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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. You don't make much unless you score a sweet domain. I just spoke to a guy that owns "www.vg.com" and he's turned down offers of $300k! He says the site gets 2000 unique visits a days just from searches for video games. He said he'd lease it to me for $3k/mo..LOL I about shit myself. If I had $3k to lease something it would be a damn Ferrari! But I guess he scored with that one. He said 2 letter domains are HOT right now....I guess he's right.

    The most I've made so far selling domains is $40, but I haven't seen this guys offer yet :)


    2 letter domains are the rarest real estate on the web. It's like ocean front property - there is only so much and the demand is only increasing while the supply is decreasing.

    I would consider leasing VG.com to you for $3,000 per month. The domain gets more than 2,000 unique visitors per day just typing in VG.com and most of them are looking for video games.


  2. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I would really appreciate the help if one of you could package up the updated CLAfghan Map and replace the one in our download section.

    I'd love to but every time I try and upload a file over about 100MB my browser times out and the upload fails. It's probably my shitty ISP throttling my connection... do we have FTP access to our website?

    Here's the full update Clafghan from Armaholic with required files (547MB):


    Here is the updated clafghan.pbo file ONLY (download this one if you know what you are doing - 135MB):


    Savage call me on the Blud Phone (use the cometchat bar or xfire and call me) and I will set you up. And don't link to Armaholic we host our own files and have it uploaded on our site. Armaholic admin abuses their powers and I've been personally harassed by their main admin, so we're going to make our own path and not partner with them at all, in any way! At least until their main admin is FIRED for abuse! I even filed a complaint with the site owner to warn him about this guy, only to have "this guy" reply to me saying he intercepted my message, it will never receive it's recipient and because I sent such a letter, he (that guy) removed every post I ever made on that site to punish me for reporting him to the owner of Armaholic for being abusive and over controlling.

    Since then I don't spend 1 second on that fucking site.

    Thank you.
  3. And so I bought one that was very cool gheyness.com my wife laff'd at me and thought I'd be stuck with it forever!

    Well today I find this in my Inbox:


    I have a question about your domain name "GHEYNESS.COM"

    Does anyone own this? Can I buy it?

    I can be reached at chadmaestro@xxxxxxxxxx.com.
  4. Syntax LAN_WROTE ...

    Hey guys, this is my first post.
    It's about the Arma 2 Inurgency Server, it looks like nobody cares for this server, cause like a week there was no restart; it's always the same, no mhq and some destroyed vehicles.(for about months i wanted to play again on VG Server; i've found now the VG Site and was even suprised there is a Ranking for this :).)
    So i wanted to ask if somone can enable the voting for admin.
    I spend realy long time on this server and i'm kinda sad that noone cares for this server;
    Hope someone reads this.

    Has voting been enabled?
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