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=VG= Kavelenko

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Posts posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. 3 hours ago, Melwin said:

    3 -Helis....well,I am able to take-off and land with the helicopters having the mechanism of jumping forward at take-off

    The ones that don't,well expect me crash in 30s or 60s at most

    Also maneuvering is a huge issue for me in Helicopters,

    I take a sharp turn,I crash

    I try to interfere with the nosing with my mouse,I crash

    I try to turn slowly,expect me to go out of bounds and crash/die

    So I need huge help for that

    Melwin sounds to me like you have your mouse sensitivity up way too high for Helicopters, you can adjust that by press Esc, > Options > Controls

    Take the mouse sensitivity way down to 0.9 and try that. You could also take the YAW and Pitch down to 1. Its a matter of trial and error and how you feel with the setup.

    In game when you turn laterally this works better at slower speeds, once you get up to speed YAW is not effective, so you roll left or right with the mouse to turn. The rest is practice.

    Its a good idea to practice hovering with control, landing smoothly, etc. Use the horizontal HUD marker to level yourself out with the horizon when coming in to land, get it level then back off the throttle slowly.

    Good luck!

    • Upvote 6
  2. 3 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Since the beginning of VG and the early days of VG PR COOP, we have enforced the Squad-Asset rule by specifically named Squads.  Back in those days, I played during the "off hours" mostly along with RobotFungus and LittleTortiaBoy, etc.
    We found it necessary still to ensure assets that were claimed were not taken by someone else.  BUT - seeing as how someone who loses their asset will then wait for it to respawn, therefore taking care of their own claimed asset, I could see how mixed squads could exists during low player count times.

    If this were to move forward in discussions, I'd like to hear how other servers operate during low population times.  If we ever approved mixed asset squads against the Squad-Asset Naming rule, there would need to be some designation that tells people that the Squad Leader knows they are operating mixed assets such as an "LP" designation in the Squad Name (or something equivalent).  Also, if approved, we would need to adjust the master VG PR Rules and possibly add notes in the MOTD's on the server(s) - and some public announcement here on the site as well as you Admins spreading the word to the peoples.

    Until this IS approved by the majority of the VG Administration, let's stick with the rules and discuss the matter here.


    Still wondering if anyone here is going to create a list of maps that would be more preferable during low population times.  It's literally all I need to make this system complete and to give it some testing...

    Ok still in discussion mode.

    I'm not expecting the Squad-Asset rule to be changed at all, I think its a very good set of rules and does eliminate arguments over ownership but it generally does not help  a small team of players who are trying to stop the ticket bleed.

    We could, of course, all join the TRANS squad or a CAS squad to get around it but that seems like its the same idea as I'm proposing but with different Squad Titles.

    We need a tank to support us so we create and join a tank squad, the tank gets blown up so we all leave the tank squad and join the APC squad, we need CAS so we abandon the APC and join the CAS squad, the pilot gets shot down so we all leave CAS and create and join a TRANS squad back on the carrier....lol.

  3. On 8/31/2017 at 7:24 AM, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Rules might need to be adjusted as same on deployment for low population. I can 100% agree that the asset claiming on coop is insane. Back in the  good old times where muttrah was the only starting map I saw plenty of times 3 people in trans 3 in cas and nobody in inf. Most of the times when the server was below 15 people I noted that I didn't care about claiming and people should be in one squad so we can all work together. However certain admins do not share this vision and warn squads for not claiming it properly.

    I have to agree with Double's comment on this.

    Today I logged in to the Coop server when there was only three other players on, it had only just switched to Jabal Al Burj Alt so I recorded the session to see what happened with such a low number. Sorry about the low sound of my voice, I had the mic turned down too low.

    As you will see in the video I started out in my own TRANS squad with two other guys in their own squads.  It becomes clear that we are not getting anywhere and East beach is overtaken by the bots fairly quickly. Pretty much if you don't cap the flag before the bulk of the bots from the bridge arrive, you can forget it. So thankfully we could set up a fob a distance from the flag not until I had run in four crates from the carrier.

    Anyway after several attempts, and a couple CAS runs, along with an AAV in support we were able to cap East beach. It took us 55 minutes, one other guy Varigor was a good player the other two were noobs or just not very good. This scenario is typical for what happens when the server has less than 12 players on. I think the most we had by the cap was 6 players. If you pay attention to the video you'll see that until we had 6 players neither of us were able to access the HAT kit due to limitations, so its a double whammy we are dealing with. Low numbers to take on the bots and limited access to kits as well.

