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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. with Six Updater installing the mods is so easy. I got both mods, for both our servers installed and was in the servers within 30 minutes. All you do is find our servers in the six updater browser list, right click and select install mods/updates and join the server, then it does everything for you. It's awesome and this sounds like fun!
  2. Got this from my Mom today via email,

    read the text first and then watch the video, it takes less than a minute and it is amazing Death by Phosphorous (Unbelievable!)

    What you are about to watch is an actual event. The Israeli Armed Forces filmed this in real time. What you'll see is a fully armored Syrian tank being hit by an Israeli laser-guided, steel-penetrating, phosphorous-filled "hand held" rocket. The rocket is small, very portable and is a tightly controlled weapon. Each one is accounted for when they are checked out and back in. There must be no fewer than 2 soldiers present to verify the use, one must be a senior officer with a minimum of 10 years military service. (the name and program is classified)

    This tank was headed for one of Israel 's settlements. There were four more tanks one mile to the rear of this tank. They turned around before getting to this area after learning what had happened to the lead tank.

    You can hear the ammunition going off after the initial strike. No Syrian tank crew member survived this event (pretty obvious) and it did not make the news.
    It is an everyday event for Israel 's Armed Forces and they do not permit the "embedding" of news reporters with their armed forces like we Americans do. This weapon and its tactical use is for their survival, not for "news" entertainment. Perhaps we should take a page from the Israeli Military Handbook.

    Unreal power.
  3. airbornealways LAN_WROTE ...

    Date: 04/07/2012
    Time: 1700 CST
    Location: ARMA server

    Putting forth a date/time for having fun on one of the ARMA servers. Can't call this an official =VG= Day, but who says it has to be official to coordinate to get the most people.

    The time I put was the time I am most likely going to be able to join.

    Feel free to use the Calendar too
  4. Assuming you are staying we need to move your Cloud Dedicated Server to a new physical cluster host and its RAID protected storage.

    Ideal we would like to do this within business hours.

    Please let us know your though / if we can do this any time during the day.

    We would like to do the move ASAP.

    If business hours aren?t suitable please let us know what you would prefer.

    If you are not renewing the service please let me know as we will just let the service lapse rither than moving you.

    Your machine is hosted within our cluster which is made up of 64core / 256GB ram blade servers.

    We have some of the best hardware in the industry, best network and best data centre location.

    You would be comparing chalk and cheese.


    Aidan Marshall

    Alpha-Networks Support Team

  5. hey guys just some news on the move situation. I've been going back and fourth and as it turns out, our current host was just about to upgrade us to RAID hosting. Our current server with them is 5 Core 2.4Ghz / 8GB RAM / 235GB RAID so really for $5/mo. difference I think we might be good to just sit tight and see how the new RAID upgrade works before we move all our shit somewhere else and really Alpha-Networks has been good overall since we've been with them considering I'm hard to please, lol. Anyway, we're staying put for now.

  6. I've been really enjoying the TS3 Overlay Plugin. I just started using it yesterday in BMS and it's awesome! It places a little box in the left corner of your screen and when people join the server, it shows them as they come and go so you know who is joining, etc.. It's very cool. I wouldn't use it in games with anti cheat like Punk Buster because you might get banned due to some bug, but for games that don't use it, definitely use the Overlay!! It's AWESOME!

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