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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Nano is also wrong about the reason why you die when you hop in a Heli without a pilot kit too. If the rcon commands were enabled on the server, you could jump into any vehicle including the enemy's by disabling that feature with

    RCON Oneman

    RCON Onefaction

    Try it in a local server. As for the 8 man limitation Melon may be able to confirm that one.

  2. 8 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    @timestamp 14.20 the thingy with the compass and the deviation on top of the triangle ......... never noticed :huh:


    2 hours ago, =VG= Blazer said:

    I'll be honest... I never noticed either!

    Ah come on guys, really? that's been out for ages.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    On my machine it also runs not smooth. 

    Is my machine so bad that it can run this game smooth? Or is it about my AMD Processors?

    Oh yeah another reason is that PR can be run on low spec machines, I've installed Arma3 on my machine and it freezes and is virtually unplayable for me, so I'm not inclined to download Squad until I upgrade which wont be happening anytime soon. :)

    Cut and paste from Steam:


    • MINIMUM:
      • OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64)
      • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K CPU
      • Memory: 8 GB RAM
      • Graphics: Geforce GTX 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
      • DirectX: Version 11
      • Network: Broadband Internet connection
      • Storage: 35 GB available space
      • Additional Notes: A teamwork oriented mindset
      • OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)
      • Processor: Intel Core i7 4790k CPU
      • Memory: 16 GB RAM
      • Graphics: Geforce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
      • DirectX: Version 12
      • Network: Broadband Internet connection
      • Storage: 35 GB available space
      • Additional Notes: A microphone
  4. Hey Maverick that's good to hear perhaps it was just one guy having an under spec machine?

    At the moment there isn't the player interest in Squad to justify hosting VG server, as Semler posted in the thread below it takes a lot of dedication and time to keep something like that running.


  5. I was reading some of the comments about Squad on steam and some players are leaving the game due to the screen freezes which seem to plague the game. Don't know whether its a huge issue or not because I don't have it but sounds like they need to fix that before they add more heavy assets otherwise it will be unplayable.

    Squad looks nicer than PR but as we all know its not always about the aesthetics sometimes; for me, its the gaming community and mates that keeps you coming back to PR.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 5 hours ago, =VG= Blazer said:

    Nice video Kav.

    Just one point (correct me if I'm wrong) but you need to set the distance first then call in the Airstrike. This creates a yellow marker for CAS to see on the map. If you don't the game corrects you and says "You need to set the distance..."

    However, Its not required as CAS can lock on to the Laze either way but it really helps! It allows them to pinpoint exactly where the laze is, this can also apply to setting a spot marker or calling in an Area Attack.

    Also, it goes without saying, communication with the CAS squad leader is key. Avoids accidental lazes and teamkills...


    Putting it simply;

    1.Use GLTD

    2.Find Range by left clicking (Also sets the Laze)

    3.Set Range using the "commo rose"

    4.Call in CAS / Set marker (Spot) / Area Attack using the "commo rose"


    @=VG= Kavelenko If you are free sometime, do you want to work on an Area Attack video with me? We can get both the squad leader and commander perspectives.

    Hi Blazer,

    Yeah that's a good point actually about setting the distance especially for stationary targets. Most of my targets are moving so I don't usually use that function but its a good call to include the extra marker for CAS, it all helps. When you've got an angry AAV bearing down on you, it takes me all my time to get a lase to stick without exposing myself to a range call. I would have liked to gotten more footage from the gunner's perspective to round that tute off as well.


     @=VG= Kavelenko If you are free sometime, do you want to work on an Area Attack video with me? We can get both the squad leader and commander perspectives.

    Sure thing just let me know what time you want to do it.

    • Upvote 2
  7. @Double

    It would be good to see a video on how you guys fly the Harrier using the keyboard / mouse setup because  I had no idea about the bug where it inverts the controls when you tap S. I'm using a joystick which has a slider to control the throttle so I can set the throttle to a certain percentage (43%) and it will stay there. That is probably why I don't get that issue.

