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Everything posted by Iffn

  1. Well, good luck with the bf2-engine, you have been W-A-R-N-E-D [yt=width 600,height 400]lrpHvCYKAPE[/yt] => I saw the original movie called "der Untergang" and it shows the last days in the "Führerbunker" in Berlin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downfall_%28film%29
  2. Alright, how about that: We build 2 prototypes, one in BF2/PR and one in ArmA 2 until the end of 2010. We test both mods in january 2011 and see, on which one we work on with VG. Everybody can work on the project they want to, we have some kind of competition and we all learn more about the whole thing even if we never want to build a VG-ArmA 2 mod. :)
  3. The thing that i'm trying to say is "there is nothing worse than working with a bad program" and the bf2 mod tools (aka bf2editor) are ridiculously stupid. I tried to work with it but it crashes more ofthen than you are able to save you progress. And how many people are going to buy ArmA 2 CO just because they release PR:A2?
  4. Start building a mod in 2010 on a 5 year old version for an engine that was never meant to be modified? ArmA 2 is nothing else but a huge sandbox for modders. I bought it a few weeks ago, never realy looked into the creating of levels and i would be able to create a nice level with bots, vehicles and triggers in a few days
  5. I agree with solar, but I need to expand it Propject Reality is built on the bf2-engine, which is not suposed to be modified. The pr-mod is at the limit, of what you are able to do with the engine and it isn't possible to build it better than they did. But it is possible to modify an other engine like ArmA 2. That engine is ment to be modded, the AI is WAAAAY better than the bf2 bots. It wouldn't be a problem to jumpstart in this engine and the possibilities are almost endless. ;) Official ArmA 2 tutorials can be found if you http://www.youtube.com/user/ARMA2official#p/u/6/W2Af6e0n7fQ
  6. @fastjack / battlefield 2142 the engine might be good but we would need to create all the textures, skins, weapons, buildings and vehicles by our self and that's a huge work that needs to be done before we would be able to play it. "release early, release often" would be the main point of a mod built by a clan like vg.
  7. Just updating the thread some for those that have not been following this thread much. I and other admins will be updating this post when there's a new release or if something is changed or whatever. From page 8 in this thread: BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... Ok, we need some testers, below is the info: TEST SERVER READY FOR TESTERS! (pw: VGTesters) Ok guys, Fastjack has finished a version of Karbala for our Test Server. The installation directions are critical! Make sure you follow them or else you might have issues, please read below. Installation of the testmap Karbala: 1. Unzip the new Karbala map folder to your desktop 2. In the pr\levels folder you need to create 2 new folders named ORIGINAL & TESTMAP. 3. Drag & drop the original Karbala map folder into the ORIGINAL folder. 4. Install the unzipped Karbala map folder into the bf2\mods\pr\levels folder. IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! IMPORTANT!!! MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE THE TEST MAP AND REPLACE IT WITH THE ORIGINAL BEFORE GOING BACK INTO ANY OTHER SERVERS! If anybody joins another server with the VG test map installed you will CTD, or even worse you could get banned by PUNKBUSTER! Its important to know and remember which map version you currently have installed. There is a README in the Karbala ESAI map. The original doesn't have a readme, so it is easy to identify which karbala map is the testmap and the original. PRIORITY BETA TEST RULEZ: AFTER TESTING THIS ESAI VERSION OF KARBALA THE MAP MUST BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH THE ORIGINAL KARBALA MAP OR THE TESTER RISK 'S CTD'S AND OR PUNBUSTER BANS ! ! ! KARBALA MAP: Look below. Latest download: - Download - KARBALA ONLY, READ INSTRUCTIONS IN THE QUOTE ABOVE! Older downloads: - None yet. IF YOU HAVENT READ THE QUOTE, THE PASSWORD IS: VGTesters - CC **********ORIGINAL POST BY IFFN************ Almost one and a half year after release of prsp and the start of the veterans-gaming coop server, VG is now a well known clan with a impressive community. The idea of a VG-mod is pretty old but this might be the right moment to dive into the world of modding. VG already tried to make a zombie mod for pr but it failed because of the bf2 engine (main problem = navmeshing: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f318-2009/64877-prsp-what-hell-navmeshing.html) But is it possible to create a mod on the bf2 or on an other engine with this clan? suggestions, thoughts?
  8. The conflict isn't about North vs. South Korea, it's an other part of the politics between China and the US. Since the end of WW2, there were always many US-Troops in the west pacific and there are still many US-bases in Japan, South Korea and the Pilippines. That's why China tries to prevent a united, americanized Korea right at there front door.
  9. The problem between North and South Korea exists, as far as i know, since the end of the korean war in 1953. Since then, there was always people saying, an other war will start soon. King Jong-il is getting old and his son isn't accepted by the north korean millitary. That's why Kim Jong-Un needs to show his strength by ordering artillery attacks against South Korea. At least, that's what i heard... I think right time for the war was in the 90s after the Soviet Union crashed and China wasn't as strong as it is now. But there were other wars to fight and it looks like we need to hope that the politicians solve the problem.
  10. @flight model: Feels right for me. The A-10 isn't supposed to be a nice plane to fly like the f-16. But i need the new version, i'm running it with 10fps on the lowest settings right now which isn't realy something to enjoy. And btw, who has it? -Chaz -BLuDKLoT -Iffn -jackless89 -Asp anybody else?
  11. Iffn

