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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. On 28.2.2020 at 11:44 PM, X0R said:

    remember, Bot Aircraft are disallowed to players because they mostly have unlimited ammo

    Afaik, it's forbidden for the players to use botvehicles because the flightphysics are different than from the player ones and bots  aren't able to handle this player flightphysics.

    For excample, the bots would flip helicopters because they can handle the engine warmup or crash planes on airfields. Bots Auto refilling ammo over time because the can not land on airfields to rearm.

  2. About checked the rest of your post, you know what you talking about and is absolutely correct. The Weights system works like a priority system. Higher numbers = higher priority. It's the same as with the weapons.ai which kind of target got the weapons most attention. Important is also to check if other equipment in the kit could conflict with another one. 

    Your post is about behaviours and how bots perform on a map by choosing the right decisions. Sofar i know is the TakeCover behaviour disabled but you can find it still in the vanilla game (so vanilla ai). I Hex Editor'ed the AIDLL once and i mean i saw a ***rem in front of the TakeCover ai feature. The bot ai behaviour TakeCover seems to not worked  well in BF1942.

    The main reason was that the ai didn't knew what Cover was because  not so much  statics had an ai.template to tell the ai "Hey it's me COVER !!!"

    Also the placement of some statics on the map conflicted with the other one because of the cover and looking for cover values and cover positions etc.

    The main problem in PR  is the strategicstrength values and temperature values of the soldiers, vehicles, weapons etc. are to disorganisated to work well with the SAI and strategies.

    Also ALL map ai's need some more info like ObjectTypeFlags in StrategicAreas to get a better dynamic ai that can be influenced with mapstrategies.





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  3. 15 minutes ago, X0R said:

    My python isn't too bad

    Here i stopped reading because that got my absolute attention. :crigon_04:

    If i, would give you some basecodes (python) for a random rallypoint spawn mechanic (exist in PR but isn't used at all), could you modify it to =VG='s liking and create for us a randomcode for bot assets?

    The pythoncode was created for mappers, to put rallypoints_ (faction)_placebales_random on maps and the pythoncode choose RANDOMLY one or two of them. The same mechanic as the ammocachespawns on PR insurgency.

    If i would have THIS, we can play end of next month coop insurgency for PR. We could change ai (temperature values) serverside to get mapstrategies working because that's the main Problem of PR ai. There existing Things that are to HOT and that overrides good strategy by simple math calculations. 

    My Question is also, you aware about the BFSP SinglePlayerForum ? 

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  4. 9 hours ago, =VG= keed said:

    I played SQUAD yesterday. I made it to the squad selection screen before quitting. There were 8/9 locked squads. 2 one man heli squads (two helis available), one IFV/BRDM squad driving a T90, one one man BRDM squad locked conducting deep operations far away from any cap and some inf squads.

    I feel the playerbase needs more servers with a proven ruleset. I'd be down to read into the admin stuff.

    One thing that might bring us more popularity in the squad community right away would be to host workshop mods like the aussie mod. There are always people looking for servers but none stay up for long. If we would to fill that niche we could implement the PR legacy ruleset with a kind of good minded monopoly like we enjoy in PR COOP. If there will be more servers popping up we would still have a dedicated and fair server culture that has been popular in COOP for quite some time.


    	Once @=VG= Melon Muncher learns UnrealEngine and creates a highly sophisticated machine learning AI for SQUAD, PR will die. Once that happens we are prepared for the first official SQUAD COOP VG Server. :)


    Where is the Problem? Here you go : https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/ArtificialIntelligence/index.html


  5. 8 hours ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:


    the cute aliens near the sun are not the problem, i have a lot more to worry about what is happening on the dark side of the moon...




    The world is sick and we are the doctors.

    @Sausag3 : That's what i call mod for WWII !!!

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  6. 1 hour ago, denis34312 said:

    I mean real CAS , for example , i am in a A-10  , until the inf reaches the AO i will hold position in base , or if i get called in i will take off .When inf is in the AO I will provide overwatch and intel if i spot something, and if i would like to engage something i would request permission to first. Basically I am just support for ground. Thats how I CAS.

    I'm sure, when we reach the point, where we have more interrested people  that joining arma events, yes it will be a standard.

    Atm. we need more boots on the Ground to build a playerbase. You can run CAS at it has should to be on a server population lvl of 20 players.

    • Like 1
  7. I think before i suggesting things i will ask how good your in Arma Scripting dear Sausag3? I dont know what the Mission Editor features or if you have to create your own scripts for my dreams. I think Ciro and Jaki can help with things.

    Listen ...

    Lets go away from this mass tactical ARMA material battles. We dont have the players for that yet. Lets play Special Forces. Small Group Missions.

    Lets also not fight against conventional forces. Other evil still exist like drug cartels, weapon or slave dealers.

    Can you create a campaign like that? Incomming wall of text.

