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Everything posted by Iffn

  1. A new Hog pilot! !yahoo As Poffadder mentioned, we both fly the A-10c quite often and are happy to help a out new pilot. The sim is pretty complex and there are a lot of keyboard/joystick combinations needed to operate the systems of the A-10c. What kind of hardware equipment do you have? (Joystick, TrackIR...) You should be able to find the manual in your Steam folder. ...\Steam\steamapps\common\dcs a-10c warthog\Doc or you can download it if you http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/documentation/dcs_a-10c_flight_manual_en/ The in game tutorials are only introductions to different systems, you can find more information in the 671 page manual or on Youtube though.
  2. Sounds fun, I'm in. Put me in what ever roll is needed. I just hope we start on time since I'll have to leave about 80 minutes after the mission start.
  3. Should be in, I just hope we start on time this time since i have to leave pretty soon again
  4. Sounds fun, I'm in btw, can you please add a timer to avoid confusion?
  5. Is the modlist the same as in this thread http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?27997 or are we also going to run with st_interact?
  6. @charry sorry, forgot about that. Looks like the clock can still only be posted by admins... !unsure
  7. In, but probably with delay if it's 9pm German time Also, please put one of these in your original post when planing an event http://www.usflashmap.com/component/countdown_timer.htm
  8. @Castor The second link from the description ( http://www.bistudio.com/english/home/news/company/330-update-lemnos-arrests ) does have new information from their lawyer which clarifies the situation as well as who 2 artists are.
  9. more information from Dsyecxi: Video description: Help spread the word: http://www.helpivanmartin.org More details: http://goo.gl/3ClZa
  10. Should be in this time. School started again so I don't have much time to play...
  11. Yes, very much so since quite a while. According to XFire, I played almost 1150h of BF2 which is almost all on the VG-Coop server. I had an awesome time playing there but playing Muttrah City 2 Coop or Kashan desert Coop over and over again just gets boring. I prefere Arma 2 now since it's much easier to create custom missions.
  12. trying to post a clock ##LAN_SANITISED## type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="100" width="200" data="http://www.usflashmap.com/component/cdt_new/cdt2_1.swf">##LAN_SANITISED##>d apparently not possible to post for non-admins !no
  13. Should be in, the listed mods are on Armarize so shouldn't cause problems when I run them.
  14. Did you change the post title to next Friday? Because i won't be in then since I'll go parachuting on that day.
  15. Sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace
  16. I should be in, I'll make sure my game works this time !cmdo
  17. I should be in if everything is working, probably with my usuall delay. Probably woun't be able to be on for too long since I'll go hinking on Sunday if the weather is nice.
  18. i'm in (hopefully without delay and technical problems...)
  19. @MB Why? At least people are able to do something interesting and creative besides playing a mindless shooter for thousands of hours.
  20. in bf 1942, people used to to that with a loop... *oldmanemote missing* More
  21. no armoured vehicles? !unsure Well, I should be in anyways, marksman if possible plz
  22. Iffn

    Got it

    It should serve for now. Poffadder and me are both using the Saitek X52 pro despite having technical problems. Luckily, you've got a TrackIR which is probably more important. I'll be home in about 2h if you want to do a flight
  23. Iffn

    Got it

    Awesome, both Poffadder and me are getting pretty good so we should be able to teach you how all the stuff works. What joystick do you have?
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