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About Zadra

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  1. A new Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara has been announced. Planned release date: Q4 2021 DLC page - https://arma3.com/news/arma-3-creator-dlc-western-sahara-is-coming-soon#.YXgzYZ7P2Uk Steam Store- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1681170/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_Western_Sahara/
  2. 1.Minimize the game and pick it up back. 2. Maybe you selected the wrong executable file. Start the game and find the name of the executable file in the Task Manager.
  3. Do you have mouse software? Create a Battlefield 2042 profile and set DPI manually. I have a Logitech mouse. Each game has its own profile.
  4. Did you enter the correct name in the configuration file?
  5. Again problem with MHQ (undeploy). Has unlimited ammo and repair. The perfect combat vehicle. Can you set the "Service Vehicle 2" script to Service depot?
  6. Rearm, refuel and repair are now working. I have not found.
  7. Noticed during the game and testing. When driving MHQ we have access to the rearm. This is one of the reasons why players use the MHQ as a combat vehicle.
  8. =VG= ciro knows about this bug. The last update has reiterated this bug. To bypass this error just press "space".
  9. hey man whats the A3 dev server pw?


    1. Zadra


      You mean the VG server? VG DEV server requires mods.
      Here is the full list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 
      Ask = VG =. Blizzard. for details. 🙂

  10. The first full mission is complete. 10/10 ammo cache found. The server was running nonstop for 9 days. FPS server okay. Observations and suggestions: - No sapper slot. Sometimes players / trolls plant anti-infantry mines near HQ. There is no way to disarm them.
  11. Hm .. really? look to all houses through the windows? The drone terminal is also used to operate the remote designator, AL-6 Pelican (medical), ED-1 (backpack) or Mk30A - automatic sentry gun (backpack). Observations and suggestions: - HQ should not be a combat vehicle. Players drive the AMV-7 Marshall to sectors and capture them. - Scoring table - A jump from the MHQ is minus 1 point in the light vehicle class (sometimes). - Little Bird should have a respawn delay. The players don't rearm it, they just crash. - Vehicle rearming, near MHQ not very intuitive. There was a designated place in Arma2.
  12. I have played 856 hours of VG server in ARMA 2 Insurgency. I leave such souvenirs. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1956180638
  13. Yesterday I played Insurgency Arma 2. I have it on my hard drive. I will check and compare.
  14. I searched and found. He was like that. I don't know which Liberation or Insurgency server. I have an old entry: they vote for themselves. They kick out the players. - Daqerek - 76561198147757869 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Daqerek/ - Verger - 76561198138669334 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198138669334 - tenshin - 76561198861065768 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198861065768 There is no such player name Daqer (gametracker). Comments: @=VG= SemlerPDXThis could be the lock ID from the old server configuration without BE (ban.txt file). I can't see this file in the main folder. I could have reported it. If so, you can delete it. Some time has passed. I will check the player's behavior. Zadra.
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