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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. thanks for signing up guys but use the site as well. Post a blog entry, add relavent content if you can. Go through it all and then post you opinions. The developers have agreed to give me 20% off ALL the items so it's a good deal. We just need to figure out oif it's us or not. You can see a full demo of jcow here featuring some of the missing modules we don't have like the forums, groups, pages, etc..

    DEMO: http://demo.jcow.net/
  2. Here's a chat I had with our friend Jerry from ArmA 3. Please read the chat and if you can help, please post your intent here, thank you.

    Jerry: 3:34pm
    are u awake?

    VG: yo sup

    Jerry: hey hey
    i need ~3 Veterans-Gaming/ArmA themed postcards.
    could you produce these before sunday?
    its for a community initiative, cant say much more about it, except the resolution must be 800x600 or a multiple of that.
    the postcards can be submitted here : helpivanmartin@gmail.com

    VG: I will try my best any special style?

    Jerry: it should have the community name/logo on it.
    its should arma themed.
    it could be a funny card, or just showing of your mods/addons etc.
    NO POLITICAL MSG (related to greece ) is allowd.
    by monday, you'll understand where its for. ( but you can guess it by now i think )

    VG: ok I'll ask my community as see what we can do. I have no talent personally, but we have lots of kind souls that help VG so maybe they can do something. I will ask them via our Forums

    Jerry: great!
    keep an eye on helpivanmartin.org ( on Sunday )

    VG: you bet man, we're always following

    Jerry: i'll go bother more people now THANKS

    VG: ok, lol. see ya

    Can you help us make some Post Cards?
  3. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Since I'm one of the few people left in the world who doesn't have facebook, twitter or a blog, it's a bit weird looking. But I'm guessing thats because I'm used to good old forums and have no idea how social networking works. As long as it has a forum I'll survive! ^^

    keep in mind i wont look anything like that when we get the theme made. That's just the core PHP of the platform. When we get the theme done, it will look freaking amazing. Right now we're just trying to find something to fill in for all the social community features we need. We're well behind the power curve when it comes to fresh technologies and we really need to get with the times so-to-speak. You guys don't see it, but this site it past it's prime. I like jcow but there are allot of other options out there. This was one of the best so far IMO.
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