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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Hey Blud, Does it have a decent joystick setup now? I have the first version of BattleFront and that had crappy game controllers which I found to be off putting. If they fixed that I might be tempted.
  2. @Double It would be good to see a video on how you guys fly the Harrier using the keyboard / mouse setup because I had no idea about the bug where it inverts the controls when you tap S. I'm using a joystick which has a slider to control the throttle so I can set the throttle to a certain percentage (43%) and it will stay there. That is probably why I don't get that issue. Anyway I did some more practice today, and have the VTOL landing sorted out quite nicely now. I make sure I'm at 41-43% throttle, Air speed at 480 KTS, altitude 50m, 750m out from the carrier and go straight to hover keeping a nose up angle of 5 degs AOA, it has me hovering over the carrier deck at 30m. Perfect every time.
  3. @Double 50 feet is impressive, I did it at 7 Feet but that was in a BOT Harrier. According to the manual the recommended AOA should not exceed 15 degs, and the transition from Jet-borne flight to wing-borne flight takes place at 50ft plus depending on obstacles. Quote from manual: 'During accelerating transitions, angle of attack must not exceed 15°. Over-rotation or high rotational rates may result in the AOA rising uncontrollably even with the stick full forward. Uncontrollable pitch ups are most likely to occur at extreme aft CG loadings and/or with the wing flaps deflected more than 25°.' Same with coming into land in VTOL, the objective is to get the jet to arrive at a hover over the designated LZ at around 50-60Ft. With practice we may be able to transition from 50 ft but I'm more comfortable at 100 for the moment.
  4. Hehe...the only time its dangerous is when a rogue BOT just takes off in their flying vacuum cleaner, without warning!!!
  5. I'll be honest with you Blazer, I pretty much gave up trying to hover the Harrier from normal flight to land VTOL after PR screwed with the flight dynamics. I can do Vertical take offs fine but landing it is, like most people, disastrous. So to get around my landing problems I used my lessons in BMS to help me land on the carrier in the conventional way. Tonight I have recorded a session (about 27 minutes) where I have managed to take off and land the Harrier vertically based on the way you land vertically, and tried to analyze what is going on here. I think I have it pretty well worked out for me but if anyone else has more to add, feel free. The dynamics that PR changed really stuffed most of the pilots up when it came to using the Harrier Jump jet, you used to be able to reverse throttle or hold down S and it would hover no problem at all. Someone has changed those settings to simulate the need for AOA (Angle of Attack) which is a pretty fancy name for pointing the nose up at a certain angle when landing. Well Blazer you nailed it when you mentioned holding down the S key and not taking your finger off. That is exactly correct! The biggest mistake pilots are making in PR is that they are not going nose up BEFORE they hit the hover button, and probably not slowing the Harrier down enough either. I'm rendering the video at the moment but I'll write down the basics for what I think it is: Vertical Take Off ============= Hold down the 'S' key and get the Harrier to 100ft/m (clear from the carrier) Angle the nose of the Harrier to 5 deg AOA Go to full throttle, keeping the nose at AOA the whole time If you find yourself going too vertical, you can back off the throttle a bit until the nose drops again and then keep the throttle ON Vertical Landing ============= Plan your approach at least 1 to 2 NM out from your landing zone (carrier) Get your approach speed down to below 500 KTS (knots) which is about 40-43% of throttle Make sure your altitude is 100 ft/m depending on how good you are Angle the nose of the Harrier to 5 deg AOA, and keep it there if you can Hold the 'S' key down and keep it there until you achieve hover You may over-shoot but that is a trial and error thing to get it right Do not panic if the Harrier's nose begins to climb, so long as the air speed is dropping, the nose will come back down Presto! You should be at hover at roughly 100ft/m above the deck of the carrier If you don't know how to land a Harrier from this point you shouldn't be flying one!! Note: If your approach air speed is nearer 400KTS you may find the Harrier doing weird shit like nose diving or going vertical, try to keep it closer to 500KTS Credits to: Blazer, Static and SemlerPDX.
  6. Great manual Static, I wonder how accurate BMS is to the VTOL and landing specs?
  7. To land the harrier, get your approach speed down below 500KTS, AOA 5deg, and on contact with the deck pull the nose up (pull back on the joystick) to brake. Works for me. If your approach speed is below 400 or less you are going into the drink nose first.
  8. Hey Soldier,
    Congrats on joining the admin group, great to have you aboard!


    1. SoldierOfMisfortune


      Thank you Kav! I have much to learn on that but I'll do my best not to disappoint! And thank you for the constant support !