    Outerra Engine

    there are 2 guys working on this, brano kemen aka. cameni47 and angrypig, both are from slovakia :O vehicle physics after 8:20 : [yt=600width,400height]gf8YQ9WSdiw[/yt]
  12. Overview Outtera is a 3D planetary engine for seamless planet rendering from space down to the surface. It features unlimited visibility, progressive download of data, procedural content generation and has integrated vehicle and aircraft physics engines. It also embed web browser for web service integration. The engine is courently in development Videos: Awesome News: "Development of a combat flight sim game using this engine should probably start in 2011." By cameni on the 10.31.2010 http://www.moddb.com/engines/outerra-engine Source: Website: http://outerra.com/ Forum: http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/engines/outerra-engine Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cameni47 Blog: http://outerra.blogspot.com/
  13. @slots: we could set the server to our old 20vs44 players and open it after everybody joined. this would also fix the open slot problem. @maps: a map with multiple rolls would be better than a stupid inf map like quinling. (for example barracuda, muttrah or jabal) @training: proper helicopter insertion and extraction procedures http://www.vimeo.com/2021406 Note: watch this version and not the normal one (because of part 0)
  14. @no bots The idea of a community event and it's recording came while talking with blud about the difficulties between coop and proper teamwork Like i said, the pr devs and most of the pr players see coop as a junkyard for all the n00bs & morons who don't know how to play in a team. That's why we should show them that we are able to bring a better teamwork into coop than they bring into pvp. @PITN's training what exactly do you mean by training nights?
  15. I thought about it again and i think it would be better if we just announce it in the server description and join it on that day. With a locked server, we would build a wall between the admins and the normal players.
  16. Veterans Gaming can be called the elite of project reality coop players and that's why we should start VG CGE VG CGE stands for Veterans Gaming Community Gameplay Events (name should still be free) This is a suggestion, how it should work: Every month, for example on the first weekend at a specific time we restart our most stabil server (probably main coop) and lock it with a password. The good thing about looking is that we don't need to worry about idiots. We don't need to look it but i think it would be the best if we show that it is a VG CGE. The people who signed in before (max 32 !mistrust ) get the password for the server and the teamspeak channel by a message on there profile. I think it's the best to choose good players only (for example HombreDeSombrero or robotfungus) After everybody is logged in, we show the bots how teamwork works. Everybody who has fraps or an other recording program should record the gameplay and upload it cut or uncut on youtube, so we are able to bring it into one playlist. This should teach us how to set up a proper team work when everybody is playing and the videos might even show the pr devs, that coop isn't just the trash can of pr ;) So, what do you think about this?
  17. they look like crap but they show pure awesomeness ;)
  18. Awesome pics, I wish my version would look that good B) I hope you don't mind if I post some of mine in here since my album doesn't work. Most of them should be 5.52
  19. finaly, we have one and i love it !heart thx for the votes, i hope we get it filled soon cya on the battlefield !b8
  20. The thermals are awesome, especially by seeing through tank/soldier deployed smoke grenades Green thermal in the Merkava: Green thermal in the Abrams: Red thermal in the bradley (gunner only): But they already had something like that in Combined Arms:
  21. Call me wrong but isn't the sight in picture nr. 2 closed? Just a technical question...
  22. Awsome move, keep going !amazed I had some issues with my joystick, my framerate is pretty low (on medium settings) and the plane is shaking much more than the ff/f4af planes but i think i can fix these problems in the next few days. The game might realy have potential to attract a lot of virtual pilots, who are waiting for a new flight sim since the release of f4af or il2, especially hen they connect it with DCS Black Shark, an Apache or even a M1 Abrams simulator.
  23. How about a main off-topic forum with: -vg-mods -other games and mods -movies -politics and science -computer science -art gallery (2D and 3D) -internet in general (the newest hype) -youtube gallery forum (linked to the youtube gallery) -...
  24. bought it, installed it, tested it, loved it
  25. :? => :O => !amazed => !heart (IMMD) Seriously, I need this asap thx for the information
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