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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/group-performs-impromptu-star-wars-on-a-subway/20m697vq?from=sharepermalink%5Efacebook
  2. Crazy vid. Sorry Coasties but wtf, is this crap true?
  3. WOW Epic Sig man, lov it. Thanks for the flights as well man, look forward to many more!
  4. Sup TB thanks for joining the site. Glad you had a good time man...kick some butt
  5. I like it. I this Asad would be a good map for this. My only suggestion like dman said I said (lol) was to keep it real. Stay with the PR model of realism, weapons, tactics, but make it about killing these zombies instead of terrorists. But make it better. Add new weapons/kits like you're doing but with the same realism of PR. Add new Air and Vehicles, allow to carry more, run farther, use more, etc... Warriors are capable of so much more than we're allowed in PR. Make the zombies lethal, head shots only to kill and make them all run like hell for their meat. When one of the 32 BLUFOR guys gets wacked you get like 2 minutes to revive or they become zombies themselves. I know all of this is hard, but it would be cool. :)
  6. Welcome back man. Ya those cruise ships are nothing like living on the USS Belleau wood but I still couldnt do it. Glad you had a good time tho! Is the old lady prego now too or what?
  7. if you upload those as attachments to your post they will resize larger for us when we click on them, just fyi. Look at the FF5 Screens thread for examples. This is looking cool man. I thought it would be kinfa cool if we as the PR guys were Special Ops COOP team inserted into "map" to exterminate zombies...kinda like a Resident Evil gimmick. Maybe I will make a minier-mini-mod from your mini-mod. Lovin it.
  8. This is a great project you guys have going. Why dont you post a list of the types of skills you need so people can contribute to areas you may need help with. I don't know much, but I would be willing to fill in where needed. Can't wait to try this out....Gunna be fun break from the normal stuff. Is it going to be PR but with zombies instead of terrorists?
  9. Hey man try cyperpopwerpc they are WAY cheaper than Dell even with their 10% discount!
  10. ok my Dell that I bought last was missing the Soundcard and they only configured my 1TB HD to allow 134MB! They made me go thru about 2 days of crap before I could finally return it for al full refund. Dell can kiss my ass I will never buy from them again!
  11. DO NOT BUY FROM DELL! Try here: www.cyberpowerpc.com Dell sucks man....period.
  12. Sooner we haven't spoke much, I'll look for you in TS3.
  13. Have a great time man see you when you get back.
  14. I adjusted to map settings and changed the rotation. I also reset it to Allies, give it a try and let me know. Thanks
  15. Hey guys I uploaded some old classes I found today. I thought they might help some of you understand tactics a little better and provide a general base for GOOD info relating to infantry tactics. to those who are interested here you go: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.65 Enjoy.
  16. I never heard of it so I would like to play it first.
  17. Welcome to the site man! Sorry I missed you earlier dude, drop back by and we'll try to get in the air.
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