    It made total sense to just play together in the one squad, using what ever assets we were able to use without creating separate heavy asset squads. So even though the VG server rules  say we MUST create a properly named squad to claim an asset(s) I'm proposing that this is overlooked or should I say not enforced when the server population is 10-12 players or less.


    • Upvote 2
  4. Hey guys,

    Has anyone downloaded and tried out this Official Coop Map pack?


    Looks like an official COOP release by PR. I've been trying them out locally and they look like a nice addition to the default maps we already play.

    6 new maps and 12 versions.

    Any of the server admins looking at uploading these to the VG server any time soon?

    I've played the Al Sbeneh Region Inf version which is a defend at all costs map, a bit different but could be a lot of fun.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 hours ago, =VG= Blazer said:

    Great effort here Kav, Really clear and informative.

    After watching this, I might consider making a video based on basic squad leading as we are running low on competent squad leaders on the server. Also might inspire some confidence in players to take on new roles.

    Also think it would be a great idea to get a thread going with video's such as these to help guide players on various aspects of the game .


    Possible areas that could be explained:

    • APCs / Tank / Armour gameplay
    • Using the Commander tools
    • Basic understanding of AAS (COOP)
    • CAS gameplay
    • Basic Infantry gameplay (Game Controls and Mumble)
    • Advanced Kits (HATS / ENGINEER / SPOTTER)

    Ill be happy to create a few with the assistance of others ;) 

    Thanks Blazer, that is a good idea. There has been a lot of videos done in the past but they are on older versions of PR so an update would be very helpful.

    I have been putting together footage for "How to laze targets" from the squad leader's perspective and I'd like to see it from the Apache/Cobra gunner's perspective and a CAS jet pilot's view point as well.

    We could set that up on the server if we organise ourselves, squad leaders on the ground taking footage and CAS pilots in the air, showing the communication necessary to making a successful laze.

    A good map for that would be Operation Barracuda because it is one of the maps that intimidates CAS squads. Khamisiyah is another one.

    • Upvote 5
  6. This video demonstrates many of the important skills that a noob TRANS pilot should have under their belt BEFORE they contemplate flying a full squad into a hot location.

    The necessary warm up time, taking off, landing in a controlled fashion, situational awareness, using terrain and buildings to shield themselves against potential threats, low level flying, being able to slow down with control, hover, and use flares to protect the heli. We're talking about NOOBS here guys, most of them cant get the Osprey off the bloody deck without hitting the water on their first flight, how many times have we seen that?

    These runs represent a fraction of the routes possible on this map but I'll keep those to myself, you guys can work them out for yourselves!

    I'd be more than happy to jump in a chopper with a new pilot if they could fly these basic routes and return safely. Sometimes we don't need hotshots who can do barrel rolls; just a crate would be nice.

    • Upvote 5
  7. 16 minutes ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

    Nice work Kav! Now all you need to do is make a video that shows them how to fly in the first place.

    I don't think anyone's trying to be negative, I think it's mostly just a commentary from their own flying experiences.


    I think Kav is just trying to give some of the safer routes and drop locations for beginners, not telling people exactly where to fly.

    Thanks Melon, the description clearly says its a tute for beginners, I'm not dictating policy for how to suck eggs. Someone asked for help so this is it.

    • Upvote 4
  8. Hi guys,

    I put this brief tute together for new players to use as a guide before they actually start flying TRANS Helis on the VG Coop server.

    I had a comment from someone the other day when I warned him for using the VG server to practice. So hopefully this tutorial will help newbie pilots to get the basics down before they fly with squads on the live server.

    I was going to run a full commentary but got a bit lazy and just recorded the crate runs without me yapping besides I was watching the rugby at the time!


    • Upvote 12
  9. I don't think map rotation is the issue. The problem is if the players cannot cope with a map, there's no mechanism available for them to change the current map.

    Plenty of times I've observed low population servers (this happens a lot in my time zone) and problem is the above. For instance Jabal Al Burj Alt is probably the easiest map to defend with only 2 players, I've done it on my own before but its near impossible if you need to dig a fob. Anyway the end result will always be East beach is overrun, and you might see someone on the hills sniping with a Heli and crate.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 30 minutes ago, =VG= TEDF said:

    Parachuting out from aircraft is too easy to abuse. That's why the chutes got removed from the game except for the factions that have preset paratrooper deployment on certain maps. That's the reason why by default pilots aren't able to sit in the passenger seats.