    Anyway I did some more practice today, and have the VTOL landing sorted out quite nicely now.

    I make sure I'm at 41-43% throttle, Air speed at 480 KTS, altitude 50m, 750m out from the carrier and go straight to hover keeping a nose up angle of 5 degs AOA, it has me hovering over the carrier deck at 30m.

    Perfect every time.

  8. @Double

    50 feet is impressive, I did it at 7 Feet but that was in a BOT Harrier.:P

    According to the manual the recommended AOA should not exceed 15 degs, and the transition from Jet-borne flight to wing-borne flight takes place at 50ft plus depending on obstacles.

    Quote from manual:

    'During accelerating transitions, angle of attack must not exceed 15°.
    Over-rotation or high rotational rates may result in the AOA rising
    uncontrollably even with the stick full forward. Uncontrollable pitch ups
    are most likely to occur at extreme aft CG loadings and/or with the wing
    flaps deflected more than 25°.'

    Same with coming into land in VTOL, the objective is to get the jet to arrive at a hover over the designated LZ at around 50-60Ft.

    With practice we may be able to transition from 50 ft but I'm more comfortable at 100 for the moment.

  9. I'll be honest with you Blazer, I pretty much gave up trying to hover the Harrier from normal flight to land VTOL after PR screwed with the flight dynamics. I can do Vertical take offs fine but landing it is, like most people, disastrous.

    So to get around my landing problems I used my lessons in BMS to help me land on the carrier in the conventional way.

    Tonight I have recorded a session  (about 27 minutes) where I have managed to take off and land the Harrier vertically based on the way you land vertically, and tried to analyze what is going on here.

    I think I have it pretty well worked out for me but if anyone else has more to add, feel free.

    The dynamics that PR changed really stuffed most of the pilots up when it came to using the Harrier Jump jet, you used to be able to reverse throttle or hold down S and it would hover no problem at all.

    Someone has changed those settings to simulate the need for AOA (Angle of Attack) which is a pretty fancy name for pointing the nose up at a certain angle when landing.

    Well Blazer you nailed it when you mentioned holding down the S key and not taking your finger off. That is exactly correct! The biggest mistake pilots are making in PR is that they are not going nose up BEFORE they hit the hover button, and probably not slowing the Harrier down enough either. I'm rendering the video at the moment but I'll write down the basics for what I think it is:

    Vertical Take Off


    1. Hold down the 'S' key and get the Harrier to 100ft/m (clear from the carrier)
    2. Angle the nose of the Harrier to 5 deg AOA
    3. Go to full throttle, keeping the nose at AOA the whole time
    4. If you find yourself going too vertical, you can back off the throttle a bit until the nose drops again and then keep the throttle ON

    Vertical Landing


    1. Plan your approach at least 1 to 2 NM out from your landing zone (carrier)
    2. Get your approach speed down to below 500 KTS (knots) which is about 40-43% of throttle
    3. Make sure your altitude is 100 ft/m depending on how good you are
    4. Angle the nose of the Harrier to 5 deg AOA, and keep it there if you can
    5. Hold the 'S' key down and keep it there until you achieve hover
    6. You may over-shoot but that is a trial and error thing to get it right
    7. Do not panic if the Harrier's nose begins to climb, so long as the air speed is dropping, the nose will come back down
    8. Presto! You should be at hover at roughly 100ft/m above the deck of the carrier
    9. If you don't know how to land a Harrier from this point you shouldn't be flying one!!

    Note: If your approach air speed is nearer 400KTS you may find the Harrier doing weird shit like nose diving or going vertical, try to keep it closer to 500KTS

    Credits to: Blazer, Static and SemlerPDX.


    • Upvote 4
  10. 1 hour ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

    Don't try to hover before landing, just come in fast and level using no engine and slide onto the LZ. The skids take zero damage so as long as they are the only thing touching the ground you can land as hard as you want.

    I'd like to see you do that with a badly damaged Huey (on fire and alarms going off) and get away with it! ;)

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