I bought DCS:Black Shark and lock on: fc2 last week and both are awesome The graphics in fc2 are amazing but the weapon system with all the key-combinations are hard to learn. For me right now, the game is at it's best when I enable full realism settings with unlimited fuel and fly through the valleys at tree top level. DCS Black Shark is much more difficult. I know how to ramp start and fly a ka-50 and how to land on a carrier but I have no idea how to use any weapons. Thx for the files, looking forward to fly with you guys when know how to use the weapons
  8. I just ordered Lock On Platinum and DCS: Black Shark a few minutes ago, so it should arrive on saturday or monday. Sadly, I need to buy a new computer before i'm able to play DCS: A-10C Warthog... !butcher There is probably a lot of stuff to learn for me but people will join us when they see us playing, that's how it worked with our project reality coop-server. Looking forward to fly with you !pilot
  9. I saw this interview and I thought I need to do some research. Eagle Dynamics: Eagle Dynamics is a software company from Moscow that made flight sim games like Lock On and the DCS Series. One of there first games was Su-27 Flanker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su-27_Flanker_%28video_game%29 and it looks like they developed all there flight sims with the fighter collection. The Figher Collection: The Fighter Collection operates, rebuilds and maintains Europe's largest collection of airworthy WWII aircraft and is based at Duxford Airfield, UK. But they also make software like The Battle Simulator ( http://www.thebattlesim.com/ and the video below) and a A-10C Simulator for the US Air National Guard who was now released to the public as DCS A-10C Warthog. From DCS: A-10C Flight Manual Page 14: The Fighter Collection / Eagle Dynamics has been developing a high-fidelity Desk Top Simulation (DTS) of the A-10C for the U.S. Air National Guard for the past several years, giving us a tremendous access to A-10C information. We were fortunate enough to work out an agreement with our client to release an entertainment version of this simulation. That's all for now folks. But what do you know / think about this? Are we even getting a "World of DCS" MMO flight simulator?
  10. 92 pr gameplay videos by reedible http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A031E31678C76EC2
  11. greath idea, as long as we can use liked pictures from our x-fire account After 12 hours Fallout New Vegas:
  12. Iffn

    Half Life 2 Mods

    @pirate: nightmare house 1 was just the prolog for nightmare house 2. the second part is much better in every way i have to agree with you about halquake. it's awesome, as long as you like the style
  13. Iffn

    Half Life 2 Mods

    nightmare house 2 is single player and a must play for everybody who has half life 2
  14. Iffn

    Half Life 2 Mods

    when you need a perfect half live 2 single player mod, download nightmare house 2, (the first part is included = prolog)
  15. I saw gametrailers Top 10 "Most Anticipated Video Games of 2011" http://www.gametrailers.com/video/top-10-gt-countdown/709233?type=flv and I asked myself: what are your most anticipated games and mods of 2011? Here are mine: 22.3.2011: Crisis 2 => MY BIRTHDAY!!! 20.4.2011: Portal 2 Q1 2011: Brink 11.11.2011: The Elder Scolls 5: Skyrim (My game of the year)
  16. => that would be on the arma 2 elite server
  17. *back up* Official post: http://www.moddb.com/groups/desura/news/desura-is-launching On the 19th of December 2010, the ModDB crew launched there own game managing platform similar to Steam which can be downloaded if you http://www.desura.com/DesuraInstaller.exe . Desura enables you to buy, download, manage and rate your games and mods with one easy system very close to ModDB / IndieDB. The whole System combines ideas of X-Fire, i-Tunes, Steam, Firefox, Youtube, Facebook and so on. There are a few bugs and not many games and mods on there yet but it will get better and better Like most of you, I already knew Battlefield Pirates 2 but I was to lazy to download it from a strange site and getting it to work on the newest version. With Desura, you will need about 5 easy clicks and a few minutes download time and it works without problems. Important: You need a registred user to log into Desura after the instalation but you are able to use your ModDB / IndieDB account if you already have one. This is how my main page looks: Interests, thoughts, questions?
  18. well blud, you should download the bf2 editor and start with a 1x1km pr map, cccode or my self should be able to help you to get the pr stuff into the editor official pr tutorial list: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f189-modding-tutorials/20862-maps-tutorial-tool-list-pr-mapping-beginners-up.html
  19. @Fastjack I know how it works in general but did you reed these 2 posts? http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f318-2009/68404-single-player-navmeshing-explained.html http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f318-2009/64877-prsp-what-hell-navmeshing.html In the first one, it says: The main process is pretty fast, but after it comes a process where the boundary edges are expanded (don't ask wtf is that all about) which is the part that takes the longest. The generation of this navmesh took about 22 hours. The second post explains that you can't just generate the level and it works but you also need to edit the whole navmesh. This is the main point, why I think, it's impossible to add bots because I don't think, anybody here wants to work a few month on one navmesh.
  20. you should be the team leader, there are many people around with different ideas and we need someone wo makes the decisions
  21. well, who wants to get into the vg dev team?
  22. With the start of our fh2 server came the idea about combining pr and fh2. project reality has a well balanced gameplay while forgotten hope 2 has a ton of assets to use. We have the biggest coop server on both mods and they both have many great coop maps, so we don't need to worry about navmeshing (impossible at the moment!) We could build a prototyp (for example kashan desert with fh2 assets) and send it to both teams to ask for there permission. Remember, this is the modding scene and things are possible, which nobody would even think about in the normal gaming industry
  23. well, what can we do? - new maps (like barracuda 2) - retexture some parts (like a kashan snow desert) - gameplay changes (no compas in the inf-hud, make a tank with a driver, a gunner and a commander) - new content (vehicles, weapons... from aix and fh2) - total conversion (like the VG-Zombie mod) any other suggestions?
  24. +1 have it since a few weeks, never played online, love the editor, hate the ai-driving-pathfinding
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