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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. PC Gaming can change your brain! Recent studies are finding that these changes improve creativity, decision-making, concentration and dexterity. What I find ironic is that the violent games have the most the beneficial effects on the gamers brain. Government-funded researchers in the US and Europe have reported similar findings.

    In the largest public study of electronic gaming so far, Mark Blair at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, is turning the games themselves into a laboratory for learning. He is analyzing the behavior of 150,000 people who play a popular online game called StarCraft II, to learn how new knowledge and experience can become second nature, integrated into the way we react to the world around us.

    I wonder how VG could get into this, lol.
  2. SU just jumps you from site, to site, to site, based on your Likes. You press the Stumble button and it shows you sites it thinks you may like based on categories and Likes. You need to register, create a profile, then start following people or things you Like. Then you also "Stumble" other sites you find interesting and most importantly, SHARE content to SU from sites that you like, hence VG. I basically share 1 arcade game per day via the online arcade category, then I also submit news posts, forum posts, downloads, etc.. Make sure you use proper tags and write a nice description, or copy it from what you're sharing. Simple, but very effective. Try it!
  3. Hello,

    I started a Group on the BMS Forums for those of you that fly with us. If you could join the new Group and help get me get it going, it could hopefully bring new players to the site. (for the flight sim crowd)

    Link is below.


  4. Welcome to the site! A new update just came out for Falcon BMS 4.32 so I'm doing the dance right now getting re installed but I'll be flying later tonight. All the stuff you need to get it installed you can find in our DL section. See you soon!

    1. Falcon 4.0 .exe
    2. BMS 4.32
    3. Update 1
    4. MFD/CMS File
    5. MP Fix

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