  9. Thanks for all the work you do for the BMS server, look forward to trying the new server out!
  10. Tell ya what @Melon muncher if you included Dragon Valley and Oman in future COOP releases you'd attract quite a few people into PR, those two maps were winners!
  11. The weapons in BFP4F were a lot nicer than what we get in PR. That M95 sniper rifle always felt like it was blowing you're target's head off from 350 meters, loved it. And the SKS was awesome for close quarter battles, most people hated the recoil but I got used to it. That Dragon Valley map brings it all back....lol.
  12. Runs ok in local, how do we get into the server to check?
  13. I've already done a YouTube video on setting up joysticks for Helicopters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUqQhbY6n9s&t=7s so can one of our expert keyboard/mouse pilots do a tutorial on the fundamentals for take off/landings?
  14. I'd like to see you do that with a badly damaged Huey (on fire and alarms going off) and get away with it!
  15. Melwin sounds to me like you have your mouse sensitivity up way too high for Helicopters, you can adjust that by press Esc, > Options > Controls Take the mouse sensitivity way down to 0.9 and try that. You could also take the YAW and Pitch down to 1. Its a matter of trial and error and how you feel with the setup. In game when you turn laterally this works better at slower speeds, once you get up to speed YAW is not effective, so you roll left or right with the mouse to turn. The rest is practice. Its a good idea to practice hovering with control, landing smoothly, etc. Use the horizontal HUD marker to level yourself out with the horizon when coming in to land, get it level then back off the throttle slowly. Good luck!
  16. Hey TEDF is the Dalian map similar to this one I used to play on Battlefield Play 4 Free?
  17. Ok still in discussion mode. I'm not expecting the Squad-Asset rule to be changed at all, I think its a very good set of rules and does eliminate arguments over ownership but it generally does not help a small team of players who are trying to stop the ticket bleed. We could, of course, all join the TRANS squad or a CAS squad to get around it but that seems like its the same idea as I'm proposing but with different Squad Titles. We need a tank to support us so we create and join a tank squad, the tank gets blown up so we all leave the tank squad and join the APC squad, we need CAS so we abandon the APC and join the CAS squad, the pilot gets shot down so we all leave CAS and create and join a TRANS squad back on the carrier....lol.
  18. I have to agree with Double's comment on this. Today I logged in to the Coop server when there was only three other players on, it had only just switched to Jabal Al Burj Alt so I recorded the session to see what happened with such a low number. Sorry about the low sound of my voice, I had the mic turned down too low. As you will see in the video I started out in my own TRANS squad with two other guys in their own squads. It becomes clear that we are not getting anywhere and East beach is overtaken by the bots fairly quickly. Pretty much if you don't cap the flag before the bulk of the bots from the bridge arrive, you can forget it. So thankfully we could set up a fob a distance from the flag not until I had run in four crates from the carrier. Anyway after several attempts, and a couple CAS runs, along with an AAV in support we were able to cap East beach. It took us 55 minutes, one other guy Varigor was a good player the other two were noobs or just not very good. This scenario is typical for what happens when the server has less than 12 players on. I think the most we had by the cap was 6 players. If you pay attention to the video you'll see that until we had 6 players neither of us were able to access the HAT kit due to limitations, so its a double whammy we are dealing with. Low numbers to take on the bots and limited access to kits as well. It made total sense to just play together in the one squad, using what ever assets we were able to use without creating separate heavy asset squads. So even though the VG server rules say we MUST create a properly named squad to claim an asset(s) I'm proposing that this is overlooked or should I say not enforced when the server population is 10-12 players or less.
  19. Right that makes sense, thanks for the explanation. I agree not everyone would be able to unzip the maps into the correct folder, I'm sure eventually these maps will become part of a future upgrade.
  20. Ah I see so they were designed for local server only? But hang on there's this line: And I quote ' This is an official map pack so servers will be allowed to host these maps without a password. '
  21. Hey guys, Has anyone downloaded and tried out this Official Coop Map pack? http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f196-pr-highlights/145695-pr-bf2-v1-4-14-official-coop-map-pack-released.html Looks like an official COOP release by PR. I've been trying them out locally and they look like a nice addition to the default maps we already play. 6 new maps and 12 versions. Any of the server admins looking at uploading these to the VG server any time soon? I've played the Al Sbeneh Region Inf version which is a defend at all costs map, a bit different but could be a lot of fun.
  22. Thanks Blazer, that is a good idea. There has been a lot of videos done in the past but they are on older versions of PR so an update would be very helpful. I have been putting together footage for "How to laze targets" from the squad leader's perspective and I'd like to see it from the Apache/Cobra gunner's perspective and a CAS jet pilot's view point as well. We could set that up on the server if we organise ourselves, squad leaders on the ground taking footage and CAS pilots in the air, showing the communication necessary to making a successful laze. A good map for that would be Operation Barracuda because it is one of the maps that intimidates CAS squads. Khamisiyah is another one.
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