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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Ok guys this is brandzones latest offer on servers.

    1. Teamspeak 3, 50 Slot


    2. Project Reality Server 32/32 (BF2 Mod)


    3. Forgotten Hope 2 Server 32/32 (BF2 Mod)


    4. BF3 32 slots


    Total: $118.03/mo

    It would mean new IP's and starting all over again with ranks, scores on gametracker, etc..

    I couldn't find the other post I made, so I just made another.

    Hi everyone!

    A big hurrah to you!!!!! We?ve won for now -- SOPA and PIPA were dropped by Congress today -- the votes we?ve been scrambling to mobilize against have been cancelled.

    The largest online protest in history has fundamentally changed the game. You were heard.

    On January 18th, 13 million of us took the time to tell Congress to protect free speech rights on the internet. Hundreds of millions, maybe a billion, people all around the world saw what we did on Wednesday. See the amazing numbers here and tell everyone what you did.

    This was unprecedented. Your activism may have changed the way people fight for the public interest and basic rights forever.

    The MPAA (the lobby for big movie studios which created these terrible bills) was shocked and seemingly humbled. ??This was a whole new different game all of a sudden,? MPAA Chairman and former Senator Chris Dodd told the New York Times. ?[PIPA and SOPA were] considered by many to be a slam dunk.??

    ?'This is altogether a new effect,' Mr. Dodd said, comparing the online movement to the Arab Spring. He could not remember seeing 'an effort that was moving with this degree of support change this dramatically' in the last four decades, he added."

    Tweet with us, shout on the internet with us, let's celebrate: Round of applause to the 13 million people who stood up - #PIPA and #SOPA are tabled 4 now. #13millionapplause
  3. The Vote for this Bill is scheduled for Jan 24th.

    If you don't know what SOPA is, or why you should care, please visit the link below and you'll get all the answers you need. Basically, It would be an end to sites like this one! PLEASE TELL CONGRESS NO!


    PLEASE HELP STOP SOPA! Contact your state representatives and tell them NO! Let your voice be heard before it's too late.
  4. We've Installed a new Toolbar!

    With this Toolbar you can now send/receive files, translate conversations, create public Chatrooms, invite people for "player 2 player" games (like Checkers, Chess, Russian Roulette, etc.) import your Facebook Chat, draw messages to others to other members and many other new features!

    To view, please log in and check it out. Hope you like it and find it useful.

    NOTE: If you are a member of a Clan and wear your clan tag in front of your name like so "=VG= BLuDKLoT" you will have to place the tag at the END of your name like so "BLuDKLoT =VG=" or the toolbar will NOT display your name correctly.

    To fix this, go into your profile settings and place your clan tag AFTER your name, example: BLuDKLoT =VG= and this will fix the problem.

    HOW TO: When you try to change your display name, after clicking SAVE, it will give you an error pop-up that your Avatar is too big. Just click ok on the error and then perform the exact same function again making sure your info is correct (because at this point your Avatar has been auto deleted by the site) and now you can SAVE your new display profile without getting the error.

    Now, to get your Avatar back, return to the album that contains your avatar and simply select "make this my avatar" and your avatar will be reset back to normal!


    If you have any other issues, or need help getting set up, just send me a chat!



  5. here is more info on that issue. I just made Ramiel the first map on the custom maps server so it shows in the list, we'll see if this works.

    yeh its a map thing i'm sure of it.
    when PR had the LAN, some maps didnt show in the server list.

    what we did was boot a stock map. then when people were on change it.
    one of the moders/mappers said it was just a bug in the map, but didnt know how to fix it.

  6. Hey all we've got some spots running on www.hooahradio.com

    I use the hooahradio toolbar they offer, you can get it here http://hooahradio.ourtoolbar.com/exe/?sourceid=3&bannertypeid=2&bannerName=horizontal_468X60_7&bannerculture=en

    Just install it and stay tuned. I just heard the first LIVE VG mention! and it wasn't too bad! It's really cool to hear DJ's talking about VG Live on the Radio. Epic!

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