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=VG= Blazer

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Blazer

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to test out the Maps Melon, seriously, its some great work. As with the last event, I wont be signing up for any particular squad. Happy to SL or join anyone who has space available. Looking forward to Friday - Let the fun times begin!
  2. Highlight of the night: Seconds before disaster - French High Tech! Truly a wonderful experience. Thanks too all that turned up and a special thanks to Melon for organising!
  3. I'm free Teejay, I had hoped to make a small team of 4 for recon / other purposes.
  4. Sorry to hear that you are unable to attend Keed! As a result, I have had a short discussion with a few of the guys regarding the plan for Khamisiyah and this is what we have come up with. Any further input is greatly appreciated and welcome! OPERATION NIGHT OWL Phase 1 1) At the start of the operation all 4 Helicopters will be allocated as shown (This is to prevent any miscommunication and squabbling over seats). Pilot #1 : SYDNEY - HATER'S SQUADPilot #2 : MELON - KAVELENKO'S SQUADPilot #3 : RECON - DOUBLE'S SQUADPilot #4 : BRYAN - COMMANDER AND ADDITONAL MEDICS / RIFLEMEN 2) All the Helicopters will then proceed to drop off the squads at LZ1. 3) SLs and will dig in and place their rally points - Helicopters will RTB and pick up the remaining Squad Members and deliver them to their respective SLs. 4) All squads will then assault the first objectives as follows: HATER - OBJECTIVE A KAVELENKO - OBJECTIVE BDOUBLE - OBJECTIVE C ALL OTHER SQUADS TO ASSIST WHERE NEEDED Phase 2 1) Haters Squad will defend Objectives A, B and C. Setting up a southern defensive line. 2) Double and Kavelenko will take their squads, via helicopter extract, to LZ 2. 3) They will assault objective D then proceed south taking objectives E and F. 4) Another defensive line is to be made south of Objective F. 5) Helicopters will continue to provide reinforcements through out, at this point they will NOT be allocated to any particular squad. Phase 3 1) Having secured the first 6 objectives, the team will prepare for the final assault. Stock up on ammo if possible by sending a few members back to Airfield (Riflemen Kits) 2) Rally points and C/O rally will be made at LZ3. ALL FURTHER REINFORCEMENTS ARE TO BE DROPPED HERE. 3) Defend and await for further instructions from the C/O - Commander will wait for a break in the enemy attacks. He/she will then say the following words: RED DAWN RISING Phase 4 1) After hearing the words RED DAWN RISING, all squads will attack the final objectives. HATER'S SQUAD - VIA THE EAST KAVELENKO'S SQUAD AND OTHER SQUADS - VIA NORTH TRAIN YARD DOUBLE'S SQUAD - VIA THE WEST Good luck gents!!! Blazer.
  5. ^^^ Might help with people trying to figure out what time zone they are in ^^^ Just a quick thought. Would it be possible to have a 5-10 minute delay at the start of each round so SLs can brief their squads? Also, I may ditch the idea of a 4 man squad. Instead, I might set up a squad for any randoms, new Players and the few unfortunate people who forgot to sign up... EDIT: My bad Melon. You happened to post while I was typing!!!
  6. Sounds good to me! I'm definitely in for a Friday night PR Sesh! Considering taking in a small 4 man squad for "special forces stuff" if anyone is interested. If not, Ill just jump in and see what's happening on the day.
  7. Sounds good to me! Will be nice change from PR and a good opportunity to meet other people from the commonuity. I'll be sure to drop in once I get back.
  8. There also a few console commands if I'm not mistaken. Not so sure though... Anyone care to enlighten us? :)
  9. I will now shed a tear. Won't be back until November, that's another event I have gone and missed. Hopefully see you guys in the next "episode". Hope you guys have fun. Looks brilliant, thanks TEDF for all the hard work!
  10. FastJack. You beat me too it. Nothing me irritating than spawning in and have new pilot almost crash a helicopter straight into your face seconds into the game!
  11. Funny. I was watching Black hawk Down the other day. I think it's a great idea! Event could follow the movie and have multiple phases: Phase 1 - Start of at main and go for a prisoner snatch at the hotel (some random pre-allocated building) Could have a few squads land in little birds to secure the building while a "Delta force" moves in and secures the prisoner(s). Phase 2- Convoy arrives taking the event into a convoy escort. Prisoners die Event ends? Phase 3- Sometime down the line someone could crash the Blackhawk (Making sure it's visible for everyone to see, maybe knock it up a little bit before hand so it's smoking) The event will then switch to a VIP rescue. I think it would be pretty cool to make it as immersive as possible, for example no using the UAV, instead have a little bird circling overhead with the commander inside it coordinating everything. Also would be a good opportunity for public players to have fun and learn to cooperate as a team.
  12. sillymoose LAN_WROTE ... Proposed Solution: Stop dying so much. bahaha !lolol ^^^ Ahahah, we'll said Moose! !declare ^^^ I am so jealous of you guys right now, just the thought of actually losing a round or two makes me want to fly back home and start playing! Don't know about you fellas but winning EVERY round can get a little, dare I say it, "boring". Fight harder lads and earn that victory! !eatlead
  13. Pretty sure that's the same with the "airfield" on Barracuda. Still funny telling the newbies that they need to commit suicide to get out of them...
  14. In respect to what Martin has just said, I owe you all an apology as I have now watched this video. Definitely out of line this time around with no excuse. All I can physically say is sorry and hope I am forgiven by all.
  15. Fine. I have lost this battle, but I have not lost the war. I will be back for you boy... !threaten
  16. Woah there "tough" guy! Take note that I wrote: "the other day when I said I spotted a bot". I didn't say I spotted first, Only wrote on here to bring everyone else's attention to it! !winker Now, quit your accusations fool. !taunt
  17. To those that doubted me the other day when I said I spotted a bot named SLUT-BOT LEMURLEMUR... It appeared again today and now I have photo evidence. The prodigy has returned!!!
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