    Location Tanoa. Jungle and urban areas. Like that.

    • V.I.P. got lost by a chopper crashs, crashsite anywhere in the jungle. The team have to find this chopper to rescue the V.I.P.
    • V.I.P. got captured by a big and good armed drug cartel. 
    • Team have to earn Intel by making sidemissions to get information about the hostage location. It could be a chase over the map.

    Stealth should be a factor, towns should be full of civilians and cartel members with moderate firearms like submachine guns, maybe you can put the INCOGNITO feature in like antistasi has. It could also include a kill mission to rescue other hostages like news reporters or red cross employee or wreck diving to salvage a corpse from a missing DIA agent to get Intel. Sabotage the cartels drugfarms or drugfacilities. Be creative at this. The evac should also be handled with captured vehicles. The total escape of the team could be something like stealing a waterplane or boat to get to the end evac zone.

    It dont must be always a full war Scenario. Make Arma not War xD

    • Upvote 5
  8. One thing we could do for one time to fill the =VG= wallet would be sale a medal for our 10th anniversary of Veterans-Gaming.

    Each one of us who wants one can buy one. Some People nailing pictures of their certificates and exames on the livingroom wall.

    I would do the same in my gaming niche.

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  9. 37 minutes ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

      i counted 6-7 questions ;p


    Ok, here the one Question: Who is doing the Business.

    Tbh. =VG= have not yet the power (REPUTATION) to get profit from any Franchise projects. We are to unknown compared to the games we play. I dont think =VG= is known in Counter Strike or other multiplayer games communities.



    • Upvote 1
  10. One question. 

    How you all will handle the deliveries? For excample, someone ordered an =VG= zippo. Who will pack it into a box? Who's doing the shipments?

    Who administrate the whole shit with taxes and the other things that has to be done? Who's paying the shipment costs? From what place it got shipped?

    The Franchise thing we want todo is serious business.

    What about creating a Bitcoins account for =VG=, people who are interrested give some money in a pool and checking if we can make bucks with it. 

    I, personally dont believe in this Internet shit making millions in few month with Bitcoins but is there no way to make at least the 2000 $ in a year?


    • Upvote 2
  11. Count me in. Put me in Kav's Squad. Role - i dont care - SL (Kav) have the last word on this what he need.


    The Event running with faction from these days. Sofar i understood we dont want to play with the futuristic shit.

    In Arma 3 isn't a GB faction or US faction or RUS faction.

    Lets Play with the toys from today.


    • Like 1
  12. @Sausag3

    Take your time, years ago, we made many arma events. Not everything went well but after a while our arma scripter grow up and did amazing stuff.

    We Need more Arma modders in Veterans-Gaming. Arma was our second plattform after PR. We Need more game variation.

    Speirs told me x-mas, when he comes back he will look into creating missions for Arma.

    • Like 2
  13. What about the bug with the IDF and next round GB kit?

    You see a TK message but no TK happen. This TK are getting registered?

    Sometimes, i saw also that someone tk'ed a guy but the guy was still alive. Once i noticed that Hsc got tk'ed but he was still alive and piloting the cas huey and i was the doorgunner.


    What about a statistic with TK's / played time. Maybe Volod isnt Nr. One anymore.

  14. Ok,

    i want a Guerillawarefare mod including :

    • ACRE
    • Inventory system like Exile
    • vehicle salvage system (remove parts to repair vehicles)
    • vehicle repair and fuelsystem
    • crafting system (IED's, create bombcars)
    • basebuildingsystem that is restricted to the Team/HQ or outpost/firebases
    • coin-/moneysystem 
    • blackmarket (like Trader- or smugglingsystem to get better equipment)
    • COS system (prevent killing innocents/civilians or get punished)
    • covert ops missions
    • diving is a must. Best Arma 3 feature in my opinion . Like it much.
    • medical aid system, revive system
    • survival mechanics (hunting, cooking, food, drinks)
    • crashsites to get adequate weapons or better loot
    • looting bodys (because you need ammo, radiocomms or whatever equipment that is usefull)

    When ist done ? :gamer2:

  15. Why not both? 

    Actually in the info menu picture (loading screen Picture where you can see the assets) its defined as trans or you would see 2 helo Icons. 

    Maybe i can bring more light into the darkness.

    Ist because of pythoncodding.

    The python checks the category of the Chopper. Trans has _the_ and CAS _ahe_.

    Why? Because of the kits. 

    A CAS Chopper need 2 pilotkits. Pilot and Gunner.

    A Transport Chopper need only 1 pilotkit. For the Pilot only.

    Sofar i remember was the python so generated to check for kit restrictions/requirements the vehicle categories and not for each asset names seperatly.

     Edit: Griffon is called in Editor : cf_the_ch146_m134 so technically a trans: Question: You need a Copilot kit? After old python rules you need not but maybe they changed also that over the time.

    You all Love me now :air_kiss:


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