    I guess one way of making this work is to have all but one person in trans squad convert into an INF squad after the hobos have been dropped off and then join the fight to avoid the supply and CAS abuse. It would have to be the german faction as they are currently the only NATO force that have paratroopers ingame (Seems a bit weird to have russians fly around in ospreys). 

    There is a parachute launcher option for a weapon slot, so I'll fiddle around with it a bit and see if It works for other factions as well. Unfortunately, this idea has to remain only for NATO factions atm as the OPFOR doesnt have any suitable aircraft for that role. Choppers just aren't for that.

    Another issue would be the map. Only suitable one that I can think of atm is Pavlovsk / Vadso as it has a large deployment area in the sea far away from any kind of bot activity. (Dont even think about suggesting Kashan or Khami).

    Could try sould rebel and have all the flags around the island active at the same time and turn the map into an air version of D-Day landing. 


    And before some random comes here and asks - NO. Rcon will NEVER be enabled on the main server during regular gameplay. 





    I suggested parachuting out of the back of an Osprey to the PR devs a while back and the response was that they had done it before but it would take a lot of work to bring it back.

    Sure its open to abuse on regular servers but I was thinking more along the lines of modded events. Simple to implement rules around the abuse bit but I don't see the issue on a VG pass-worded event. Part of a para-drop would have to be a designated LZ where there could be a spawned ammo crate (or Trans could fly these in before hand).

    The idea is that the Osprey would fly over the drop zone 500+ ft, and at a predetermined point the squad lead calls the jump or the pilot does. Once on the ground the "lost" paratroopers need to find their way to the drop-zone to change to their assault kits, and we all know how useless some are at guiding parachutes. Typical of a para-drop and a lot of fun and nightmares right off the bat!

    Saaremaa has a carrier with an Osprey btw.

  11. 5 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Keep switching seats or just enable a faction that has airborn like Russian VDV or German paratroopers 

    it should also be able to disable with rcon 

    Reference: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f189-modding-tutorials/95253-local-rcon-commands.html

    I tested the following on my local server using Pavlosk Bay Std, and I was able to fly the Osprey, move to one of the seats and then eject and deploy parachute, so it would be possible to program this I would imagine.

    To allow all kits used in vehicles plus no need for driver in tanks etc type in:

    rcon oneman

    Screens shots: spawning a logi truck on carrier


    Below: Sitting in a passenger seat and wearing a pilot kit, ejecting from the Osprey


    Parachute deployed!



  12. 24 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    If any of you have ideas what to do next such as map suggestions, and ways the assault should go then share it with us. Ted can't guarantee it will be possible but you might have a good idea what to do. 

    A good map to exploit would be the Falklands Infantry map or Goose Green but have the teams assault each objective by rubber boat. Starting from the carrier say.

    Have a trans squad if you like supplying ammo crates to squad locations to build fobs and defensive positions but the primary form of transport would be by sea (boats)

    You could also have a CAS squad of Harriers that was limited to being called in by the Squad leaders or the Commander as necessary if a captured flag was being overrun.  CAS squad would not be allowed to fly sorties unless approved by Commander who has received a distress call from a squad leader. Targets would need to  be lazed by the squad leader or designated Spotter.

    Countless scenarios spring to mind.

    • Upvote 1
  13. That was a great event TEDF, thanks for all the hard work mate! Great to see so many turn out and also really good to have a lot of new players enjoying the maps too. Ok we had a few glitches but that goes with the territory.

    Overall it was great team work by everyone!

    I'm rendering the first map, will paste it here when its done, got footage for the other two maps as well.

    Albasrah  -  US v INS

    Muttrah City -  Russia v US

    Bijar Canyons - HAMAS vs US

    The map lasted only five minutes 52 seconds before it crashed so unless someone wants to see it I wont bother to upload it. By this stage we were all pretty tired.

    • Upvote 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Schmidtrock said:

    Are there any set basic training sessions for complete nugget FNGs? This game has a steep curve for an old man.

    I'm newb at BMS so I figured I might as well newb up for PR also.

    Best way to get started on BMS is start with the Tactical Engagement Missions, the details for all these missions are in your BMS directory at: C:\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Docs\Falcon BMS Manuals

    BMS-Training.pdf is the manual I'm referring to, also there are plenty of YouTube vids out there teaching the basics.

    • Upvote 3
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