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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. I dont feel offended. There also no harsh tone from me. I'm only saying all things straight out without turning left and right. English isn't my native language.

    You know what happened in the past? Dont think so. Isn't so that we never tried to make things better.

    It's only about that the Devs should fix those issues and not community X,Y,Z. There are ways to reduce drastically the loading times for everyone.

    Overhauling datastructure and not pack every factionstuff into the same zip.file is a good solution. Why your rig must load all stuff that isn't needed on the map?







    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Connor said:

    This is just a discussion. Nothing more, nothing less.

    TEDF has a good point.

    Why =VG= should implement new scripts to give the long loaders the same benefit as the short loaders? Is it our task to fix that?

    Go to the Dev's and ask them for help or start a nothing more nothing less discussion in their forums? 

    We had already enough Bullshit talking from the Devs because of SCRIPTS and we where accused of breaking server licenses.



    • Upvote 1

    10 hours ago, =VG= Sausag3 said:

    Lets hope next you don't have to turn into some sort of super human swimmer and swim for nearly half an hour lol!

    I hope well. I was close to get it.


    Edit : The link could not be embedded because an error occurred on www.youtube.com.

    Can someone tell me who is the the guy in the middle? There are 4 seats (not including the bench seats).

    • Like 2
  4. 56 minutes ago, RizlaQc said:

    ok sorry

    No, no sorry. I like music in trans. Remember Lashkar Valley, 45 Golden Days and Rammstein. Sometimes, music helps alot to have fun if you use it in a good manner and not trolling around with it.

    Here my wishlist:



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  5. On 12.6.2020 at 1:54 PM, Rabbit said:

    Wow thats a way bigger mesh for fools road than I expected. 

    I think if you spend at least 24 work hours on the map you could expand the navmesh to the maximum by morphing Terrain (preventing tris clusterfuck), turning overgrowth into staticobjects to remove  some of them(reduce navmeshtime), adding here and there some cool stickies, cutting of the combatzone with walls and Melons new method and taadaaa. Fools road and navmesh in each GRID.

  6. 6 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

    So making a map with bots has a size limit to the amount of ground the AI can cover before the game crashes. the size varies map to map with things like whether it is a forest, urban or desert map. making bots move on water counts for nothing because there's nothing for them to avoid.

    As a general rule of thumb, a 1km can have bots on 100% of it, 2km is 40-60% and a 4km is 15-20%. This is why maps have a lot of areas that you don't play coop on especially 4km maps like shijia, Vadso or saaremaa always focus on the same areas.


    You can get some extra percentages for  2k and 4k Maps when you prepare the staticobjects.con for the navmesh process in a special manner. 2k Maps can have also nearly 90% playarea but it depends mostly of how many tree's (vegetation) you have on the map.

    For excample, the combatarea edges get tesselated and creates an amount of triangles (poly's) where they  arent needed.

    Ecxample: I placed walls as combatarea and placed the original combatarea a Little bit outside of the walls. All edges was straight navmeshed without small poly's at the edges.

    Here a Picture of one edge of the CombatArea (CA) without walls.5ed50b1c3e948_normalCAedges.thumb.png.f5c94ecb7b5f82d059d64e8099539864.png

    Here one CA Edge where i used walls.


    • Upvote 1
  7. Quote

    1: for both?  

    good for Project Reality coop, so for the game itself


    2: probably yeah one game mode, but I would image random flags within a mesh are fine

    All flags must be placed on Navmesh. That's a requirement.



    3: do you mean random flags or the ability for a server to choose with flag route?

    Multiple flagroutes in the GPO (seperated by layers) and the python picks a random layer. Not controlled via mapvote or other voodoo. So not predictable.

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