Overall pretty fucking great considering this is only our 2nd event and our first with 40 players on the server (and in TS) So to summarize the event: More lead time = more organization We need to get the signup thread, comms details, squad structure, etc up at least 5 DAYS before the event. This allows us to properly prepare for # of players and work out any kinks. This also will allow us to 'prep' the event - admins can login an hour before start and do things like mount vehicle radios, pre-pack vehicles, etc. Send out PMs to members informing them of upcoming event KISS (keep it simple stupid) We need to keep the plan simple and clear - at least until we are pros at whatever the task is (ie: mechanized patrols) Bored players are Angry players I swear in testing the number of OPFOR in those villages was much higher!!! Anyway... yes there was not enough to shoot at - trust me this will be fixed for next time (you will regret your words!!!) Comms Structure Still a WIP this will need more discussion Start Delays Always an issue it seems however having more preset loadouts (and tweaking the ones we have now) should help this